The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 20, 1946, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Friday, September 20, 1946
George Miller
IM Program
Biggest Ever,
Says Means
The all-university intramural
program wastes no time in getting
started; for Louis E. Means, Direc
tor of Student Physical Education
has announced that the first games
of the touch football season will
be played on Thursday, Septem
ber 26 at 5:00.
Other events coming soon on the
calendar are bowling, cross coun
try, basketball free throw tourna
- ment, swimming and wrestling.
A meeting: will be held Monday,
September 23, at 5:00 at the "N
Club room in the coliseum for all
representatives of campus men'
organizations. Every organization,
fraternity or non-fraternity, is
urged to have a representative
present for the meeting:, for at
that time complete plans for the
year will be discussed, and organ
ization of the intramural setup
A similar meeting for women
will be held soon at Grant Me
morial Hall.
Means anticipates the greatest
year for intramural activities in
the history of the university, and
has reached a far-reaching pro
gram of both competitive sports
and recreational functions for
Emphasis will be placed on vol
untary recreation for men and
women both in intramural leagues
and tournaments, as well as in co
recreational activities for mixed
Irai,'ur Sport.
Touch FooMall Sept. 26 to No. 8.
Bowlini;-Nw 5 tu Dec. 13.
Bas'K. tl. all-!-. 2 to Ffb. 21.
Water Pn!o- Keh. 17 to Minh 26.
Volleyball Man h 17 to April 25.
Softball April 14 to May 23.
Siwclal Event.
Cross Country Turkey Race- Nov. 26.
Indoor Tra.-k M.-et Jan. 15-16.
Outdoor Trnrk Relays May 6-R.
Swimminc Carnival Nov. 14. IS. 21.
Moxinc Mate.e. Mfcrch IS. 20. 25
Hall Coif T"iirney Oct. 2".
Sprint' Oolf Tourney May 18.
Rifie Shootinc Date undecided
Golf Drivir.c Contests May 15.
Individual Toaroeys.
Free Throw Tourney Oct. 7. 8. 9. lrt.
Individual Bowline Dec. 9. lo, n.
Table Tennis Team Tourney Oct. 14 to
N". 18.
Tahltf Tennis Individual Starts Nov. 4
WreMlini: Tourney Nov. IS. 19, 20. 21.
Handball Team Tourney Nov. 25 to
Jan. 10.
Handball Individual Tourney Starts
Dee. 3
Squath Tam Tourney Jan 13 to Feb. 12
Squash Individual Tourney Start
Feb. 10.
Badminton Individual Tourney Starts
March 17.
Horseshoe Slncles Starts April 14.
Tennis Singles -Starts April 14.
Tennis Doubles Starts April 14.
Husker Mentor
Wonders Until
Gridders Play
Coach Bcrnie Masterson of the
University of Nebraska football
team is perplexed.
Wherever he has been lately he
is met with this comment:
"Well, I see you have a great
football team coming up this
The Cornhusker coach, in foot
ball for 19 years as a player and
coacn, wonders now anyone is
able to tell what a football team
will do until it has bumped heads
in actual combat with another
Lack of experience in the play
ers now assigned to the first three
teams makes their future a huge
question mark.
Tackles Green.
There are sis? players in the first
string who have had no previous
experience. These six include both
tackle positions. Only two players,
Jack Hazen, at end, and Eddie
Schwartzkopf, guard, are playing
their final season.
The second lineup has five
freshmen .three with one year's
experience and three with two
years. The third lineup has six
freshmen, two with a years sea
soning and three with two years.
"There it is reduced to basic
facts," said Coach Masterson.
'And to my knowledge no one has
yet figured out a substitute for
experience in football."
It - -
)' r,
Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
er quarterback who will see
plenty of action this season in
Bernie Masterson's T formation.
No Outfits
For Cairers:
drills Near
Referees Wanted
All men interested in officiating
football and basketball games for
the intramural program are asked
to report to L. E. Means, Director
of Student Physical Education, at
his office in the coliseum.
Officials will be paid for their
services, and all applications
should be made before Sept. 24.
