T Sunday, March 24, 1946 THE NEBRASKAN Page 3 H OJStKEEtD DOOitLmrEiT By George Miller Word from the East-West basketball committee informs us that Charlie Black, agile Kansas university eager, is one of the ten western squad members selected to play against an eastern all star team in Madison Square Garden on March 30. The smooth working Jayhawk was probably the outstanding: per former in the Big Six this season, and will get a chance to parade his talent before the critical eyes of the New York fans. With the Kansas quintet out of the NCAA meet after their defeat by Okla homa A. & M., Black's opportu nity comes as a fitting- reward to a fine season. W. H. Browne, Husker basket ball coach and end coach on the football squad, has been re elected first vice president of the National Basketball Coaches' as sociation which is now meeting in New York. Blair Gullion of Connecticut is president of the group, now oc cupied with deliberations on the question of the altitudinous play ers now so common in the game. The majority of the coaches are of the opinion that some rules changes must be made to halt the big men from making a farce of the game. Among the suggested remedies for the problem is the plan to enlarge the free throw lane and thus make the big men stay further away from the basket. The present rules state that no 8BII offensive player may remain in the free throw lane for more than three seconds. The problem is a thorn in the side of many of the nation's fore most cage mentors, and many more suggestions may be expected. Phi Gamma Delia Wallops Navyitcs Boys for Crown To the tune of a 52-25 walk away over the Demolition Boys, the Phi Gamma Delta quintet Thursday night clinched top place in the all-university basketball "tournament of champions." Jim Myers and Bob and Dick Schleiger potted 18, 14 and 10 points, respectively, to put the Fijis way out in front from the very start. The score read 27-4 at the half. What there was of the Demos' offense came in the second half, when Huxley began to hit and sank 15 points for the navy men. The Phi Gams had defeated the 520 Club, independent tourney winner, previously, and with two wins and no losses were undis puted all-university champions. Therefore the third game of the series between the independent and navy champs was forfeited by the Demolition Boys to the 520 Club. Golf Hopefuls Shoot Opening Tryout Round First action on the varsity golf front will get underway this morning at 10 a. m. when 41 can didates for places on the Nebraska golf team tee off in a preliminary qualifying round at the Pioneer course. Coach Bud Williamson will weed out the 15 lowest scorers and these men will shoot another round on April 5. After this sec ond round of medal play the eight squad members will be named. The second round date has been set for after spring vacation so that golfers left in the running may sharpen their game for the final elimination . This match is the first of the Huskers' seven appearances. Williamson named the follow- NATIONAL BOXING MEET. Harold Boker and Ed Cop pie, only two Cornhusker en tries at the N.C.A.A. boxing meet being held this weekend in Stillwater, Okl., were put out of competition in the pre liminary matches. Copple lost Friday afternoon to Richard Ditsworth, Iowa State, 6 to 2. In the semi-finals Boker gave way to George Walker of Oklahoma A. & M. LOST Black wallet in or near the Union Friday morning. Important papers. Keep money in wallet u reward. Turn In to Union office. ing threesomes for today's quali fying play: Rod Monlsmith, C. H. Johnson and Rich ard Knudsoit. William Gard, Jeff Spgar and Freston Tucker, Jr. Phil Fredrickson, Lou Howard and Tom Oillaspie. Ted Vrana, Roy Snyder and Earl Auvl nen. Rollln Bailey, Mac Graham and Ray Wallosky. Rex Grlbble, Karl Barkenhagen and Don Stroh. Phil Sackbauer, Ted Valentine and Dick Klopp. Fred Huax, Ted Waechter and Rex Mchmon. D. W. Silver, Jack Bailey and Don Spomer. L. Sage, Ceorge Bosnia and Johnny Church. Scott Greenwood, T. W. Stegeman and Charles Gleason. Bus Whitehead, J. W. Ncvitt and Jim Liggett. Eddie McElllgott, Dale Raltt and George Dalley. Kenny Adams and Bob Scoville. qjte Rust Craft at tht GOLDEN RO D 215 North 14th South of Student Unloa y, f " , j ft s t " , ? y i :1 i ' i A 1 - M I v i ' i 1 ' HIBISCUS BONFIRE I "?..? t ?..'- I Li n m I ID PENCH Wit CERANIUM CAMELLIA Fl K A li 4 n a . . . and so is MISS RUTH MURTY Guest Consultant from New York representative of CHARLES of the RITZ . . ready to show you the widest as sortment of fashion-checked make up. Consult her this veek. Charles of the Rilz hat the widest as sortment of fashion-checked lipsticks. Any color . . . every color you need. You can depend on these lip-shades for wardrobe-matches . . . dramatic accents . . . brilliant highlights to your own skin-tone. KO I tD BOS I fAnlSICNNI tfOSS MCIX ftlDw.N? $1 plus tax THE "STRAW" THAT BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK . . . But a soft felt hat, ah, that's a different thing ... So form a safari to Harvy Brothers . . . 1230 "O" St. . . . Their new "Top Notcher" hats are correct to "top' off your new spring suit . . . cor rect for campus dress wear . . . correct in mi lady's ideal Max Brum mel . . . Prof: "Didn't you have a brother in this course last year?" Max B.: "No, sir. It was I. I'm taking it over again." Prof: "Extraordinary resemblance, though . . extraordinary' Now you can use your head for more than just a knowledge container . . . Carry that head high with a "Top Notcher" hat . . . Might as well go bare-footed as bare-headed .... When you GET in Harvey Brothers, look around . . . You'll notice that the store is being re-modeled to accom modate your increas ing demands . . . Harvey Bros., OOLD S . . . Street riem