A. Friday, May 11, 1945 THE NEBRASBCAN 3 Navy Selects UN Campus As Place for ROTC Unit Official confirmation of the se lection of UN as a site for a new unit of the Navy ROTC was an nounced today by Chancellor C. S. Boucher. Vice Admiral Randall Jacobs of the Navy notified Boucher of the selection. It is planned to com mission the unit on or about No vember 1, 1945, depending upon the availability of a new armory Just authorized by the Nebraska legislature. The unit, it Is understood here, will be a part of the permanent post-war officers' training pro gram of the Navy. It will not be a temporary wartime measure. Complete details of the opera tion of the unit are to be given to university officials soon since representatives of the Navy will pay a visit to the campus In the near future. Meantime, plans for constructing an armory on the campus to house both the new Navy and the long-established Army ROTC units are now going forward. The post-war plans of both the Navy and the Army specifically require an armory. Football Status. At the same time, athletic of ficials at the university said the new Navy unit will not immedi ately be of any benefit to Corn husker football. The Navy ROTC unit will operate much the same as the Army unit, it is under stood, and will be open to regu larly enrolled college students and will not bring in any influx of navy trainees as under the ASTP program. Male students in the university will have a choice of enrolling in either Army or Navy ROTC. It is understood the ROTC students, as in the prewar period, will have the opportunity to compete in in tercollegiate athletics. No change from the prewar policy in regard to participation of ROTC stu dents in intercollegiate athletics is expected in the post-war period. Churches Hold Final Student Meet Sunday Many of the Lincoln churches are having their last student meeting Sunday. Lutheran chapel services will be held at 10:45 a. m., Sunday, in room 315 of the Student Union. This will be the last service of the semester and will be devoted to thoughts of V-E day. Rev. H. Erck, university Lutheran pastor, will speak on the topic, "Be Still, and Know That I Am God." Miss Charlotte Filter will accompany the hymns. Baptist Service.- Virginia Young will conduct the Baptist devotional service. The topic to be discussed, led by Myrlee Holler, is "What Do You Know About Your Bible?" The worship service of the evening will be presided over by Winifred Douglas. Sunday is the last meet ing of the school year and it will be held at the First Baptist church. Devotionals will begin at 6, preceded by a lunch at 6:30. Writing Groups. The Methodist and Christian university groups are uniting with the Lincoln Christian Youth Council in their - outdoor vesper service, which begins at 7:15 Sun day evening. This is to be held in Pioneers park. Rev. Robert Drew's topic will be "He Took It Upon Himself." Rev. B. C. Bot- bitt, Chistian pastor, will speak Sunday on "For'Home and Coun try." Maxine Wood will sing an "American Prayer." UN Alumna Wins Lieutenant's Bars Ben Alice Day, UN alumna now serving in the Marine Corps, has been promoted to First Lieutenant in the quartermaster secMon of the Women's Reserve. Lieutenant Day was prominent In student activities at UN, serv- JIMMY PHILLIPS' BAND Playing 8:45 to 11:45 SAT., MAY 12 Union Ballroom I dent. Cards Please No Juke Box Dance Friday, May 1 1 ing as president of AWS and member of Mortar Board. She was also a Tassel and a mem ber of Alpha Xi Delta. Miss Day attended Lincoln high school and was graduated from the univer sity in 1942 with a B.S. degree in home economics. She is now clothing officer at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif. K. Arndt States Need for World Bank System Karl Arndt, associate professor of economics at the University of Nebraska, in his lecture, "Money and Other Obstacles to World Trade," the' last lecture in the university night class series, "In ternational Problems Just Ahead," which he gave Wednesday night in the social science building, stated that in the future the basis for world trade will probably be an international bank, such as is proposed in the Bretton Woods plan. He pointed .out that the gold standard was permanently out of use because very few countries have any gold, altho this stand ard of settling the differences in curred by various countries in trade, had worked fine for many years. Straight Jacket. The next means to promote trade, Arndt said, used by some countries, was the national econo mic straight jacket, by which some countries were able to build weapons for this war. After the war, he stated, a new system of trade will be neces sary, and the international bank seems most practical. Arndt also pointed out how the differences in national currency has slowed up free travel and trade between different countries. A Sunset Strip, Hollywood, i mount's murder mystery of that night club called "The Blue Dah- title starring Alan Ladd, Veronica lia," is a major setting for Para- Lake, and William Bendix. CORRECT FOR ' COMMENCEMENT IN 1860 This member of a Senior Class of that year is fashion-perfect for the occasion. Top-hats were sinc-qua-non, and voluminous neckcloths muffled the spotless linen. Co-education was becom ing fashionable, too. That year, I860, civil war was looming on the country's horizon. College campuses blazed with patriotism. Railway Express was ready, at the first summons, to put its services at the nation's command. Today, America is fighting a world-wide war. So, to help all concerned, please do three simple tilings with your 1945 home packages and baggage: Pack them securely address clearly and adequately avoid abbreviating state names. 0 MY MOKE NATION-WIDE WAR BONOS RAIL-AIR SERVICE 9 Ro SENBLUM SUITS The fabric is covert-loeskin. The colors are pale pastels Blue, Pink, Crey and Yellow. Best of all they're here! Sizes 10 to 20 29 95 y Xs f ;? - -A v ' ' t T ' I -.My $ l if a t fc v F " V 45f P? jrl; V t IJxZ " ' r! jf ' ( I f SECOND FLOOR J uu O n u f. mm L-sa La U3 i U 7 U M U U