The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1946, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Thursday, April 25, 1946
Page 4
The Indians are bark or so it
appears from all the red parched
faces ajid peeling backs of those
aspiring for smooth tans. We
never say die!!! The various roof
haunts have taken on a new at
traction and the buried "binoc
ulars are being brought out and
shined up for hunting season. We
understand a few trees are ruin
ing the view and may soon be
torn out by the roots.
Everyone seems to be getting
in that last promised party of
the year in the fleeting few weeks
this week having more than it
share of the same. Friday night
the girls of Towne Club will come
forth with their Spring Formal
and Prcxy. Marion Priest, will
spend her time with George
Schlacherl; newly engaged Bea
McNeil will bo with fiance, Carl
Schleuter; and, Frannio Baker is
planning a big time witii Tru
man Hohl.
Chi O Formal.
Taking in the Chi O Formal
at the Lincoln Hotel Saturday
night will be such twosomes as
Norma Lee Wyenberg and Jack
Maxwell Bernice Young and Jim
Theobald Shirley Crosby and
Gene Elward and last, but not
least, will be Hink Aasen with
Nog Chapin, the man of her choice
always when a big occasion pre
sents itself. That shows who
renlly rates.
Turning to the more gruesome
side for entertainment will be
the Alpha Chi "Alphatraz" party
on Saturday night, too. Prison is
the theme and pretty cute. The
house will take on the weird out
look of the prison and the War
den, their housemother. All
decked out in sports clothes for
the affair will be Catherine Cur
ley, and Jackie Scott with their
respective dates, Bob Pearson and
Perry Branch wha happened to
Mary Lou Holtz, sorority sister,
in this deal??? Taking in both
this and the Sig Chi "Doghouse"
party of the some night will be
that old twosome, back together
and going strong, Betty Chipman
and Martin Pesek.
While There's Life?
The split between Griff Jones
and Jean O'Neal seems to be
broadening but hopes still remain
where a spark still burns and
Saturday night and their last date
may patch things up.
The big love affair on at the
present is that between Bruce
Busman and Betty Halmes. Give
this attention. Bruce. Your broth
ers are worried about your con
dition. Hank Heidtbrink accompanied
some of the AOP's out the other
(Continued from Page 1.)
tion of each as they will appear
on the final ballot are:
Art and Scleoc.
MKN vol lor I.
Joha I lain. Into lnicpeaitm.
rimer ripratree, tudrat.
Nam Warrea, ealverHly.
WO MKN void fur 1.
Joan Arkennau, I'nlaa Indooeodea.
Harriet Uulii. stndeat.
BaubMM Admaltretloa.
MKN voir, for I.
Ifcmald Hnffman, student.
IHra jlir, Inlon todeeeaiirat.
WO MKN vole for I.
Jeaa ohiHhi, I'ntoa liidepeadeaa.
Virginia an lliirne, atudi-nt.
DKNTAI. voir for 1.
(union iNili y.
Kiurne Writer, Ualoa ladeeeiirient.
MKN vote for 1.
Munley Aarrnao. I nlon nideprndrnt.
Humid Miner, I nlmi ludrprudrnt.
. Irwin Rein, Muilent.
hliMii rrli, innrni
Klne Art.
MKN voir fur 1.
l-rr K'lMn, t'nloa Indroradeat. ...
WOMKN vole for I.
Joan Kankbauarr. I'nina Independent.
Klla Mnhlnn, ludrnl.
.KI)I AIK vole for I.
Nlnart iildlirr. .Indent.
Kred Mrlffrrly, I nloa tadepeadeat.
MKN voir for I.
Ned Itiiilil, I Illon Indi-iM'ndrr.i.
WO.MIN vole lor I.
TrlM llla I'luxii, I nioii Indi'iienilent.
Riilh- I'eler, .Indent.
ttdMKX vole for I. "
Man Itve. Inlon Independent.
rmrlriu Toof, Inlon Independent.
Aril Niiiu. Nltltlent.
Mary Knlhrr lunkln. atadeat.
I'HAKMAf'V voir for I.
Krnrnl l.ulhrr, Inlon Independent.
LAW voir for 1.
Hrrlirrt lliipkiiiN. In Ion lndrendent.
Dean Wiley, Ktutli-nt.
MKN vole for t.
Klrhuril I'oldil, Inlon Indeprndenl.
Millliim SwaiiKim. I iihio ladepenileat.
