' THE NEBRASKAN Friday. April 27, 1945 J Jul Vb&AaAkcuv roiti-ioiiiB TIAB rklik4 UrN time watkt Saa4r WMinMj u rrta'a flartnt nkMl Tr snript lm art tl.M Pr grncstet ar I1M far tkt Catlr tew. U-M Mailr4 SinrU eaay. 6 OaU. tiiltrH a imii-dui MkUrr at Iba aa'" a Lincoln Nebraska, ana.r Ad at Caatraai Marrb S. aa at aerial rait at ffltatr artdf. far ia Sectiaa llti. Act at Oelaaar a. Ull. AaUariaad Saataaiaai S I set. EDITORIAL ST APT rdtte Baral W. AaarB Managing Editsr Jfaa C.lalfrlly. Bflly l.aa HuilM New s I'didlors rallis Traiardrn. Shirley Jenkins Mary Aliie rawnad. Bill Roberta Sport Kdilor . Char Peiersaa So.ielT Edilar Belly Kin Bl'SINtSS STAFF Rnstnrv Manaret Mildred FntMrom Av.Ktanl R.inrss Manactri Lorraine Aramin. Shirley Muben CirruLvinn Manager Janet llvlrhinton Golden Opportunity . . . The drive to lid the campus of dandelions is rolling in high gear. Well-planned and well-organized, the clean-up campaign was launched Wednesday when a letter explain ing the object and organization of the drive was dispatched to the presidents of the various houses on the campus by a special Student Council committee. The campaign is well under way, but it is still very much in the critical make-or-break stage. .The plans are laid," but the actual digging has hardly begun. The responsibility for the success or failure of the drive now rests squarely on the shoulders of the students, working through the organized houses. Students thus are faced with a rare chance to combine beautification of the campus with a lot of fun. It would be highly regrettable if they failed to take advantage of the opportunity. We Repeat! Every semester The Nebraskan receives many excellent Letterips which it cannot publish because the writers failed to sign their names. A recent letter praising the dandelion campaign, for example, could not be published because the writer used a pen name. To clear up the obvious confusion on the matter of anonymous letters. The Nebraskan states once again its long-standing policy: No letters-to-the-editor will be pub lished in The Nebraskan unless they are signed with the writer's legal signature. The Nebraskan adheres to this policy on the principle that any person desirous of airing his views in the columns of a newspaper should have the moral courage to identify those views as his own. MadI 1 now" that Lt. Danny Slater has forsaken England lor a m aay furlough . . .arrived Sunday . . . Flo Ella Sober ff really has the deal Lt. Ray Evers came all the way from Texas just to be with her Tuesday night. Exit pianissimo . . . Whntdidya expect . . . chimes? Macille Schmid, Alpha CM On Friday, April 20, Ernest Harrison, of the school of music faculty, w as a judge for the state district II contest in Fremont. Twenty-five members of Phi Chi Thela, business administra tion sorority, made their annual inspection lour of Omaha busi ness firms, Friday, April 20. BY NINA SCOTT. The edges certainly are ragged . . . frayed would be more like it , , . when people don't even know what they're doing or what other people are doing, its time for investigation . . . guess the scouts will have to be let loose . . . FBI moaning Foolish Betas Incorporated . . . They'ie the ones who don't even need hunting dogs . . . they just scream Ml'SH ad oxcel.sior from there . . . A new "Little Gill so Tender and True" is Gamma Phi Jody Lehman who has climaxed a steady since September affair wilh 1)U Nelt Freisenborg by let ting him pin his pin on her . . . Yellow Weeds Leave. Today is t ho day those ink in' yellow weeds leave their cozy campus homes and weigh in to judge who will be ihe Dandelion Queen and King . . . California has its Roses and Nebraska to be ingenious has its precedent . . . The RQ's standing for FLENTY are to be presented tonight at the dance . . . according to Myra Col berg . . . Towne club is having a dance tomorrow night . . . Intratraternity dance yet! Three Gamma Phi's with intentions of dancing are Shirlee Hammond, Mavis McMurray, and Donna Eilers . . . Their inviiers are DU Jim Tagader. Sig Ep Don Mun son, and Lt. Roy Gean . . . The SDT's had candy for des sert Monday night from Sylvia Hurwieh announcing her new SAM pin from Sol Swartz . . . Return of Native. Return of the native is typified by former ATO Johnny Thomp son back from the wars . . . has a date Saturday night wilh Dee Gee Helen Johnson even I ho' his pinmate Marcy Baur, Alpha Phi is in Omaha . . . Bobby Sherwood is the destination of these two "old friends'' . . . Gamma Phi Ginny Hamilton is flying high over the Air Corps WHO r. VI II plant T7 i 1 ! n iJl-: . i fit Who will win the Sing? d f Judge-da zzlers . i i U V 1 herewith presented tor gals t v m competition CARDIGAN and SLIP-OVER SWEATERS The traditional pastels yes! find so deliriously col ored ... in such soft wool . . . you'll welcome our sweaters in your year-round wardrobe. Jonquil . . . violet . . . pink . . . grey . . . leaf-green . . . blue . . . white . . . lime. 34s to 40s. $3.95 io $9.95 SKIRTS Match, blend, or con trast 'em! Smooth wool crepes in lime, jonquil, blue, fuchsia, green, purple. 24s to 30s. $4.95 to $9.95 THE SPORTS SHOP. . .FIRST FLOOR beaming with her ATO pin from long time love, John StaVler. TOWNSEND PHOTO SCHOOU Friday and Saturday, April 20 and 21, Miles Dresskell and Don ald Lent, both of the university school of music faculty, judged instrumental groups for the state district IV music contest i it 1 -------- -,v i r el .4., "Tanker out of control on jxyrt tlio lookout toloiilionos to the officer on the hrite. Ever alert, this merchant seaman ami his mates transport mountains of materials to every battle front. In tpite of fog, storms ami the enemy, they are deliver ing the tools of Victory. Until the day of Victory comes our job at Western Electric is to keep on producing vat uan tities of communications and electronic equipment to aid every branch of our wartime services. In this Kork, many college graduates lwth men and vomen ar serving their country well. Buy all the Wmr Bontlt you ran aiui them! Western Electric m iaCi...souct or suit ro tmc u stsum. IN ... atSlHAl Of COMMUNICATIONS (3jimCnT. Just Arrived BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF SLACKS 2 and up OPLAYSUITS 495 and up SKIRTS 2 and up SHORTS l"-3" OPOLOSHIRTS l09-!" BLOUSES2 and up 1125 0 ST. LINCOLN, NEBR