The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 15, 1946, Image 4

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    facje 8
Wechesay, May IS. lfrfS
Examination Schedule
M..V " " l )
laboratory riiam nirrltuc far wvrral continuous kuura on or two iaa shall nxvi fur cxanilaaUans aa fottosvas
Issues mfrtlns uit Monday and Tursday shall b examined on tha dais arhrdules for Hrsl hoar of MMnr labarMwy
HHTlInK; Wednesday or Thursday classes oa the aceoad hour of their meeting; Friday or Saturday classes aa ta IMrd fcoar.
I nit examination hare hrrn scheduled for all arrtlooii in Ihe following (abjccts: (1) Baslness UrcanlaaMoa 1 aad 4i
tt) l'iil Knilneerlng 1; 3 Economic II and It: 4 Kducation 61 and Mi 5 Knillsh A, 1, 1. t, 4, 11, 1, Ml r rears
II. 1!, 14: 7) Hiane fcconomlcs 41 and 4; C8 Mathematics 1 1, 12. IS. II. ti. 4t, 101. lot, IDS, 104; Mechanical Knsl
frrini 1; I0 Psvcholoiy 10; till Kpaalsh At and 4. If studrnta nave rrralarly arhednled aiamlnaltoaa roafUrtlac wfl
the above siM-rlally arranged schedule, arrangements la lake suca spertiilly scheduled examinations at another time shoal 4 I M
made with the aVpartment concerned oa or belore May IS. 'ar example: If a student ta scheduled for aa lamlaatHia which
eon 1 1 lets with a specially scheduled examination la rrench, arrangements shoald he mads with the r reach deparimeat la h
aarh r'rcach examination at another time.
to I0:M Classes meeting at 0:00 a. m., five ar four day, or Moa., Wed., Frl., ar any aa or twa a tnass as.
to li:St p.m. (lasses meeting at 111:00 a. m.. Tnes, Thurs.. Hat., or any one or twa or reese nays.
., nri., rn., ar any one or m ) -y.
1:00 a. m
It:Ha a. in
:M p. m
t:. p.m
S:Sd p.m,
la 4:S p.m. Imh meeting at S:00 p.
4:. to
4:30 p.m.
five or four days, or Moa..
five ar four days, ar Moa., Wed.
Krl., or any ana ar two
tassrs meeting at 4:00 p,
All sections In Psychology 10,
to l(i:M a.m. lasses meeting at 10:00 a. nv. five or four day, ar Moa., Wed., frl.. ar aay one ar two rhssa days
to l:St p.m. ( la- nieellni at 11:00 a. m Tact., Than.. Mat., or aay aae ar two of ifcesa da-s.
to 4.80 p.m. (lasses meeting at 4:IHt p. m.. lues, and Ilium, or either one of these days,
to 4:30 p.m. All se.-llons In Mathitiialirs II, 12. It. 21. 22, 42, 101, 102, 10. 104.
lasaa-n Hireling at 11:00 a. m., five ar four dnys. or Mm., Wed., rri.. ar any aa or w ar taear aars
1:00 p. ni.. lues, and Thurs., or either ane at Inesa aay.
I:IM p. ni.. five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Krl., or aay one ar two of these dnjrs.
Tlll'RMtAY, MAY 2S,
lapses nieetlnt at 2:00 p. ni., five or four days,
S:0 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
n:MI a.m. to 0:00 a.m.
Ilh.tfl a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.-
I las mrelinc
latses nieelinK at
ar Man.. Wed., Krl.. or aay aae ar rate af tes days
or either one af these days.
K:l0 a.m. to 10:110 a m
10:30 a. in to 12:30 p.m. I lnr merlins at S:00 p. ni.. Tin-s and Thun
10:311 a.m. In 12:30 p.m. All section lu Merhanii-al Inuineerlnr I.
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All serlion In 1'rriirh It, 12. 14.
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All tx-clliin In Spanish S2 and S4.
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m All section In Home Economic 41 and 42.
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All aerlmn In Economic II and 12.
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m C lashes meeting at 8:00 a. m.. Tne.. Thur.. Sat., ar any one or twa of these days.
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ("liie meeting at :0o p. m.. five or four d.n. or Mon.. Wed., frl.. or any one or rwa a Mieae days,
2:3 p.m. ta 4:30 p.m laes meting at ft:00 p. ni., Tne. and Thur., ar either ane af these days.
