THE NEBRASKAN Sun Jov. Moy 6, 19-45 Veterans Establish National GI CollegeFraternalOrganization With initials standing for "GI finished his york under the GI Association," a new intercollegiate veterans' association has been or ganied at the Polytechnic Insti tute of Brooklyn and is now ready to expand in chapters in colleges and universities throughout the country. The organization has patented the name Gamma Iota Alpha. Honorably discharged members oi any branch of the armed forces are eligible for membership m the new association. The organization is presently operating along fraternal lines, al though it is in no sense a fra ternity, for men attending col leges under the GI Bill of Rights, or a similar law, or as individuals.' Servicewomen also are entitled to join the association and it is en tirely possible that units eventu ally may be established in co-educational and women's colleges .for members of Spars, Waves, Wacs, and women Marines at tending college under the GI Bill of Rights. Open to All Veterans. While the association at the present time is functioning as an undergraduate organization it is open to veterans of all wars who are college graduates and it will continue after the last man has Bill of Rights as an organization of college veterans. Taking an ac tive part at the Polytechnic Insti tute in formation and planning of the organization are members of the faculty who are veterans of the first World war. In their opin ion, the new organization can be one of the most helpful instru ments to the administrators of colleges all over the United States in aiding the discharged service man to rehabilitate himself to ci vilian life. The founding chapter at Poly technic is acting as national head quarters for the organization un til a convention can be held, pos sibly during the coming summer. When such a national convention is held it will be decided where the national headquarters will be located. At this convention the broad purposes of the organization will be defined and a permanent con stitution will be drawn up which will outline the part an organiza tion composed of veterans with a more or less uniform educational background can take in national programs concerned with the welfare of the nation as a whole Lapel Buttons, Keys. Lapel buttons and keys for watch chains have been adopted and are being manufactured by L. G. Balfour company and it is hoped by the organizing group that these lapel buttons wilL. be come widely known as a symbol University, the University of , North Dakota, the University of Wyoming, Boston university Pratt Institute in Brooklyn Brooklyn College, .and Queens College in New York. Beta and Gamma chapters are active in St of participation in the present war. Every man joining the new GI Association is given a mem bership card countersigned by the officers and faculty representative and a shingle which can be framed and hung in his room. Information for installing chap ters already has been forwarded to GI groups at the Illinois Insti tute of Technology, Duke Univer sity, Ohio State University, Le high University, Louisiana State John s and Long Island Universi ties in Brooklyn. Information about the organ ization and a copy of its consti tution may be obtained from Gamma Iota Alpha, Pojytechnic Institule of Brooklyn, 85 Livings ton btreet, Brooklyn 2, New York ROTC Concert Features Mad in, Srh in Program Margaret Modin, cornetist, and Rudy Srb, clarinetist, will be fea tured in the annual spring out of doors concert of the university ROTC Symphonic band on May 9, directed by Donald Lentz. Music appropriate for the out of doors setting is being planned for the concert which will be given on the plaza of the new Love library. Beginning at 7 p. m., the performance will be moved to the coliseum in the event of inclement weather. Ot's g Fact1! N n ft - S j v O) M. S. Fishwood Receives $300 Ag Scholarship Margaret Sue Fishwood, sopho more has recently received a $300 scholarship awarded by the WNAX broadcasting station at Yankton, South Dakota. A sophomore in the home eco nomics department, Miss Fish wood received the award on the basis of scholarship, leadership, character and financial need. The scholarship is one of a number awarded each year to students in the Agricultural Colleges of Ne braska, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota and Iowa. During her two years at the university, Miss Fishwood has made an outstanding record in scholarship and has taken part m a number of student activities. Grn TrMHMl TeL -JJTt SMI N. Mtk Bt, fateill The New holds A SURE BETS This year there are to be only two War Loans. But in these two loans we must lend Uncle Sam just about as much money as we did last year in f hree. That won't be easy. But it'll be a lot easier if you'll do the same thing that 27 million Americans in the Payroll Savings Plan are doing. Right now they're stepping up their allotments saving extra money so that they can spread their War Bond buying over more pay checks. If you're wise and anxious to help your country finish this thing right you'll start saving noiv for the first of 1945's two big War Loans. This way you can set aside enough to fill your quota for the 7th War Loan -which starts next month almost before it gets under way. It means sacrifice. But it also moans you're supporting to the best of your ability the men who are sacrificing things like arms and legs and lives. START SAVING HOIV FOR THE MIGHTY 7 nm nil li aWWi. . .- yy,. u .i ... r-,M.-J Thiahan U.S. T.-tosvry advertise.: -prepW urr th. muapic, oi Treasury DvpartmerU and War AdvTtiaing Council Sl I Wear Surretwill i vi an ivui cruvo There's no joker in this new 4-in-i winner. SiirreiwiH's ver satility is truly amazing. The rich, suede-like Venetian tex ture of the all-wool fabric gives Surretwill oisc without pose. You feel confidently at ease because you are correctly attired for business, fur evenings. And as for leisure hours, you'll find Sunetwill's vitality and resiliency is unruffled by sports wear or week-ending. It holds its shape and crease. Tailored by Rose Brothers in popular models, including the new S-button single-breasted. All sizes in rich solid tones. $ Q 7 so Surretwill Suits For uportswear extra. Surretwill slacks make a swell team-mate for your Surretwill suit. Wide array of pastels and darker tone. J 1 1 50 mm. 1230 0 St.