The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1946, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, March I, 1 946
Page 5
Some say spring's here . . .
Some say it's not, but" personally
we think that Nancy Baylor has
the best system. Thermometer in
hand every morning, she decides
what degree of spring her ward
robe will express. Guess everyone
is rather eager and restless, es
pecially Jerry Johnston with his
trouble over the Interfraternity
Ball. Final woman in this matter
as we see it is Pepi Votava.
Saturday we find Ellie Lykke
and Bunnie Mathews with broth
ers Ted Krumlen and Buzz How
ard while Jo Seidle's Kearney in
terest, Dick Rolgers, is going to
her home for a visit over the
weekend. Another guest, but this
time from Peru way, is Dick
Gregg, here to see Margie Sturm.
As both are in Teachers College,
this might prove to be most edu
cational; anyway, it's something
to watch.
Proving the theory that good
things run together is Jo Trulson,
who welcomes Notre Dame Pre
flight, Harold Engstrom down for
this weekend, while a farewell
party seemed to have been in or
der for Lou Nalfinger, navy man
leaving for Illinois on last Wed
nesday. Reports say that Jont Van
Horn had something to do with
this affair Sorry to lose you,
Formals are still setting a pace
at full speed this weekend, and
the AOPis have made big prepar
ations for their dance on Satur
day night. Jackie Tobin will be
seen with Bud Douthit from Yale,
while Jackie Wightman is going
with Bob Hartman, a recently
commissioned 2nd Lt. in the Ma
rine Corps. Marilynn Miller will
be escorted by Ken Nielson from
Wyoming what does Bob Green
think of this? If you are in any
way inquisitive, you might ques
tion Mac Graham as to who will
be Mary Dye's partner that night.
Ann Manchester with Arlow
Wirth; Peg Reynard with fiance
Keith Jones; and Phyl Kokjer
with Dick Stone will also take in
the fun.
The Girls lie Left Behind.
George Steele, who leaves for
the Navy next Monday, will al
ways be remembered as "quite a
boy" on the Nebraska campus. In
trying to make as much out of his
last weekend as he could, he set
a record of having six different
dates in only five nights. (a late
Spring . . . 'Tis
Spring! Beware
Future Swains
by Jeanne Hickey.
Asrf was sitting in psych class,
my stable mind wandered to the
landscape subtly beckoning from
the south window of Andrews. I
guess all women are the same
as soon as the first boid looms
forth his head in search of a
worm, a gal gets the same idea,
only she prefers the human
You see, fellas, ever since lit
tle girls are old enough to be
allowed to go to the movies she
goes to the movies; and it is here
that she encounters the mad love
of Charles Boyer, with another
woman. Then and there, a strange
new fascination is instilled in the
tender young thing.
Time passes, and Mytie Mae
comes to college. Now is her
chance to fall in love. Alas, and
alack, Mytie Mae made the sad
mistake of coming to school in
the fall! Days, weeks, and months,
sauntered by, as our heroine
spends her time in hibernation,
before the mirror, perfecting the
gleam in her eye, and saving her
money for a goodly bottle of "One
Night Will Do It" perfume.
Mad Moments.
Mad moments are spent read
ing novels and how to well, must
we go into that? Melodious strains
of "Spring Is Just Around the
Corner" can be heard from the
larynx box of mysterious Mytie
Mae. The tone quality is a cross
between Lauren Bacall and Mar
jorie Main.
Now the crisis! The grass is
taking on a half-alive look; the
birds are beginning to fly above;
and men are turning, to thoughts
of baseball and other forms of
pitching. Mytie Mae has left her
dungeon and is on the loose!
Take caution, my friends, and
when you smoothly trip some
sweet young doll, don't ask her
where she's been all your life.
She's liable to tell you!
date for someone, we'd say ) By
the way, shall we congratulate
or feel sorry for Jim Tagader and
Gene Morgan, the proud new
owners of George's "one and only
one" car?
Tonight, the Sigma Kappa's will
give their annual Saint and Sin
ner party, and we take it that
Doris Ann Chamberlain will be
there with her steady, Bud Lcenk,
while sisters Jeanne Zehrung and
Mary Ellen Howell will tote Bill
Barney and Art Johnson.
