THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, March 21, 1945 BY PIIEE MORTLOCK AND SARAH MURRAY. make use of V-mail, released to- 'dav bv CaDt. Leieh F. Hoop, per- . . . fanfare please . . . bachelor SOnal afiairs officer of the uni-die-hard Joe Marvin, Tau, has!versity military units, finally bitten the dust . . the Thfi bulletin is made up of ex. gal with the potent slingshot . is't u f personal affairs Theta Katy Reese and they ve , published bv the director Captain Hopp Announces Quick! Arrival of Overseas V-Mail Letters from overseas reach;in order to receive appropriate' their destination in the United treatment. A similar process of States more quickly than do let- checking records and forwarding ters from the United States to sol-mail must be followed until such diers overseas, according to a.time as he remains in one place bulletin encouraging civilians toJong enough to notify his family: and mends ot nis new aaaress. ( for the delay of overseas mail in publi ; pers Seventh Service command. canea u Meaajr ... ixuss u. u.c f h , ff j division Phi Gam Eisenharts called Tn "V. i night . . . The Gamma Phi"s took After pointing out that soldiers ovei the Norfolk team last week-y because their families re end Ariel Green, Elaine ceive their letters so quickly, Asmussen." Susie Weber, and Phyl- """ mail from their fam lis Hoke were the chief gals. ;iles is delayed, and that it is ... as if there weren't enough !'du "l0.0.? aeW arnH Alnlia Phi's 1!!U,S mc" r l" Rel Cross Closes Rooms For Repairs on Saturday Red Cross rooms will be closed all day Saturday for re pairs. Coeds have been asked by the Red Cross to fold band ages during the week, and urged especially to attend on March 31. Saturday is the only day the rooms will be closed. Most prominent of the reasons , o.,. , comparison to the promptness.Terhniciail Edit Pamphlet wun wnicn man uom auiuiua iu Party Convention Picks Candidates The Student Party slate of can didates for Student Council and Publications Boards elections will be chosen tonight at a party caucus held in the Union ball room, according to the executive committee of the party. AU student party members are urged to attend this caucus, the committee stated. . their families at home is de livered, are: There is consider ably more space for mail avail able on planes coming to the United States than oa those leav ing this country for a theater of war; and mail from abroad is moving to definite, fixed ad dresses, easily found, thru old es tablished postal channels. The delivery of mail coming from the states into the war area is com plicated by the fast movement of organizations, by the difficult of transportation, often Drimiiive.l f ntloSopnici sont-ij , , . - and by the necessity for giving preference to ammunition and food in combat areas. After outlining the process of V-Mail, the bulletin says, "V-Mail means It . . iron arpmpni rpniers ana oiner iu-i- ' i .. . . . seems the Tn Delts, . rafie uin(J ai!TmH!ing a V-Mail station, or where of V-mail permits a saving oi ed for initiation this week-,. ..,..., ,.:, Farh'mnvc ample space on planes happens thousands of cubic feet of space the only way to date is j f ... ,,,c tn KJt0 be available and mice-filming on aircraft and surface vessels needed munitions. opera ... so Jeanie Bogan; . . . 0.:cf rnr n tr3rw would delay transmission because Harold Freeze are taking in,. u,..Ju ' -aa- rrii of the time required for that process, v-mu letters are trans ported by air in their original form." "V-mail contributes consider ably to the war effort in addi- mx.,.k xv.o ' s possible, the bul- 11 Ti&xT -datinf De "V-Lil always goes H.bbard. Jovce Stuve will be there b' a.r No assurance can be with SAE Chet McCoy, and Lila'S' .that, ot ier, f ma'1' Lathum will take Fiji Russ Ledger mchiding hat stamped for a.r . . . Sally White who has ton''1- be transported by air occupving most of Phi Delfs Ed.aftr eaving the United States. " . . H- : . . .... Fvn aininp the rfelav in delivery thlers baskets says see va to ,as a rulCf is the safest him jm in nmeio ir w