The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1946, Page Page 4, Image 4

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September 26, 1946
Page 4
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"ourlxy of Unroln Journal.
At an August wedding Miss Kay King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lowell R. King became the bride of Robert Lee Koenig, son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Koenig:. Mrs. Koenig attended Stephens college and
the University of Nebraska where she was a member of Alpha Chi
Omega. The couple are at home at the Dutter apartments and the
bridegroom is attending the University.
Two Mile Team
Ready for Run
With Norsemen
Bobby Ginn, Madison distance
standout and a former MCAA
mile champion, will head the
four-man Nebraska two mile
squad which will go to Minne
apolis for a dual Saturday morn
ing with the University of Min
nesota team.
Also included on the team
Jim Martin, freshman from ( i
aha Benson who won the '
medal in the 880 last spring in
the state high school meet, Blaine
"Okie" Younr, North Platte vet
eran who lettered as a half miler
on last year's Husker track team,
and Phil Meyers, Nelson harrier.
' None of these men competed on
last year's championship squad
which was defeated by graduation
and service calls.
Student Cheering
Section Will Be
Biggest in History
With sales of student activity
tickets expected to soar over the
9,000 mark, Business Manager Ad
Lewandowski announced that the
sturent section at University of
Nebraska football games this fall
will be the largest in history.
Heavy Sale.
Lewandowski also announced
that over 1,500 tickets for the
Minnesota game have been sold
in Lincoln. An additional 200
tickets for the Gopher contest
have been obtained.
Indications point to a packed
house for the Kansas State game
here on October 5. With the end
zone bleachers thrown open to the
Knothole gang, the crowd is ex
pected to approach 35,000.
ft: ' , It
t'ourtrsy of Lincoln Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shimerda of Wilber announce the engagement
of their daughter, Faye Marie, to Ted Rose, son of Mr and Mrs.
C. E. Rose. A junior at the University, Miss Shimerda is a member
of Alpha Lambda, Delta, scholastic fraternity. Mr. Rose is a sopho
more at the university and is affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Wedding Bells
Ring for Coeds
uring Summer
Are you alone and a onesome
while all your friends walk down
the steet in twosomes? Or do you
still number among youur as
quaintances some members of the
N. I. S. H. S. T. L. Lodge? (No, I
still number among your ac
If, like us, you spent your sum
mer weeping at your best friend's
wedding, if you simmered while
they sauntered down the aisle
and you cursed while they vowed
and then spent your meager al
lowance in gift shops featuring
cut-rate prices, then you, too, rel
ished your return to a veritable
paradise for young bachelors and
calculating coeds (not to be con
fused with cool). That's what you
The D. G.'s suffering from the
nuptial d.t.'s took their first eager
trip to their favorite haunt, the
dining room, and discovered three
of ieir bashful busboys had
walked the middle aisle this sum
mer and that Gordon Coolie, Bud
Varvel, and Mearl Mosher are
now wiping plates for their re
spective young wives. The dental
college is also proud to add to
their list of newly-weds Marilyn
Boettcher and Fred Hecox. If you
meet a couple of particularly
beaming faces between classes in
Andrews it might be any one of
these "two can liv as cheaply
as one" theorists.
We who are suffering from
green demons in our blessed one
ness think that a lot of people
have this same theory. I'll never
jeopardize my career, we keep
yelling, all the time thinking
secret witful thoughts of young
un like Pauly Martz and Dick
Buck, of piano fame, giddily sell
ing shoes in Kearney. And this,
my single friends isn't the half of
it. Beth Montgomery and Fred
Metheny followed up a "spring
is in the air" romance with
promises tP love, honor and obey
or is it cherish now, since wom
an sufferage has come into its
own. Well, ' anyway, it should
be! Joining sister Beth were Peg
Miles and Mary Lancaster when
they said their "I do's" to Al
O'Connor and Bob Hopkins. Lucky
And there are those who are
still open-mouthed at Sallie Emer
son's most recent announcement
that she will be ex-Marine Jack
Rice's inspiration while he's
knocking off hours towards grad
uation. Phi J. J. Van Home de
cided that Ivan Hasek had more to
offer than the classroom grind and
is housewifeing in Tulsa.
And just in case I haven't con
vinced you that this stuff can't
get enough of this wonderful
can be catching, Janet Krause
took Jack Westerdahl for better
or worse a few days after she
left the U. of N. with a brand
new degree.
Still working on same is Ginny
Turner while working still harder
on keeping husband Art Jetters
happy. Kappa prexy Jeanne
Guenzel is doing duty as an Army
wife after her marriage to Don
Stewart, still wearing the uni
form. Still in the ranks the stu
dent ranks that is, are "Doc"
Atkinson and Lila Latham who
tied the knot this summer.
Oh, and there are more lots
more but there's no doubt left
in my mind even if there is in
yours that the old American cus
tom of marriage may eventually
replace the putt putt!
Fred Astaire dropped ten
pounds rehearsing and executing
his last screen dance, "Puttin" on
the Ritz" for "Blue Skies". He an-
ounced his retirement from movies
after the Technicolor musical was
I finished.
1 A nice little house or
comfortable apartment.
1 .
a new car.
3 A dozen assorted Arrow shirts.
All these items are scarce today so great
is the demand and it would be harder to
buy a dozen Arrows than a house or a car.
But your preferred shirt is coining back in
greater quantities all the time. Why not
drop around, we may have just your size?
Before you grab your old Mustang or Hellcat and start getting your favorite Arrow shirts the
EASV way, try your favorite Arrow dealer he may have just the one you want next time.