Page 4 THE NEBRASKAN Sunday, January 20, 1946 By Raggedy Ann's Standin. Pursuing spring can lead to mis fortunes but you can never get anyone to testify to said state ment . . . else why so many on the prowl? So in keeping with the spirit of balmy breezes, balmy happenings and balmy people, we do now offer . . . one tardy resolu tion "to bigger and better springs!" Old Black Magic Spring Fever. Tweeder Johnson and J. B. An derson happily report everything's sunny again . . . and the old black magic in the shape of spring fever has hit Bill Moorhead early this season . . . cuz he is all fixed up with one good deal, Genene Milch ell, for Blue Barron. Fred Metheny, football great and past Phi Diddle Theta presi dent, checked into Lincoln Wed nesday after several years over seas . . . USN Russ' Munson ar rived today for a siege of feasting his eyes on one fiance, Marge Horstman . . . that kinda siege we would like! Unexpected Nuptials. Biggest shock of this week on the seething campus grapevine was news of Joan O'Neal-Pete Foe merger Friday. . This marks the second Phi pledge to tread the aisle! Merrell Shutt was on the re ceiving end of a California phone message Wednesday eve . . . from Bill Welte. A rock what am a rock changed hands the night Jean Morse's Coleman Furr came home . . . mighty fine. A "friendship" en during since the eighth grade was reminisced when Van Ketzler dropped in on Bette Ann Taylor Wednesday night. Louise Rowley, beauty, in the Crib with Herman Hermsmeyer, is one of the scenes ot today. More Rocks. Jan Engle joins the diamond group with hers from fiance Lou Tello whose Christmas gift was a WANTED BUS BOYS Cal Miss Arner, 2-7371 Residence halls for women 540 No. 16 Si. Examination Schedule laboratory rlassra rrwllm for srvcral continuous hour en one or two dayi shall mwt for examlnall.ini a fnttowil ' la'" " Monday and Turaduy Khali be "am Ined on the date ichedulcd for the firtt hour of their labora. hour m Wednesday or Thursday claiaei en the aecend hour of their meetinf; Friday or Saturday elaaaea on the third . Vh" T."n,l?a,'?r? l."v I"" erheduled for all sections In the following subjects: (I) Boslnrss Organliatlon 8 nnd 4i L a ",!',,ryVi" t Vl fc",nrtf 18 -i'n 30, l, 6; (5) Kmrllsh A, 1, t. 8, 4, 11, J7; ) trench 11 ? n4.Zi 1.7 r'on"f l ! Mathrmatlra II, 1. IS, Jl, M. 4l, mi. 108. 104; (B) Mechanical Knglro-rrli 1. (10 lavrnolo 70; (111 Hnanlh SI and 6S.. If students have regularly arheduled examination! eonfllrtlne with the above specially arranged schedule, arrangements to take sa ch specially arheduled examination at another time ahoold be i.iau,T inn iiic ur-iarunrMi ninrrrnrn on or ncifre January 14. r rA.i.un. 1 iu.i vtiutu utnri.ii in niiH A RAXtiKMKNTN SHOULD BK MADK AX A.VUIHK TIME, For examnle: IK A htiiiiknt im ni iikii;i v.n I'DR HI'-; IAIIV fUHKDIIIl'n ITIUI MITIIIM IV kllk'tiru u- WITH THE FRENC H lr l'AHTMKNT TO TAKE SUCH FRENCH EXAMINATION 8:M a. m. 10:!UI a. m. :SU p. ni. 2:,10 p. m. :S0 p. m. 8:00 a. MONDAY, JANUARY It !" !2:U5 'lase meeting at 9:00 a. m., luea., Thura., Bat., or any one or two of these daya. to U:S0 p. m. assea mm-tiiic at 2:00 p. m., Tars, and Thura., or el 1 her one of these daya. to 4:0 p. ni. 4 aasea meeting at 1:00 p. m., Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these daya. 1. P- n,-'?w ," n 'iM p. m., Tnrs., and Thura., or ellh.r one of these days, to 4:80 p. in. All sett Inns In English A, 1, 2, S, 4, 11, 17. TUESDAY, JANUARY it to 10:00 a. m. ('lasses nice 11 at 9:00 a. m.. five or four rixa m m.ui wa - - . thee days. 8:00 a. m., to 10:00 a. m. All sections In Chemistry 1. 'Hiilll ' mJ." 1a- I'Jjt'1'"" nM;:"n ? 'J:00 Tw.. Thura., Sat., or any one or two of these ays. J.JO p. m U 4:80 1 p.m. Classes meeting at 4:00 p. m., lues, and Tlinrs. or either one of these daya. 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. All sections In Mathematics II, It, 18, 81, 22, 41, 101, 10S, 104. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28. o. .. m. .0 IV.-TO m. in. 1 iiwi meeting at 10:00 a. m., Ive er four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., 10:30 a. m. to 12:80 p. m. Classea nieetlna at 11:00 a. m.. . Thnr. s.t . . .... .v. 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 f. m. lasses i.eetlnr at 8:00 p. m., Tnes. and Thurs.. or either nn, .1 the, ri.v. ' r any en or twa of 10:30 a. ni. to 12:30 p. 2:30 p. m. to 2:30 p. m. to meeting at 11:00 a. m., I l.eetinr at 8 :MI n m . I 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. All sections in Mechanical Engineering 1 ..u i. iii. I.."" v rtu srriinna in i rencn 11 ana la. 