The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 28, 1945, Page Page 8, Image 8

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Page 8
Wednesday, November 28, 1945
Dean Beutel Tells
Of New Program
For Law College
After being closed for two
years during the war, a complete
new reopening program will be
ouerea in the law college, ac
cording to Dean Frederick K
Beutel. in his address tn thi
coin Bar association Monday
The two immediate aims of the
college will be to educate vet
terans whose leffal schooling wna
interrupted by the war, and to
oner reiresner courses to lawyers
who were in the service.
Outlines Requirements.
In outlining the requirements
for the new courses, Dean Beutel
"Tr. take care of the returning
veteran students, the law school
has temporarily lowered its en
trance requirements to two years
of college work, and is offering
an accelerated program beginning
January 3 and ending in July,
during which time the students
will be given intensive review
work and a complete academic
year's instruction. This will make
it possible for any veteran who
was in school before entering the
service to complete his legal edu
cation by June, 1947."
Lonff Term Program.
Dean Beutel continued by tell
ing of the importance of a long
Glenn Presncll
Coaches '46
Huskcr Backs
Glenn Presnell, Husker head
coach in 1942, will return to the
Nebraska football scene as back
field coach in 1946, Athletic Di
rector A. J. Lewandowski an
nounced yesterday, following a
meeting of the athletic board.
Presnell was backfield coach
during Biff Jones' period as head
coach, beginning in 1937 after
playing professional football as a
backfield star with the Detroit
He stepped into the head coach
position following Jones' depart
ure and served for one year. At
present Presnell is with the navy,
but expects to be discharged soon.
term program of legal education
with special emphasis on modern
problems. He stated: "It would
be a grave mistake if a present
reduction in standards to aid the
veterans were to become perma
nently established.
In conclusion. Dean Beutel
spoke of the value of the coop
eration between the bar associa
tion and the law college in ar
ranging refresher courses, semi
nars, and clinical work for the
Scholars Behave
Normally Says
Perry Branch
Traditional notions about uni
versity scholarship winners us
ually range from shell rimmed
glasses and a brief case, all of
which pedals to class on a bicycle,
announced Mr. Perry Branch, di
rector of the university lounda
tion. Picture Changes
"Maybe this was a pretty apt
description years ago, but it
doesn't fit the picture nowadays.
They're all perfectly normal look
ing and acting students," con
tinued Mr. Branch. Adding that
many of the university scholar
ship holders were prominent in
student activities and campus af
fairs, Mr. Branch said that the
foundation is assisting 52 students
with scholarships this year. The
awards range in value from $50
to $750, and go to undergraduate?
as well as graduate students.
Loan Funds Available
In addition to the awards. 7fi
student loan funds are available
to students. The Foundation di
rectly aids students with scholar
ships, contributes in other ways
such as supplying funds for re
search by graduate students, books
for the various cammis lihrnries
and equipment for various other
colleges and departments of the
Ag Forms Group
To Study Campus
Leadership Traits
Phi Upsilon Omicron, honorary
agricultural sorority, and Dr.
Katherine Maurer, home ec fam
ily life specialist, are collaborating
in studying qualities of campus
leadership, testing and evaluating
This project is one of Dr. Mau
ler's studies which will extend
into all parts of the state. Dr.
Maurer feels that the lack of men
students during the war has
created an unusual opportunity
to study leadership qualities in
women, who have taken over
campus organizations to a large
Pearl Doyle Wins
$300 Home Ec
Pordcn Atvard
Pearl LaVonne Doyle, home
economics senior, has been granted
the $300 Borden Home Economics
Scholarship award for 1945-46.
Presented annually by the Borden
Company Foundation, the scholar
ship is given to the home eco
nomics senior with the highest
average in her class.
A graduate summa cum laude
of the two year course at Colo
rado Woman's college, Miss Doyle
has received Phi Theta Kappa
Methodist Coeds
Orgairize Baby
Sitters Project
Kappa Phi, Methodist coeds'
club, is forming a baby sitters or
ganization as a special project for
the year.
Each coed in the club is to take
pare of a small child at least once
a month. The money she re
ceives for her services is to be
given to the Kappa Phi treasury.
The fund raised will be used to
send delegates to the National
Council of Chapters held in New
England next June.
Coeds Available.
The coeds will be available on
Friday and Saturday nights until
12 p. m. and on Sunday night
until 10 p. m. Some coeds will
be able to care for children on
Saturday and Sunday afternoons,
and a few on week-day after
noons. Transportation to the coed's
home at night must be provided
by the family desiring her service.
Kappa Phi members may be
contacted through Miss Johnson,
assistant dean of women, Ellen
Smith hall, phone 2-7181, accord
ing to LaVawn Johnson, president
of the organization.
and junior Phi Beta Kappa
honors. At the university she
is majoring in vocational educa
tion and plans to teach home
if .-7
Brunch Coat Pa jama Sets
Luxury over the coffee cups... or study table! Quilted
rayon crepe brunch coats, exquisitely sprigged with flowers..
And matching or contrasting rayon crepe pajamas, make a
lush gift for a pin-mate!
Quilted coats $9.95 Pajamas $5.90 to $8.40
Full-length Luxury Robes
Fluffy chenilles. . .embroidered rayon satins... or quilted
rayon crepes. . .choose for your Mother or sweetheart, from
Magee's Christmas collections. Cotton corduroys here, too,
for the hard-working college girl. Come a-running, with your
gift list.
$8.95 to $22.95
Man - at - home in a robe
Be it loud-spoken plaids... or a quiet maroon flannel . . .
he'll go for one of these really comfortable robes. 100
wool flannels. . .rayon-and-wool gabardines. . .rayon challis
in blazer stripes. Plenty of Christmas cheer here!
$11.40 to $27.50
Women Rtihc$, Third Fhntr
Men'i Robvt, Firtt Floor
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An4 tf you can't entimate the Wsr, "he9 or "she" will welcome m Gift Certificate from Mafee . .redeemable in any department.