The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1946, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, March 13, 1946
Close Victories Riiark
Closing Boxing Show
Page 3
Close decisions in thre hnnts
highlighted the final bouts of the
au-univcrsuy Doxing tournament
which closed last night at the
coliseum before a crowd of ap
proximately 2,800.
Footballers Bob Lipps and John
Sedlacek pounded out victories
in the 160 and heavyweight divi
sions, and Sedlacek scored the
only TKO of the final bouts when
ne won over Mack Kobinson, Nor
folk gridder, at the end of the
second round.
Del Roth took a close triumph
over Norris Sibert of Morenci,
Mich., in the finals of the light
weight class, using a left jab to
keep the agressive NROTC slug
ger out of range. Roth, from Ply
mouth, scored repeatedly with
stinging jabs to offset the rush
ing style of Sibert.
Wayne Watson, Clarks 147
pounder eked out a narrow win
over Hal Haldeman of Gretna in
the finals of the welterweight
class. Watson had a definite reach
advantage and kept his shorter
opponent at bay until, late in the
third round when Haldeman con
nected with several hard blows,
but these were not enough to re
duce Watson's early point ad
vantage. Thorne Wins Twice.
The light-heavyweight king,
Chick Thorne, won two bouts dur
ing the evening. He opened the
card with a TKO over Harlan
Cranston of Stockham in a semi
final match, and decisioned fra
ternity brother Jack Adams of
winnetka, 111., in the championship
bout. Both Adams and Thorne are
members of Phi Delta Theta.
Stan Diller of Diller gained re
yenge for his all-university wrestl
ing aeieat. uiuer pounded out a
convincing triumph over a tired
Sid Wells in the 126 pound class
to reverse the outcome of the
wrestling finals in the same weight
Sid Salzman of Ainsworth took
top honors in the flyweight divi
sion with a decision over Marvin
Runyan of Chadron. These two
were the only entrants in the
class, and last night's action was
the. first 'appearance for 'both of
In the 118 pound title bout Ray
Roth of Memphis used a height
and reach advantage to good ef
fect in taking a split decision
over Darrell Ellis of Clarkson.
Southpaw Bob Lipps of Lin
coln punched his way to a win
over' Gould Flagg of Ord in the
middleweight final. Flagg ran out
of gas in the third round and
was unable to pile up the points
necessary for a win.
ATO'a Win Team Honors.
Alpha Tau Omega took first
place in the team honors, and
manager Tom Noble accepted the
award for the winners following
the final bout. Phi Delta Theta
finished second in the team stand
ings, with Beta Theta Pi third.
The Lillies, an independent team,
finished four points ahead of the
beat's but were not in the in
tramural supremacy race. Sigma
Nu finished fourth and Delta
Upsilon fifth.
175 lb.: Chick Tbonir, IJwwhk, won
vtr Harlaa OaiMtmi. Ktarkham, ay TKO
a n4 of the urmmt rtmmi.
TUrt Plant.
1M lb.: Rob Kadarat, Gmea Bay, Wia.,
VrKtaat Bill Kloaa, Harwell.
147 lb.: M MrKUIroO, Omaha, r
riUmr4 Joaa Klnanc Waj-ae.
IM lb.: naa fhanry. ftlKarr. waa ay
tot-frit avrr Jim WrtVa, Okallaia. j
lit 111. " NI4 titmu ik..wk
)lnnr4 Man-la ktonyaa, f'hadnia.
118 IIm.j Kay Rot, Mrmphto. .
loned narrrll Ellin. Clarkmn.
I2 lb.: Staa lliller, Diller, 4-ltion4
Sill Well, Frmiont.
1.1(1 Ibn.t Del Roth, IMymnatn, atrfHkMird
Norrlii Nibrrt, Storrort, Mirb.
147 Ibn.t Wayne Walton, Clark,, ae
eUinnrd Hal Halriftman, (irelna.
160 Ibn.l Bob Unix. IJnpoln. WltlnnoJ
Gould Klaar, Ord.
178 lbs.! Chirk Thorn. IJnnnla. U.
pinioned Jack Adams, Winnrlka, III.
Heavyweight: John Sedlaerk, Seward,
won over Mark Rohlnnnn. Nnrfnlk. ho
iu ai rna ai ui arrond round.
Gold Engraved
Ellen Smith IUU
and Residence Halls
,!rs. Verna Ooylss
Residence Ilalls
School Heads
To Gather for
Phys Ed Clinic
Over 150 Nebraska hi eh school
principals, superintendents, coach
es and physical directors have
registered for luncheon and r1inir
to be held at the University of
Nebraska Saturday, L. E. Means,
director of Student Physical Wel-
tare, said Tuesday.
Busy Day Planned.
Means said an effort will be
made at the meeting to organize a
Nebraska high school coaches as
sociation, and reactivate the Ne
braska Physical Education associ
ation. A track and field clinic will
be held at the stadium Saturday
afternoon to be followed by the
Beloit-Nebraska swimming meet.
the Nebraska high school swim-
Drills Greet
UN Gridders
Fundamentals and conditioning
exercises were the order of the
day as the University of Nebraska
spring lootoail drills went into the
second aay
Lineman and backfield candi
dates were divided for separate
drills, and the blocking dummies
were brought out for attention by
forward wall aspirants.
Coach Bernie Masterson had a
number of backs tossing passes as
all hooefuls SDent some time chas
ing after the pigskin. The roster
is increasing each day, with new
men asking for equipment.
More work on T formation fun
damentals was on tap, and the
Scarlet coaching staff is wasting
no time in getting the quick-opening
offensive style instilled in the
minds of the eridders.
Linemen donned helmets for the
first time as they went thru a
charging and driving drill, under
the direction of line coach Corner
ming championships later in the
day at the university pool.
In the evenine the school offi
cials will see the finals of the state
high school basketball champion
ships. A separate program will be
held Saturday afternoon for the
women physical education in
Varsity Tennis
All men interested in var
sity tennis are urged to attend
the organization meeting to
night in the N room at the
coliseum. The meeting will be
gin at 6:45 so that the room
will be available to the N club
.for their initiation ceremonies
at 8 p. m.
Four matches have definite
ly been scheduled for the
Husker racquet swingers and a
fifth match is tentatively
planned. The season opens with
a match against Kansas at
Lawrence on April 12.
Ag Tourney Opens
The Farm House won their way
into the second round of the all
Ag. College Basketball tourna
ment by defeating the Dead End
Kids 25-7 at the Ac Activities
Sharo shootine bv Keim and
Gableman spelled downfall for
the D. E. Kids. Each gathered 8
points to lead the Farm House
to victory.
N Club lo Initiate
New Members
At Meeting Tonite
Secretary AI Brown announces
that the N Club, varsity letter
men's organization, will hold an
initiation tonight at 8 p. m. in the
N Room at the coliseum. Ap
proximately 32 lettermen, from
the football and basketball squads,
will be taken into the group.
Flight Training
to your curriculum.
Private courses now
available at
Call 6-2885 for details.
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