In case you haven't noticed,
Tommy Noble has a new interest
Man Had His Rights Before Woman
Discovered Her Own Shrewd Wiles
Women are odd things. You just
can't get around them. Man was
endowed with certain inalienable
rights and then woman came
along. Came along with trunk
loads of cosmetics, tantalizing per
fumes, iron clamps, steam waves,
and cold baths, and naively main
tains that there are ways that man
can be cornered, trapped and con
quered. Like the hole in a Cheeriot, he'll
be conquered. And evidently lit
tle Bo Peep didn't have the right
technique on how to catch your
man either, or she wouldn't have
been out chasing sheep all night.
However children, let us not de
lude ourselves, woman is not ab
solutely incorrigible (look it up
in Webster).
Some coeds spend half the night
fixing their tresses and then, come
dawn, they wear their hair droop
ing over their face so that the be
fuddled male can't tell what's am
bulating beneath the mop. For all
he - knows you may be Hairless
Joe enjoying Kickapoo Joy juice
in seclusion. And then there are
those who love "feather cuts."
Woman donates alarming capi
tal to the subsistence of the Prince
Matchbelli family. For her in
vested coppers she becomes the
fond owner of a bottle of alcohol
(now wait a minute I'm not thru
with the sentence) exotically
scented commonly referred to as
in blondes. This time we're
speaking of Shirley Lierk. Hear
Ye Frat Brothers consider your
lectures in the Crib quife interest
ing, Tommy. Anyway, they put
you at the top of Shirley's date
list for .the week end.
For the people who have seen
that fine speciman of manhood
drifting about the campus it is
Doc Atkinson! Back on campus
and flashing both mustaclie and
goatee for impression plus.
On the "every night" basis we
find Virginia De Forest and Dick
Knutson while singling out Fri
day night are Bill Lubine and
Mary Stuht. After dating madly
last week, Bill Swanson seems
content to settle down and give
attention to Genene Mitchell
seen so-o-o much together.
Before closing, we must not for
get to mention the fact that Dick
Finnell. plans to change his regu
lar week end routine. Rumors
have it that he will be seen to
night with Val Gould surprise???
Yes, from the looks of things, this
week end is going to be a happy
one, so everyone have himself a
e down (o ealli fifo SPning
Sandals so light and flexible that your
feet will want to romp and play in them
all through spring and summer
leather soled.
First Floor
the commodity perfume. This she
uses ludicrously, inanely assum
ing that this produces wave radia
tions for sensations of the olfac
tory nerve which will incure the
desired effect upon the beaten
macculine gender. This is all to
no avail for she immediately be
gins the process of obtaining wags
from her male companion.
Her smoking totally obliterates
the effect of the perfume while
simultaneously asphyxiating her
companion and other innocent
spectators for a radius of no less
than ten feet, with clouds of
smoke and carbon dioxide ex
pelled from her nostrils. This al
most always creates the illusion
of a scene in the C. B. & Q. freight
yard very fascinating. Then there
are those who don't smoke best
we don't go into that.
Obviously at this point we con
sider the methods utilized in se
lecting alluring attire. Uncle Levi
would undoubtedly hesitate to
play a fast game of strip poker
if he knew the length to which
a coed will go to possess a pair
of his trousers. From sweat shirts
and levis we continue our cussing
and discussing on the matter of
the black crepe dress. It is donned
the minute a young thing attains
the age of 16 years and from that
moment forward it (the dress)
assumes the nature of a snake (or
second) skin. This is rarely or
never shed per chance it would
be if she should be taking PE 52
and swimming. That is an entirely
different subject and a rather
messy one I might add and also
undoubtedly, the reason the coeds
former dates don't recognize her
on swimming days.
For the improvement of a sloppy
job done by nature the female
population apply night cream,
noon cream, eye cream, tenail
cream, chin cream, heel cream,
you scream, I scream "Stop I'm
going mad." O.K. Napoleon, I'll
get into the white jacket now,
and I don't mind living third
floor back for awhile but you
know Napoleon, I'm thankful I'm
a woman 'cuz it'd be intensely
boring and futile to be a man.
Tailored of white flannel with black saddle
stitch trim. In sizes 10 to 16. Shown with
B. H. Wagge black blouse, 10.95.