Sunday, April 22, 1945 THE NEBRASKAN year. Esther Schultz, in charge of this committee, announced that the measurements will be taken all day Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon in the reception room in the home economics building. If necessary, the measuring will continue on Thursday afternoon. Th capi and gowna aw being rented from th C. I. Ward Com pany of New London. Ohio. Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake who first scored as a te.m in "Thi Gun For Hire," ar re united m th lead kt Par mount's "The Blue DahHa." Edges 1 BY BET KING. Life on the campus has revived with the definite arrival of picnic weather. The idea is to have as much fun as possible before exams. Some of the Fijis took advan tage of the spring: weather to trek out to the wilds of Lincoln and roast some weenies. This was the little deal that was post poned last week because of rain. Bill Griffin proved the life of the party with Alpha Chi Gracie Eli sor playing: straight-man to his comedy. Dick Dilsaver really got around despite those crutches he's been sporting:. Bill Berner didn't know what time it was, but he had a legitimate excuse he lost his watch in the shuffle. If he did it on purpose it didn't work because date Sally O'Shea, Theta, knew what time it was. Several of the Sigma Nus thought the weather was fine, too. Too good to stay inside. Jack Vierson and Chi O Sue Golden, Bob Wible and Marilyn Coffee, DG, Stan Mark and Barb Russell migrated to the wide open spaces. This brings up the tri angle affair developing between Kappa Gretch Schroeder. Sigma Nu Dave Russell, and Tri Delt Dorothy Converse. Dave took Gretch out Friday night and Dorothy Saturday. This has been going on for some time. Could it be a 'share your man" move ment? Alpha Phi Babs Stenger is back out of circulation again. The Army has decided to fight the war with out the services of Phi Gam Butch Schroeder. Sorry, fellows. Couple of the ATO's and the Delis pooled resources and de cided on a picnic. Bill Gayer and Dorothy Doty, Don Barry and Kappa Lorraine Beckenhauer, John Stichnoth and Kappa Ruth Korb represented the ATO's. Gordy Ehlers and Alpha Chi Sal White, Johnny Van Home and Jettie Mcintosh did the honors for dear old Delta. The Beta Sig's house partied Saturday night. Dean Wall and Beryle Becbc, who incidentally get steadier by the minute, took in the big deal. Al Wolf with Drusilla D o r 1 a n d and Gene Haugse with pinmate Shirley Ol son were some of the other cou ples enjoying the party. Back to those ever-present pic nics Rog Bacae had a farewell one given for him Friday night. Alpha Xi Dody Easterbrook was his date. Claude Beocher was there with Harriet Eyden, Alpha Xi. Alpha XI Shirley Jenkins re ceived one of the nicer surprises ... a visit from Odith Warren. The two of them decided to make it a big weekend with a Saturday trip to Omaha. TOWNSEND PHOTO STl'DIO. Home Ee Club Measures Ag Seniors' Caps, Gowns The home economics club is taking measurements for the ag seniors' caps and gowns again this if GREET HIM When he comes home on furlough, looking neat and pretty in a dress just cleaned by S33 No. 12 I SINCE 1888 Slacks For sports, for relaxation, lovely stars like Merle Oberon prefer the smart, trim comfort of Shire-Tex Slacks . . . man tailored with big pockets, drape retaining pleats and peg-top to help keep the shirt-tail in . . . see Shire-Tex in cavalry twill and colors of Navy, Royal and Black. Sizes 12-20. 95 h m Fv I A rtfl - A IXf NJ J i . s fci i.if r A lOMO TO Casual Shoes 395 and 495 Clever sandals young in spirit, keen in looks. Wear tested plas tic soles in all the wanted colors. Blue, beige, white, red, yellow, brown and white, all black and all brown. T-Shirts to top off any sports en semble. Fine cotton shirts in gay plain colors, and narrow and wide stripes. Large, medium and small sizes. 1.19. 1.59 and 1.95 mmimmmmM