The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 28, 1946, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Friday night the Fiji house
comes forth with their "Winter"
party a little late for this it
seems, but maybe there is some
hidden significance here. Warren
Eisenhart will be with Ann Miles
What happened to sister, Beth,
in this league ? ? ? Marge Farrell
will be in formal attire with Jim
Jensen while "Atlas" Korte will
be with red-headed Nancy Mines.
Alpha Chis Pat O'Grady and
Marilyn Meyer are anticipating
big times with Ty Vanderkolk
and Hermie Hansen.
Saturday Night.
Saturday night will lind the
AOPis in formal gowns taking
over the Cornhusker. Darlene
"Dimples" Tracy has chosen Phi
Psi pledge Paul Evans while
Darlene Furois prefers the older
men specifically, graduate Hal
Moyer. Med student Lee Gardner
is taking time out from the books
to get down from Omaha to ac
cept the invitation of Jo Srb.
Hear that Dean Neil really made
a haul at last Friday night's
Theta hour dance by getting three
dates Pretty good average ! ! !
Speaking of hour dances, Ed
Copple really pulled the boner at
the Phi Gam-Triple Delta get to
gether in introducing his old
flame and regular date, Midge
Holtzscherer, to a brother, he con- I
fused her with present big mo
ment Midge Sinclair. Confusing,
isn't it ? ? ? ? ?
Pat Warren and Gene Weiler
announced that they are now going
steady- - - - ? ?
New twosomes: Blonde Johnny
Blumer seen lately with Meredith
Bowhay Hoyt Yowell also con
fining his attentions of late to
Ruth O'Hanlon. Watch this ! ! !
"Razz" Barry makes the state
ment that if some of the other
boys don't date Mary Armour,
he ll be forced to do so. Is this a
threat or wishful thinking. Don't
rush, boys, give him a chance.
Lily Latham threw her neck
out ol joint she claims by stretch
ing. This sounds dubious.
Jo Guenzel does not have a
date with Chick Story Friday
night. He seems to be looking over
Gamma Phi way more and more
of late. Marilyn Duffack is re
sponsible for this straying of at
tention. Ti ket Sale for Nn-Mel
Dinner Closes Tuesday
Tickets for the Nu-Med din
ner Wednesday, March 6 should
be obtained in Dr. Otis Wade's
office, 308 Besse hall, before
Tuesday. The dinner, which is
restricted to Pre-Meds. will be
held in the Union at 6:15. Tickets
are 50 cents apiece.
Following the dinner Dr. Ruth
Warner will present a movie.
All nm handling lirfcrt aalr l..r thr
InlT-Krat-rnll danrr nhunld (urn In lh-lr
nmnry mad ulrm tb-k-l la John Rrll,
tmtwrrr. al thr mrrtinx tiiallr. arrard
l( la K red Hrra, pmlaVat.
l .H.A. ( Ol M II..
Thr IX. A. (auiull nlll tnrrt In thr
ntnn nffirr la In I niun. Mindar al
f i.ym p. m.
The ancient Hiblungs of the
lost city of Atlantis had an al
phabet of 43 'i characters.
LOKT r4 of mlaafnK, buftlneaa manager
of Dally Kebraakan alums wlln a 'In
for UxJar'a paprr. LajiI arrn with Irate
Mltnrtal . Return to Rag olflc If
Flight Training
to your curriculum.
Private courses now
available at
Call 6-2835 for details.
Comments on Metamorphosis
Reveal Students' Hidden Desires
"What would you do if, sud
denly, you were changed into a
member of the opposite sex?"
Everytime I asked some un
suspecting victim that pertinent
question, he would give me a
bewildered stare as if I had just
escaped from the "Oskosh Home
for the Mentally Deficient,"
scream wildly and dash frantical
ly in the opposite direction.
However, after scheming, con
niving, and even going so far as
to employ bloodhounds (88 cents
an hour) I managed to trap a
few unwilling martyrs and work
an answer out of them.
Little Jody Wolcott's only com
ment was a quivering, "T-wanng-ing."
Ann Randoluh replied auite un
hesitating that she would go right
out and pledge DU. Can't say as
I blame her, either. Speaking of
DU's, Dick Finnell stared at me
with his very blankest look and
then said he would break his date-
for next weekend.
I absolutely refused to ask
Ajax O'Meara's opinion on this
Collins Attends
Science Meet,
Reads Paper
Prof. O. C. Collins of the de
partment of astronomy will at
tend a meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement
of Science March 27 to 30 in
St. Louis, Missouri.
He will present a paper at the
convention entitled "A Simple
Method of Celestial Navigation,"
which deals with a method of
computation of position on the
globe which he has perfected.
According to Professor Collins,
a certain amount of calculation is
necessary in order to determine
position, and his new method re
duces the necessary computation
to a minimum. Full details have
not as yet been released, but this
method is expected to simplify
certain phases of celestial naviga
j Christian Groups
To Discuss Draft
Situation Today
The first of a series of Ag
YMCA and YWCA noon discus
sion meetings will be held today
at 12:20 in the social rooms in
the home economics building, ac
cording to Sue Fishwood. chair
man. The topic will be: "Should
the Draft Continue."
The meetings will be held each
Thursday and will concern world
affairs. They will last 25 min
Today's discussion will be led
by Frances Wagner.