Famed portrait photographer
Paul Garrison recently selected
Marlene Dietrich as the most
photogenic actress in the world. He
also nominated the star of Para
mount's "Golden earrings" as
Hollywood's most co-operative
The wartime doldrums have
Athletic activity at Nebraska is
back on a peace time basis. There's
a record turnout for football new
faces in the coaching ranks full
schedules for Husker teams and
the fromise of full stands to view
these teams.
Among the new faces is Harry
Good, now head basketball coach
Good comes to Nebraska from In
diana where he had outstanding
success with the Hoosier cage
teams. With a nucleus for a po
tentially good basketball team on
the campus, Good should be the
man to pull the cage sport back
into the prominence it deserves in
the athletic program.
Another newcomer is Ilolhe
Lepley, varsity swimming: coach
and member of the physical ed
ucation staff. He will get his
first bit f action tomorrow
when he directs the state high
school swimming: championships
which will be held during the
day at the university pool in the
More new additions to the
coaching family are several for
mer Cornhusker football stars who
have been engaged to assist Pop
Klein with the Nubbins and frosh
pigskin performers. Ray Prochas
ka, outstanding end on the Rose
Bowl squad is head coach of the
Nubbins outfit, . assisted bv Bob
Kahler. Bob Mehring, Bob Mc
Nutt and Dale Bradley are other
Huskers of by gone days back in
the football picture. Bradlev. all
Big Six halfback several seasons
ago, is assisting Trainer Elwyn
uees with the man-sized task of
caring for the halt and lame on the
football squad.
The Nebraska front line will be
facing the nephew of one of
Minnesota's all-time greats on
September 28 when Dean Wid
seth, takes his position as a tackle
seth .takes his position as a tackle
spot against Gomer Jones' charges.
Playing for Great Lakes last
season, Widseth earned his spurs
against top flight opposition. His
coach in 1945, Paul Brown, de
clared that Dean was a "humdinger."
In keeping with a Husker tradi
tion of long standing, only two
members of the 51-man squad now
considered as the Nebraska varsitv
are from outside the state. End
Fritz Mandula from Younusl own
Ohio, and Tackle Roger Johnson
oi facandia, Minnesota, who played
for Potsy Clark last season as a
navy unit trainee, are the two
gridders who do not consider Ne
braska as their home state.
Prep Splash
Meet Saturday
At Coliseum
The University of Nebraska
will be host to the Nebraska State
High School Swimming Cham
pionships at the University Coli
seum pool, Saturday, Sept. 21.
Preliminaries will start at 10
a. m., with finals in all events
scheduled for 3 p. m. Coaches
will meet for final details at
9 a. m.
This will be the first attemDt
to hold the state swimming meet
in the fall, and action of the
NHSAA Board in settinc the meet
on this date was to stimulate en
tries of swimmers fresh from
summer swimming activities over
the state.
Tech Favored.
First entry was from the meet
favorites, Omaha Tech, coached
by R. L. Cams. Tech won the
1946 spring championship. Cams
entered 13 swimmers. Lincoln
high school, coached by Warren
Emory, has entered 18 men.
Omaha Boys Town will send five
men with Coach Paul Hartnek.
Coach Hollie Lepley, new uni
versity swimming coach, will
have charge of the meet, assisted
by Ed Higginbotham, swimming
instructor. Spectators will be ad
mitted to all events. University
varsity swimmers and physical
education staff will have charge
of the events as officials.
Basketball drills get underway
Monday, according to Head Coach
Harry Good who has outlined a
training program including cross
country running and volleyball for
all cage aspirants.
The first practice will be held
Monday, Sept. 23 ,at 4 o'clock in
the coliseum.
Bring Equipment.
Due to an equipment shortage
all basketball candidates will have
to furnish their own shoes and
"Our players likely will rival
the rainbow in the various col
ored jerseys they will be forced to
wear, Coach Good said. "The
shoe problem is the hardest hur
die we face. We simply cannot buy
Welcome to Emmanuel
, J
Methodist Campus Chapel
1 5th and U Streets
Morning Service at 11:00 A. M.
Pastor, Harold M. Bryant, Chaplain
and Counselor to Methodist Veterans
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Snappily tailored Pop Jackets with
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100 virgin wool fabrics in a
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Dark green, chocolate brown,
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With or without
I'leate akUne 10 days for Meistergramming
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