Wlllium Mlllrr, hluilent.
Iiile Novntny, Hlndiiit.
WOMKN vote for 2.
HorU KnlrrhriMik, 1'nlmi Independent.
Mnrv t'lalre I'hlllliw, I'nina Independent
Hetty l.naj Horton. .Indent.
l.orrnr Novolny. .luilent.
Jl'MOR vole for 1.
Carl Hontun, .Indent.
Hernier Vimii'. I nioii iuilrpendent.
KOI'IIOMORK vole for I.
Kovllle Omit. I nlon independeal.
Joneph llolkrr.
SKMOIt vole lor 1.
Hum' Klnnler. Htllili'nt.
Art Ri-iudorlf. 1 nlon indriirndrnt.
Vole for I .
I jim r II Anderson, ntndent.
Kohrrl Greene. In ion Indrprndrnt.
afternoon in the absence of Jean
Skinkle to help celebrate the
birthdav of Joan Marcell. The
question is with what and where?
Jo Sib almost didn't make it to
her bowling game as a result.
What prof., when told by M. C.
Phillips that she skipped his class
and had a coke to celebrate her
21st birthday, was very much sur
prised??? "Love and leave "em" Jack
Cawood was back in town Tues
day night for a date with Billy
We have heard that there are
many South Bend treks in the
offing for this weekend and that
sounds good to us. Here's all to
keeping cool.
Place Your Order
- Y0MY
Tort Books
Student SupplUi
Examination Schedule
I .a oratory elaaaee meetlat; for aevrral euatlnuow koar mm oae or two day ahaJI meet tor e lamination at foilowM
, i - .!.,. ... M.M.ri.v unit Taeodav aball ba examiaed on tha data erheduled for tha flrat hovir af Urnlr 'labor
meellni: Vr dura dar or Thursday claaae. oa Ina aeeona aour mt ineir meeiinf rnnay or mu, Bonn oa mtra aoaiv
Dull axaailaatloa. unr beea arhedulrd for all arrtiim. In the followlnc uliertn: (I) Diulneaa OrganliaHoa and 4;
(t ilvll Knitlneerln li Kronoinia 11 and It! (4) Kducalton m and (III () Kntll.h A, 1, t, t, 4, 11, 11, III ( K reach
II, It, 141 (T Ilanie Koononilc. 41 and 4ti ( Malhematlr. 11, It, IS, tl, 11, 42. 11, 102, 101, 104) ( Meebanlnal ICnuU
nrerinc 1) ll rycbolcy 7ti (111 KpanUh 62 and 4, If atadent. have rrrnlmrty arbodaled esamlnatloaa eotiruetlac wflll
I he above apeelally arratiKed aehedoki, ajraenienl ta lake aaeb apeeially whednled .amtaatlana at another time ahoald ba
made with h denarlnient ronerrned oa or before May 12. for example! If a atadeat I arheduled for aa evamlnatloa whie
rnafllet. wllh apeelally arhedulad eumlnatloa la 1 rrnoh, arranieinenU .aoald b made with Um F reach aeaartmeat ta taka
mirh K reach e.anvlnatloa at nothor tlnn.
: a.m. to l:M a. at Tlaaae meeting at t o a. m., five or foar day., or Mon., Wed., Prl., or any one or tire af thee eat.
I0:M a.m. ta 12:S a.m. (iaae-meetln at 10:00 a. m., Toea, Thur... Hat., ar any one or two of tnene day.
t: a.m. la 4:30 p.m. (iaaae. meeting at S:00 a. m., five or foar day., er Mm,, Wed., Prl., or any one or two af taeae day.
2: 0 p.m. to 4:110 p.m. t'laaae. meeting at 4:00 p. ni., five or four day., or Mm, Wed., Krl., ar any one or rwe of theae day.
t:S0 p.m. to 4:S0 p.m. AU section, fat r.yeholoty TO.
Tl'KHDAlf, MAY tt.
to 10:00 a.m. 4'laaae. meetlac at 10:00 a. m., five ar fonr day., or Moa., Wed., Frl., ar any one ar tvr of Hieae day.
lo 12:30 p.m. (ia.r. meeting at 11:00 a. m., Tae.., Thur... Hat., ar any on or two of theae aaf.
to 4:80 p.m. t'liwea meeting al 4:00 p. ni.. Ton, and Thorn, or either one of Iheoe day.