In the ancient kingdom of Dia
dochi, women knew about ny
lons. Quick Service
Good Food
Bill Meradith
1347 "0"
tint! High Quality
Photograph for Every Orraition
subject because, as he has told
everyone so often, women nause
ate him. Poor boy, he doesn't
know what he's missing. Or may
be he does. Well, that's quite
beside the point.
Marilyn Duffack promised that
if such a phenomena occurred, she
would pledge ATO without even
considering any others. Barb
Cypreansen announced " gleefully
that she would love to go the
show on a week night without
worrying about getting in at 9:00.
At first, Dick Freethy just
grunted his most intelligent re
mark, namely, "Huh?" Then
after not very much persuasion,
he coyly admitted that he would
do his best to get a date with
that "glamour boy" Jim Pettis.
Just watch Freethy pour on that
fatal charm of his.
Jack McNeely howled, beat his
head against the wall and shouted
that he'd "see a doctor." I could
make a big fat remark here, but
fearful of the consequences, I
Reluctant Boy.
Don Grube was a little re
Lt. S. P. Unzicker
Receives Silver
Star in Ceremony
Lt. Stanley P. Unzicker. '37 uni
versity grad in Bizad college, was
awarded the Silver Star medal
Friday in an informal ceremony.
Col. James P. Murphy, director
of military training, presented the
award, which was given to Lieu
tenant Unzicker "for gallantry in
action in the vicinity of Jungers
dork, Germany." The citation ac
companying the award added, "Lt.
Unziker's gallant actions and su
perior tactical judgment reflect
great credit upon the army of the
United States."
Dale Mace Forms
Dance Orchestra
Plans are being made for the
formation of a dance band to
play for university dances and
activities and for private organ
ized group parties, according to
Dale Mace.
Any one interested in either
vocal or instrumental participa
tion should leave his name with
Miss Wheeler in room 202, Ag
hall, by Wednesday, March 6. Ap
plicants on city campus should
call 3-9258.
Rehearsals will probably start
in two weeks.
Breathes there a man with soul
so dead. He never to himself hath
said "Why don't they tear down
U Hall?"
All those who have not
received their
1945 Cornhusker
must pick it up by
Friday, March 1
luctant about it all but finally
muttered something about buying
some dresses, and, without wast
ing further time, moving into the
women's dormitory.
Thinking along the same lines
were Jo Sidel and Rita Fitzmorris.
Jo would rush to the nearest
men's clothing store and buy a
new suit, that is if they had her
size, while Rita would look into
the accommodations offered at
Navy hall.
Bob Baum answered my query
with another question, "Would I
still be a member of Phi Psi's?"
I'll investigate that little item
I firmly intended to ask Morrie
Delahante this question; but after
trying desperately to battle my
way through the hordes of wom
en surrounding him and not be
ing able to get with 50 yards of
the boy, I gave it up as a lost
Now, thoroughly exhausted,
cross-eyed and knock-kneed after
my efforts, all I have to say about
this nonsense is "Duhhhh.hh."
Filings for MB
Due March 2
March 2 in the final application
date for Mortar Board scholar
ships, members of Mortar Board
have emphasized. Four scholar
ships of $75 each are available to
any student meeting certain quali
fications. Winners of the scholarships will
be chosen on the basis of need,
scholarship, ability and promise.
Applicants must submit two
recommendations, one from a per
son not connected with the uni
versity, to vftuch for need and
for career, and one from a pro
fessor, to vouch for scholarship
and ability of the candidate.
The $75 scholarships will be
given in two payments of $37.50,
one for each of two semesters.
Recipients must be carrying 12
hours this semester and 12 hours
during the next semester.
Application blanks are obtain
able in the office of Miss Johnston,
assistant to the Dean of Women,
in Ellen Smith Hall.
Winners of the scholarships will
be announced at the Mortar Board
scholarship tea, March 10.
Reporters! !
AH Daily Nebraskan report
ers who did not attend the
meeting Saturday are to meet
in the editor's office, in the
basement of the Union, this aft
ernoon at 1:00.
Thursday, February 28, f$f&
Farley, Chapman
Receive Positions
On Library Staff
Two veterans, Richard A. Fa
ley and John D. Chapman, re
ceived appointments to the staff
of Love Memorial library, effective
March 1. s
Mr. Farley will assume the d
ties of assistant circulation li
brarian. He is a graduate of
Northland college and the Uni
versity of Wisconsin library school,
and has had experience in the
libraries of the University of Wis
consin and Beloit college. He ha
just completed a four year tour
of duty in the Army Air Forces.
Mr. Chapman will fill the posi
tion of professional assistant in
the "education reading room. He
is a graduate of the university
and the University of Minnesota
library school, and has had ex
perience in the Minneapolis and
Lincoln public libraries. During
the war Mr. Chapman served four
years in the Navy.
Due to a typographical error,
Russia was erroneously re
ferred to as "the enemy" in the
Feb. 26 "News in a Nut, hell"
column of the Daily Nebrskan.
The sentence referred to should
have read, "The employees are
thought to have revealed se
crets of the atomic bomb to the
Russian government."
Tpa taJaMaaaW
' I f M
If Sb
p Trim!
As you like it ... a
completely casual two
piecer that turns you
out neat ... not gaudy!
Waist - slimming skirt
has extra-deep pleats
for your active days,
find the colors are lush:
grey, raspberry, white,
and kelly. Sizes 9 to 15,
Open 'til 9 tonight!
Ill Third Fltmr Fathiont '
1214 0 St.