a. ' nrinri!of overseas communication Gordie but still a thlers lor e deceiving their mail!must be realized however, that Saturday night deal. ditliLUlties in lecen ing tneir mail nrocedure cannot be fol- . , .,,,. . when thev first go overseas. Dur-ms procenure cannot ue toi . . . -Cinderella Betsy Strain ;i thoge ear, months abroad, a 'owed all cases. For instance . will dance at the same deal with , .. ,c(OTrj thl. uarir.n where V-Mail letters are mailed Bowers arc slat end and the and a. j i Alad- 'and then be forwarded." ... the Phi Delts are really j -xhe same situation exists in making a big splash of the R the case of a wounded soldier. The Street ball Friday night . . . there WOnnded and sick are moved to will be Dick Capek arid DG Nell the rear thru a series of hospitals' Scott, Leo Beck and Aipna fni Betty Sparks. Al Reed of Butler Uni. with Kappa Margy George . . . new pledge Gene Hare is importing a Northeast woman Lou McDill ... i . . . playing a big baseball game Sunday afternoon were some of the Beta pledge class . . . Nancy Garey. DG. and Jim Protzman. Sue Lancpster, KAT, with T-Bone Burton. Paula Jones. DG, with Del Roth and many more . . . But what we want to know is . . .! can Bil'ie Trombla talk pig-Latin? . . . Saturday night the Beta actives took over on a similar ex cursion . . . Alpha Phi's Donna Peterson. Blackie Blanchard and Jean Koleczar were with Harlan Helgerson. Gene Rainey and Bob Schulle. respectively, and DGV Patsy Winter and Jo Meyer batted with Larry Stoner and Bill Olson ... a liUle we.ik but still gig gling after the Theta houseclean-1 irg, was Patty Colton with Tau' Bones" Boehmer Saturday night . . . Ames is taking the campus bv storm this weekend . . .is Gamma Phi Ca?ey Critchfield thrilling Phi Delt Tom McCar ville? . . . and does "Hack" Lily. Kappa, care . . what a puzzle . . . . . Jane Johnson, Gamma Phi . was seen with ATO Gene Wyler last Saturday . . . big. mammoth welcome homes to Johnny Van Horn, Delt . . campus didn't seme the same without him . . . j . . . friendship . . . friendship . . . just a perfect blendship dwells between Pete Foe Phi Psi and KKG Ruth Korb . . . Theta Helen1 Goodwin's Curt Knudson is home! from the Marine Air Corps but the; Army . . . soo cruel,. . . Air Corps has taken away Irene Dunnell's Kappa, pinmate Cliff Blackwell . . . ; Dr. D. M. Pace, assistant pro fessor of physiology, and K. K. Kimura, technician in the uni versity student health depart ment, have published a pamphlet, "The Effect of Temperature on Respiration in Paramecium Au relia and Paramecium Caudatum," based on their experiments with lliesc organisms The pamphlet describes both :he method ana the results of their experiment which was partly financed by the Penrose Fund of the American TOWNSEND PHOTO STUDIO. T. E. Hanley, Bradford, Pa., oil executive and art connoisseur has presented to St. Bonaventure college, Olean, N. Y.. 17 paintings from his private collection. tion to the advantage offered to the mailing public. Because it weighs only 1140 as much as ordinary mail and conserves 98 tne use for vitallv weapons and other war supplies." A method has been devisee to give the safest and fastest pos-j sible delivery of mail to our sol-; diers in battle areas so why not use it?" ' Only 2 More Days to Buy Tickets 99 Friday, March 23rd S P. M. UNI. NEBR. COLISEUM Good Seats Available at $1.20 and $1.80 M Federal T Inelade BOX OFFICE AT Latsch Brothers 1124 O St. Fee BeverralUa lafaraaallw Fbanc Z-MU SrONSOBED BT Llacala JanUr t kaaiber ar Caawara aaa Taa Liacala Newspaper. As Circumstances Permit . . . we'll get that clean ing back to you. It may take longer but you'll have the same dependable service. tot : -is t " A 9 A7 x O fojL EASTER For Easter Sunday. ..and almost "for always". . .our wonderful two-piece suits. Go to church in them... go to campus meetin's in them... and, of course, they're divine for meeting the b. f. Cardigans and collars too. .. unadulterated woolens.. .junior and misses sires. Your pick of the season's colors! 29.95 Jb 49.95 f ' ' a v 1 1 nn iisA - ' - - -