Paqe 4 THE NEBRASKAN Friday, November 16, 1945 Turkey Race Entry Deadline Tonight at 5:00 Entries for the cross-country turkey race must be turned into the intramural director's office by 5:00 p. m. tonight, if the run tiers are to be eligible for the 34 mile run next Tuesday, Novem ber 20. Every house can enter as many men as they wish, but all names must be sent to Lou Means so that numbers can be assigned to the competitors. Unaffiliated men are also invited to compete. University Invites Slate High School Teams to Game Nebraska high school foothill teams and their coaches are in vited as guests to the South Da kota-Nebraska football game Sat urday by the university athletic department. Special sections in the stadium will be reserved. Coaches with their squads are to report to the pass gate at the east stadium. Home Ec Society Honors National President Today Omichon Nu, honorary society for home economics students, will have as their guest today and Saturday, Dr. Lau-a Drummond, their national pre lont. In honor of Dr. Drummond, a dinner will be given tonight in the Union by the home economics staff. On Saturday morning a coffee hour with Dr. Drummond and alumnae of Omicron Nu as the guests, will be given by the local chapter. Churches (Continued from Page 1.) meet for its second session at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at St. Paul church. Sunday evening, students will meet at the Wesley Foundation for a worship and quest program and a supper at 5:30. Thanksgiving Vespers. Special Thanksgiving vespers, with a musical and speaking pro gram, will be held at 4:30 Sunday afternoon at . Firct P, o,-,rri;oi . Ul IV 1 1 I CI 1 church SlinH.iv An fnlLno P'Kio- tian fellowship will meet at 6:30. Missouri svnnH T .1 1 f Virn n Vii ,ct service will meet in room 315 of the Union at 10:45 Sunday morn ing. Rev. Henry Erck has chosen m me topic oi nis sermon, "Weighed in the Balancr." Elaine Putensen will accompany the hymns. RpffuTnr Sunriav "S - shin sprvirnc uill Ko halH a v; Episcopal church at 8:30 and 11. Young people's group will meet from 7 to 8.30 Sunday evening. Meet at 7:30. Meeting at 7:30 Tuesday eve- nine will he fhn Int Fellowship, non - denominational church group. Fellowship and a variety program are planned for the evening. The Lutheran SlnH V--"- V V fcJV7V I U tion is planning two Thanksgiving programs to be held on the two university campuses Sunday night. The city campus group will meet at 5 o'clock Sunday evening in the YMCA lounge in Temple, and the Ag group will gather at the siuaeni center at izuo No. 37th at 6:30. Speech (Continued from Page I.) ling wit of one of America's best loved story tellers. Virginia Buckingham who od- ened the program, read Stephen Vincent Bcnet's "Portrait of a Boy," the whimsical tale of a lad's wild dreams of pirates. Three Davs Ride." anothpr Benet ballad, which deals with the llieht and death of a rnmantip young couple, was given by Del phine Avers. Lexington sophomore. The fourth student reader. Rose Marie Crow, brought Benet's "Mountain WhipporwiH" to life for the students, faculty members and townspeople who attended the reading hour. Next scheduled performance by the Experimental Theatre will be ( two one-act nlavs. to be eiven No vember 29, and the second reading hour, listed for Thursday, De cember 6. All of these activities will be in the studio theatre. When Sonny Tufts was diving for abalone off the Mexican coast he was bitten by a moray, a vicious form of eel with teeth like a dog that abounds in those waters. Quick Service Good Food Reasonable Prices at Bill Mcradith 1347 "0" Lei Us HELP YOU LOOK YOUR BEST si;m) youu CLEANING AND LAUNDRY TO ABLE CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY 239 No. 14th Add Flight Training to your curriculum. Private courses now available at UNION AIR TERMINAL Call 6-2885 for details V to iors 7 JOHARA JUNIOR plays fairy god mother to your dreams . . . with this spangled crepe! Royal blue . . . Shocking ... or Black . . . aglitter with sequinned yoke. A fine rayon crepe . . , sizes 9 to 15. $25 Exclusively In tJntoln v - Ai W- I "7; ' '" i v.-" j , . If''- y on Your Colors! VJear a Rod FcaUio 5&L HoWlL 9:30 A. fl to 2 P. fl - - - Qa's Store Shit, - - - Sportshop Bird Roor 1 ! 1 n