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. All sections In Spanish 81 and 53. 2:30 p. m to 4:30 p. m. All sections In Home Economics 41 and 42. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24. 8:00 a. m. tot 0:00 a. m. Classes meetlnr at 1:00 n. m.. Tn -..' Th.... . .111,.. .k . a.... Classes meeting at 11:00 a. m., live or four daya, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one of two ot these dm a. 4:80 p. m. Classes meeting at 8:00 p. m., tVe or four daya, or Mon.. Wed.. Frl., or any one or two of the days. 4:30 p. m. Clawajneetlng at 4:00 p. m., five or four daya., Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of 4:30 p. m. All sections In Business Organisation 8 and 4. 4:30 p. m. All sections In Payehology 70. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28. m. to 10:00 a. m. Classes meeting at 2:00 p. m., five or four days, cr Mon.. Wed.. Frl.. or anv one or two of inese nays. 10:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. (inawa meeting at 1:00 p. m., five or four days, or Mon., Wed.. Frl., or any one or two of 1: n," I!' ZJ 'IIS-" V? m- 1 Tnur"- 8at- or n' ' ' 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m.t lasMa meeting at 5:00 p. m., live or four daya, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of ' IIIPM! dsy ft, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p. in. All yiectiona in Civil FJngineering 1. ... , SATURADY. JANUARY 2. 8:00 a. m. to 10:00 a. m. Oassea meeting at 8:00 a. m., five or four daya, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of 10:30 a. m. to 12:80 p. m. All sections In Education 80, 81, 62. 2:30 p. m. 2:0 p. m. 8:00 Prompt Payments On GI Bill Aid Student Veterans Not one GI student has been forced to leave the university be cause of slowness of educational benefit payments from the Vet erans Administration, according to J. P. Colbert, chairman of the student veterans affairs commit tee. Colbert added that over 425 veterans enrolled at the university in the semester ending this month, only six had not received their payments promptly, three of which were caused by errors committed by the veterans them selves. Statement. His statement was made in re sponse to a report that students in other midwest colleges were being forced to quit because of non-payment or slowness of GI payments. Most of the students are from this state, facilitating movement of necessary paper work, he said. During the 20 years befdre World war II, the United States exported about 4 percent of the foodstuff it produced. ring. Marilyn Bock candy-passed Monday night with her Bob . how about the bonbon shortage. . . the market has been flooded lately! Mary Cox saw hometown fa vorite Malcom Young for the first time in dos years Friday. and Sylvia Bernstein had one New Yorker come ALL the way to see her . . . Bob Wagener. Fran Edee and Dee Bourne will be re newing the acquaintance Satur day night at Blue Barron. Returning "Friends." Margaret Reese, '45 graduate, and her fiance, Burt Folsom, ar rived in Lincoln Thursday eve., the boy has been overseas for sev eral years. Marilyn Meyer and NRO George Cullers make a good pair. Millie Zuber and a St. Louis man . . ; Harlan Leavitt . . . are Shop Monday 9:30-5:30 hhiie;; Box of 4 Cakes Regularly 3.50 s2 Gardenia Violet Carnation Honeysuckle Jasmine Lilar Here's your chance to buy a famous soap, a treasure these days, and save $1.50 on each box! What's more, the cakes are even larger than before but they're still in the handsome swirl design. Luxuriously scented, they make an ideal gift or bridge prize . . . and you'll want a generous supply for yourself. Specially priced at $2 for a limited time only. COLD'S . . Street Floor making conversation with the sis ters. A good deal in Ann Phillips and "Gummy" Fenton, too! See ya Exam Week . . . horrible future! Where there is gunsmoke, the prediction goes, there is Alan Ladd. The pistol packin'est star of them all is under the gun again. Quick Service Good Food Reasonable Prices Bill Meredith 1347 "0" Our Fortieth Year! ----- -. -tjfy wnna: i a K shantung print, depicting birds in flight . . . with cap sleeves and just a hint of skirt fullness. Smart now with th wool jersey jacket . . . lovely this summer without it! Kelly, royal or brown ... 12. to 18, 25 . r . .aar 4 M foah to W, tar, JANUARY 14-31 CL Hli.sal roidotioa tor lutostlla fqrgV;,l wai