The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, April 25, 1945
Home Economics
Group Announces
Eight Members
Eight new members of Phi
Vpsilon Omicron, Home Econo
mics honorary, were announced
today by Vivian Ferris, new
New members are Dorothy
Wegener, Geraldine Gowen, Mar
garet Sue Fishwood, Lois Opper,
Claire Kepler, Mary Kumagai, Jan
Engle and Helen Mortonsen.
Initiation will be held next Sun
day morning at 6 a. m. and will
be followed by a breakfast in
honor of the new initiates.
WAA Members
Meet at 5 Today
In Memorial Hall
To acquaint new W. A. A. in
tramural representatives, conces
sions board members and sports
chairmen with their positions and
responsibilities, a meeting will be
held for them today at 5 p. m. in
the east gym of Grant Memorial
Members of the concession board
are: Joanne Rapp, chairman;
Carol King and Phyllis Freed.
Sports chairman include: Caro
lyn Motter, Nebraska-ball; Char
lotte Blum, softball; Doris Easter
brook, soccer-baseball; Lorraine
Zohn, table tennis; Trudy Page,
tennis; Marilyn Stevens, volley
ball; Helen Busacher, badminton;
Dot Meshier, swimming, ; end
Nancy Baylor, outing club.
Ag, Barb Coeds
File for Tassels
Today by 5:00
Today is the last time for barb
and coeds to tile for Tassel va
cancies. Names must be turned
in at Ellen Smith hall in the Dean
of Women's office by 5 p. m., ac
cording to Gerry McKinsey, presi
dent. To file, a student must have
an 80 average, must have com
pleted 24 hours in the university
by the end of the semester and
be carrying at least 12 hours this
(Continued from Page 1.
Presbyterian Church for eight
years. Last spring he was soloist
in "Carmen" when it was pre
sented by the University of Ne
braska's choruses and orchestra.
Hugh T. Rangeler, bass-baritone
has been vocal music super
visor in Lincoln High School and
received his bachelor of arts de
gree from Midland college and his
Master's degree from Northwest
ern. At the present time he is
director of music at Trinity
Methodist Church.
The University Singers under
the direction of Arthur E. West-
brook, the University Choruses
directed by Donald Glattly and
Arthur E. Westbrook, the Agri
cultural College Chorus, under the
direction of Mrs. AUinas Tullis,
and the University Orchestra of
50 members directed by Miles
Dresskell will also be heard on
the program.
It's your
Sco,(! jr-
, , m . ( ...jjumjntm rn "-" f i. .a
The newest, gayest scarf design by
Vivid carnival colors spin across a huge sports
square of fine rayon shantung ... to sparkle at
the neckline of your casual suits and dresses.
ts featured in mademoiselle-
Miller's Neckwear First Floor
era n
(Continued from Page 1.
This means that a vocational re
habilitation student will receive
his subsistance for the seven
weeks vacation period following
the close of the summer session.
Since the vocational rehabilitation
student is not attending school un
der a time-entitlement, he does
not have to worry about using up
such entitlement during a va
cation period.
Law Sixteen.
If the veteran under Public
Law 16 does not go to school
during the summer, he will not
receive his increased subsistence,
but will go back to his regular
pension during the vacation pe
riod. When he re-enters school
again in the fall, his increased
subsistence will again be paid.
If any veterans now on the
campus wish to discuss matters
pertaining to their educational
programs under public law 346 or
16, with the Consultation Board
they should call at the office of
the Junior Division, Room 1, Uni
versity Hall.
Aikanc ...
(Continued from Page 1.
bitt is chairman of the picnic sup
per, in charge of tickets is Jean
Allaway and Gretchen Claudius
will lead the Vesper service.
Guests Attend.
Honored guests and chaperons
will be Mr. and Mrs. Williams,
O. H. Werner, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Rice, Rev. and Mrs. Maer and
Rev. Drew. Tickets are 35c each.
the price including food, can
be purchased at the YWCA office
or from any Aikane member. All
students going will meet at the
Union at 1:15, or at the post of
fice bus stop at 1:40.
If any of those planning to at
tend cannot meet at either of
these times, they can come out
any time during the afternoon,
according to Barbara Griswold.
Edward Arnold & Jean Arthur
Lorraine Woita & Cecil Smith
8:00 P. M., SUN., APRIL 29
Coffee and Domit Hour 5 to 6 in Lounge
The Now
Mill i a, an
holds i SURE BETS
r i g
1 I
Play it for all its worth:
Office Week-ends
Sportswear Evening
We're first in Lincoln to bring you this
four-in-one suit. Surretwill is casual
enough for sports and week-end parties
. . . suave enough for business and eve
ning. The all-wool fabric holds its shape
and crease.
The neic two-button single-breasted ... or double-breasted model
... four solid "gabardine" colors . . , sizes 34 to 44.
E.vctu!velr im LinteHn . . . Second Floor
Mso Surrettvitt
Slicks.. $11 JO
fflfl I FB. f PAtflF