Friday, May IT, 1945 r, . . . ; , :. . .. IV. J 1 . Courti'ay of Lincoln Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Croon announce the engagement and approach in? marriage of their daughter, Rosclyn, to Carl II. Frcborn of Lin coln. The wedding will take place at Fremont June 27 at the First Presbyterian church. IJoth Miss Green and Mr. Frcborn at tend the University of Nebraska. Students Perish From Sheer Exhaustion After Final Week BY BARBARA KIECIIEL. V-E D;iy minus the confetti and paper hats, term papers, spring elections, heros home from battle, picnics what a disconcerting prelude to finals. But that part is too painful. Even thinking about the night marish six days of pigtails and bleary eyes is somehow nauseat ing. It's always been a mystery to us why people, bright enough in most other respects, are so eager to leave their quiet little homes in the sand hills or what have you where life is simple and there are no A.W.S. rules, for the complex and degenerate lot of a college pack their brand new luggage (carefully splattered with Yale stickers, just for atmosphere) and descend upon the campus as potential B.T.O.s, just what is in store for them. Never, in their parents' remini scenccs about their college days, did they mention the cruel and heartless faculty, the grueling hours slumped over a desk lit tered with textbooks and 12 foot stacks of notes, and futile plight of the lowly pledge trying to grind out an average. According tot hem, it was a hilarious series of merry esca pades, like taking the hinges off doors and gleefully watching from a closet keyhole while their room mates reach for the door knobs and fracture their skulls. Oh, perhaps, in 25 years we too shall have forgotten the bitter phases, and entertain our respective (not to be confused with "respect able") offspring with nostaglic tales of the gay side the memor able Dandelion Dance, the bull sessions steaming with "good" conversation. Explanation? And then again, college stu dents may simply be gluttons for self-punishment, advocators of the theory that "self-sacrifice is good for the soul." There must le some explanation! But enough for such moralizing. . . At any rate "'days are hurry ing by." Only two days remain to catch up on 390 pages of his tory that somehow never got read, and finish up the term paper on the Love Life of a Parame cium. If you're lucky, and take enough sleeping pills, you may be able to ward off the whole thing. Arsenic works, too, but sleeping pills are rapidly gaining favor among the sophisticated set. Reject the Easy Way. Still, regardless of how pleasant It sounds, every earnest scholar must reject this easy, cowardly way out. Arsenic, compared to "Les Miserables," a pretty mild stuff, anyway, and sleeping pills are only for the weak. Far bet ter to perish from sheer exhaus tion, after a vow to "absorb the germinal-selection theory if it kills you." What if it does? At least your classmates, gazing upon your furrowed brow for the last time, will pause reverently for three-fourths of a second to pay tribute to "one who tried. But for those who don't take is so seriously, there's always one consolation. You d be surprised how much more thoroughly you learn one course in three years, than one. And a thing worth doing. . . ! Council Votes . . . (Continued from Page 1). board. She is also a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron and Omicron Nu. Vice-President. Roberta Collins, junior, attend ant to the May Queen, is vice president succeeding Jo Martz. Miss Collins is also active in Delta Phi Delta, Tassels and War Council. Secretary is Helen Vennum, ac tive in Phi Chi Theta, who suc ceeds Gloria Mardis. Stuart Goldberg, assistant business man ager of the Awgwan and a War Council member, succeeds Blanche Reid as treasurer. Chairman of the judiciary committee is Mary Jo Gish, who was elected to fill Gene Dixon's position. The new president an nounced that the council would hold a meeting this week to elect committees. BY BET KING. This is our swan song our last column. Think you can take it just before exam week and in your weakened condition? First of all, best we apologize to Alpha Chi Lilla Latham, (line way to end a semester). Seems we pinned her to the wrong folia The right man is Lt. Jack Higgins ATO, NOT Jack 1 login. Sorry Lilla. Bill Gayer, ATO, had his speech 111 class laughing with his "in spiral ional" talk on the right pro codure to be observed at picnics lie must have been having trouble with the brothers recently. Tri Dolts Tie Knot. Tri Delts Fanchon Jones and Jan Horn have decided to tie the knot firmly this summer with George Bosnia, Zip, and Dean Messman, Sig Ep, respectively Another Tri Delt, Mary Kay Bo gan, has been seeing entirely too much of Phi Gam President liar old Jacobson to be termed "purely platonic." That combina tion will bear watching. One of those strange coinci dents befell Alpha Xi Jean Mar- cnant tne otner clay, bnc was walking down the street, thinking about nothing in particular when whom should she see but old home-town buddy Lt. Don Gus tafson. They've been spending every night talking over old times A couple of Sig Chis have the right idea on how to celebrate their dates' birthdays. Lee Kjelson and Marv Bowhay helped DG's Phil Sorenson and Mary Esther Dunkin celebrate that special day with dinner at the University Club Thursday night. A third Sigma Chi, Sterling Scaton, took Call Quigley out to dinner the same night just "because he wanted a steak." Piking Saturday Night. Saturday night will find Unl versity students at the Tike for one last good time before exams ATO George Wright will be there with fiancee Dorothy Gillan. Fiji Tom Cornish and Sarah Murry, Kappa, intend to celebrate the completion of classes along with Theta Gretchen Smith and Jim Meyers at least, they were going at the last report from the ticker tape. Sig Chi Jim Yanney escorts Helen Abdnor, Big Jim's cousin, while Jim himself takes Theta Nancy King. Alpha Chi Lilla La tham is going to leave Beta Larry Stoner pleasant memories of the old campus when he leaves for the Navy next week. Don't study too hard for exams as did Marilyn Adler, SpT, or you too will end up behind dark glasses. TOWNSEND PHOTO STUDIO. Teacher Reveals Coinage of Word Nazi in 1872 CINCINNATI, Ohio. (ACP). If you think that highly distasteful word "nazi is of recent coinage, you are far on the beam. Dr. Edwin II. Zeydel, College of Liberal Arts professor of Ger man, University of Cincinnati, and discoverer of literary oddities and novelties, brings to light the fact that the word was first used more than 70 years ago, when the arch- nazi, Hitler, was undreamed of. Dr. Zeydel's findings are reported in the current American Associa tion of Teachers of German quar terly. You Need as final exams approach Robertson Grocery 1406 S 2-1504 IK 9: "l Ml . w . V IV vA v ?" " it ifY : "W J J V As is' V $1 fflfl fy Jj Smart Headword in V L)JJ Did you ever expect to find so much charm at so rmaU a price? Just look . . . there Spring! favorites! The devastating ruffled pompadour (. . . the pert little pillbox a-flutter with bowi! Hard to choose between them ... so have them both b crisp white straw . . : without budging your budget! J