In 4:10 p.m All arrllon. la Mathematics II, It, in, tl, 22 , 42, 101, 102, 101, 104.
S:04l a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ('la.w. meeting at II :00 a. m., five ar foar day., or Man., Wed., Frl., or any aaa ar tare af the own
lft:!t a.m. In 12:110 p.m. 4 lan meeting al 1:00 p. m., Tae.. aad Thur.., or either our of tlirae day.
2:.10 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 4la..e meeting at 1:00 p. ni., five or (our day., or Moa., Wrd., Frl., or any one or two of fneae day.
S:00 a.m.
I :M0 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
2:e. p.m.
11:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
I0::0 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
to 10
lo It
to 12
to 12
to 12
ta 12
:( a.m
30 p.m
:30 p.m.
:30 p.m
Sa p.m,
:S4) p.m,
:30 p.m,
30 p.m.
:30 p.m,
:30 p.m.
:30 p.m.
:30 p.m.
:30 p.m.
3:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
3:00 a.m. lo 10:00 a.m.
Oil ... In III OA til
10:311 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
z:so p.m. to :so p.m.
3:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m..
, lae. meeting al 2:00 p. m., five or four day., or Mon., Wed., t'rl., or any one or two of the day
, 'lnRe meetiag at 1:00 p. m.. Tue and Thar.., or either one of Ihew day.
All ectlon In Merlianlral Knglueerlng 1.
All wcl toil la French II, 12, 14.
All nectlon. In RpanLh 32 and 04.
All aerlion In Home Kromimle 41 aad 4t.
AU arcllon. la Kronomir. II and 12.
4'lnmte meeting at 11:00 a. m.. Tae.., Thnr.., S.t., or any one or two of theae day.
4' meeting at 3:00 p. m., five orfour day, or Mon.. Wed., Frl.. or any one or two of Mmmm dar.
( lannr mrliiig at 3:00 p. m.. Tun. and Thur., ar either our of then day,
All aeetlon In Civil F.ngineerliig I.
All aeetlon In Civil F.nginerring 1.
AU arrllon In Bunlne Organiralloa 1 and 4.
Claase meeting at 7:00 p. m., Mon., Wed.. Frl., or any one or twe of tliete days.
Cluaea meeting at 7:00 p. m. Tae. and Thnr.. or either one of Iheae daya.
All aeetlnaa la Kiillh A. I, 2, 3, 4, II, 12, 2.
All aeetlon la F.dnrallnn (11 and 62.
(lame meeting at 1:00 a. m., five or four day, or Moa., Wed., Frl., or any oae of two of Hie dar.
Claaae niellng at 9:0 a. m., Tue., Thiira., Hal., or aay one or two of theae day.
4'laaae meeting al 2:00 P. m., Toe, aad Thur. ,or either one of tlirkr day.
(Continued from Page I.)
Robert Holland, Margaret nun,
Eleanor Knoll, Pat Lathen, Arlene
Marvlander. Betty Joe Packard,
Richard Schleusner, Bill Stunker,
Phyllis Warren, Roberta faes,
Lucy Hapeman and Mryiee nai
Eligible Houses.
Hnnsps which are still eligible
fnr fh p;ivp1 are AlDha Omicron
Pi, Beta Sigma Psi. Delta Gamma,
nd Sigma Delta lau.
Tho wnvpl and run will be in
scribed with the names of the win
ners, who will be allowed to keep
Flight Training
to your curriculum.
Private courses now
available at
Call 6-2885 for details.
them for a year. Alpha Omicron Pi
won the gavel last year, with Zeta
Beta Tau as runner-up. Irving
Epstein won the individual cup,
with Mary Dye as runner-up.
Current national and interna
tional events were the general
subjects of the extemporaneous
The semi-final competition will
be held Thursday at 7 p. m. in
I nite 1
sb Admlaclon Mc and tax
Bus Service frent 10th
203 Temple building, according to
Donald Olson, director of uni
versity debate.
YoiCll find . . .
OGood food
OQuick Service
OThe rest of the
Proprietor Jim Yanney
2801 No. 48th 6-5035
y te Se&t in i ; ..
Our shoemakers and stylists really out-do V 1 - ",' x
themselves in building beautiful Brogues. V ' ' ' . .
J They're their masterpieces. For richer X
leathers, comtorlable fuU-Jiuing lasts and $ af .
7 tLrMT"K' 11 Uoctmaher fjfulld
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