3 Page 4 THE NEBRASKAN dlaqqsijdL BY JEANNE HICKEY Amid the scramble to get to class, plans for the Minnesota-Nebraska game are taking shape. Sal Swiler, Ruth O'Hanlon' and Susie Storz plan to travel via the air while Bill Perkins, Art Beindorff, Dodie Easterbrook, Perry Rankin and Norm Loger will burn up the Highway. There promises to be a good turnout judging irom all the nouses who have bought block tickets. Dancin' to Anson at the Pike Saturday nieht were Sarah Mm ray with Jim Pettis, Ellie Stahl and Bill Edeecomb. Jerrv Ander son and Amy Jo Bergh and Bob vvinkie and Sal Stefans. The Phi Psi deal Saturday found Nancy Mines with Bui Mickel while Gin ny Johnson and Don Ostrand com pleted the party. Candy Already Candy passing got underway last night when Liz Stuart Dassed out the sweets with new pinmate stan Bremer. Dee Boren still has his pin. Couples of the week: Bill Lear with Peggy Cowles, Nancy Wat kins and Don Bock, Marilyn Dies tel and Tom Milliken and Duke Schemel and Sue Tauby and M. A. Cawood with Al Cochran. Good news for places to go King's has proclaimed Friday night as College night starting October 4th. No stags and lots of good bands. College men will be at the door so if you don't think you look much like a Joe College bring your I. D. card. Sounds like a good deal. See you all at the game! "To Each His Own" has been nominated for Academy Award laurels by 95 percent of the news papers reviewing the film. Amberology Freshman's Last Resort BY BETTY McGRATFI The unhappy freshman boldly looked through her binoculars to see if the end of the line were in sight. It was. New hope . . . Four hours and two packages of cigarettes later the Book Store at tendant braked. "Next!!" and our Freshman collapsed on the count er. "One 'General Biology Book, please." "Sorry, the amoeba in front o you took the last one." "May I have an 'Introduction to Spanish' book?" "All out. However, our present order will be filled in 1958. Please dminthen. ' "W in afraid I can't wait. I'll need two pencils." Saw-ree, no pencils. No pen cils, no paper, no dictionaries, and NO 'Encyclopedias Brittanica.' The only thing I have left is one copy of 'Forever Amber." "I'll take that, thank you." And the Freshman got an A in torever Amberology. The moral of the story is, don't give up hope. There is a book for everyone, and if you can't get the one you want, make the most of what you can get. Cheerleader Tryout Additional tryouts to fill one remaining male vacancy in the yell squad will be held in the Union ballroom tonight at 7 p. m. Any men students of sophomore standing or above who are interested in trying out should report to Art Bein dorff, Yell King, in the Union at the scheduled hour. WHY WAIT FOR CROWDED BUSSES? MEN'S DORMITORY SLEEPING QUARTERS STUDY ROOMS SNACK-BAR $12.50 Per Month 2 Blocks from Cam pug 1210 P St. Telephone 2-2809 UNIVERSITY APPROVED Reservations should be made at once! THE JAKE'S EAT EAT EAT STOP INN "PRONTO-PUPS" 15c 2849 A ST. Delicious New Taste-Treat 'TASTY-KING" HAMBURGERS The Meat Trt Covers the bun -fcVC Fairmont's Ice Cream - Hot and Cold Drinks Open Until Midnight High School Band Entries Roll In For Oct. 5 Game Entries for High School Band Day which will be celebrated when the University of Nebraska opens its home football season against Kansas State, October 5, are beginning to arrive. Donald A. Lentz. in charge of the affair, stated that no entries would be accepted after Septem ber 23. All band members In uni form will be admitted to the Nebraska-Kansas State football game. In the morning the bands will be each given seven irfinutes at which time military men and musicians will Judge them. Bt tween halves the bands will be massed for the playing of three numbers. These will be "The Star Spangled Banner" in B flat; "El Capitan" and "His Honor" march. Peter Lorre sums himself up .. in two words, "adult delinquent". WORLD-FAMOUS PAINTER OF THE AMERICAN SCENE A A." OL.the world's most wanted pen I y -, y 6. ,v. v.v.v . VAWvni ;::ss;v:::;v4-.: Truly remarkable is the preference for Parker 51's. Recently, American pen dealers, by a margin of 3.37 to 1, named Parker the most wanted pen. More-wanted than all other lead ing makes combined. Today, more 51's than ever before are being shipped. So see your dealer soon. Here is a pen made to true precision standards not just hurried out. The sturdy tubular point starts writing instantly, smoothly. For the tip is a ball of R T1 " micro-polished Osmiridium. Onlythe"5l, is designed for satisfactory use with Parker "51" Ink that dries as it writes! Three colors. $12.50; $15.00. Pencils, $5.00; $7.50. Sets, $17.50 to $80.00. The Parker Pen Com pany, Janesville, Wis. and Toronto, Canada. Announcing SAME dDIF - - - FOR - - - njKrnwiEniisnw 1 Ji EATTIEm 1946-47 SERIES OF 5 PLAYS SEASON TICKET - - - - $3.00 Individual Reserved Scat - - - -75c Prices Include Federal Tax TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT Magee, Hovland-Swanson, Miller & Paine Service desk, Golds, and The University Theater Box Office Open 12:30-6:00 Daily, Temple Bldg., 12lh and R. Phone 2-7181 Ext. 73 2 Rings Season Ticket Campaign Opens Monday, Sept. 15 and Closes Saturday Evening, October 5th