2:30 p.m. to 4:.I0 p.m. AM section in Civil Engineering 1.
2:30 p.m. In 4:30 p.m. AH nertiim In Civil EnKlneerinr I.
2:30 p.m. ta 4:30 p.m. All section la Ruinr tirgniiliathm S a,nd 4.
8:00 a.m. to 10:1)0 a.m. ( lasses meeting at 7:00 p. m.. .Moa., Wed.. Erl., or any anc ar Isva af these daps.
:l0 a.m. to 10:00 a. in (i:ie meeting 11 1 7-00 p. m. Tuc. and Thur.. or either one af these days.
:nfl a.m. to lll:ll a.m. All frttn In English A. I. 2. 3. 4. II. 12. 2.
10:30 a.m. to l :3) p.m. All section In Education til .uid a2.
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ( tae meeting at :00 a. m.. five erfoar day, ar Moa., Wed.. Frl.', ar any ear at tvra a tsiese days
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ( lases meliug at 9:00 a. m.. Tue., Thar.. Kl.. ar aay aae ar twa af these dafs.
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. f"lae m-eting at 2:00 p. m., Turs. and Thur. ,or either one of these day.
"He's the best quarterback we've got but will the dean
let him participate?"
Ireland Urges
Dental Reform
At Convention
"The excuses which dentists
have made for not treating chil
dren would be ludicrous if they
were not so lamentable." Dr.
Ralph Ireland, professor of pedo
dontics in dentistry college, de
clared in an address given at the
Nebraska State Dental associa
tion convention in Omaha Mon
Urging Nebraska dentists to as
sume more responsibility and in
terest in the care of children's
teeth, Dr. Ireland continued. "One
dentist informed a mother seek
ing treatment for her child that
'it is against the law to operate
on baby teeth.' Another refused
to fill cavities in the teeth of a
five year old boy because he
could not stand to see the little
boy suffer.' "
So Excuse.
Dr. Ireland called these, and
LOST Rlark Patk.-r 51 Gold Top Pen on
May Njckie Nickerson. 2-7371.
other excuses given, selfish, and
said they are usually indefensible.
He added that lack of understand
ing of the special operative pro
cedures needed in caring for pri
mary or "baby" teeth was partly
to blame.
In ' an effort to reform den
tal practices, Dr. Ireland sug
gested that the first dental ex
amination be made when a child
is two and one-half to three years
old; that before operative treat
ment is attempted dentist know
the differences between primary
and permanent teeth; and that the
operative procedures used on
adults are not suitable for chil
Beimslon To' Write
Associate Degree
Research Bulletin
Dean Nels A. Bengston of the
junior division has been appointed
by the U. S. office of education
to write a research bulletin on
collece and university two-year
courses leading to associate de
grees. A pioneer in the associate de
gree field, the university began of
fering two-year courses in 1942.
They are composed of 40 percent
vocational work and 60 percent
cultural subjects, designed for stu
dents who cannot afford or lack
the time for a full four year uni
versity course.
The bulletin is being prepared
for the purpose of intererting more
colleges and universities in in
cluding two years courses in their
curriculums. Dean Bengston win
collaborate with six other educa
tors in writing the bulletin.
G. W. Groy, Moderator
With a Student Panel
Union Faculty Lounge
Free Refreshments Also Served
Bryan Heads Ag Club
Varsity Dairy club, ag organ
ization reactivated this semester,
elected officers for the coming
year at their regular meeting
Wednesday night.
Those elected were: William
Bryan, president; Donald Chris
tensen, vice president; Robert
Koehler, secretary; and Ned Raun,
news reporter.
The rooster looks amazed,
for how can he be knowin'
that havin' clothes cleaned
makes a guy feel like
1 T "
Two devices are under test as
aids for the blind. One utilizes
the electric eye and the other,
radar waves.
An electric fan, produced in
1896 and still operable, was found
recently in an attic at Shawnee,
9:00 p. m. to 11:30 p. m.
Friday & Saturday
May 17-18
The Whole Park
Ride Skate
Swim Picnic
Bob Lipka and his orchestra
at King's
Good for
5 FREE Dances
8:39 P. L
Every Wed. Fri.
Wo Fay More!! Why?
Heenuse Wc Are Nation
wide Booli Dealers
Sell Your Books As Soon As Possible