The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 21, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, February 21, 1945
Comes Spring and a young
man's thoughts turn to love as
have ATOs Chick Neal's and Tom
Noble's, though rushing the sea
son a little. Chick "Love 'em and
leave 'em" Neal has fallen hard
for Pi Phi Jan Schwartzer and
made it a steady deal. Tom, as
previously reported, has been
spending a lot of time with AOPi
Jean Skinkle and now has stand
ing Saturday, Sunday, and Mon
day nite dates with , here
but don't get us wrong they
aren't going steady. Ha!
Who's The Lucky Man?
Confusion WHO has a date
with Theta pledge Sally O'Shea
for Saturday night ? ? ? ? She has
promised Phi Delt Dan Lilly, Beta
Rog Stewart, and Fiji Bill Berner,
but the question is, "Who will
come out in the lead ? ? ?" One
way to keep in the good graces of
all the frats.
Taking in Stan Kenton last
Saturday night were Thetas Joline
Ackerman and Betty Gray Norvel
with Kappa Sigs Lt. Bill Robin
son, home on leave, and Bill
Flory. ATOs John Mason and Bill
Gayer with Kappas Mary Ralston
and Joan Damewood. Back to
gether again were Alpha Phi Babs
Stenger and Fiji Butch Schroeder
Are they or are they not going
steady ? ? ?
(Continued from Page 1.)
committee began me jod oi iao
ulating the results. On the basis
of those results, a report and list
of recommendations was sent to
the "Student Health department.
The report consisted of criticisms,
comments, suggestions given by
the students and actual quotes of
some students.
Student Council Approves.
made, the report proceeded to the
office of Chancellor C. S. Bou
cher. He "is in complete accord
with the students in the belief
that they should have a definite
and active part in setting the
policies of the university, accord
ing to Mr. Goldberg.
The actual contents of the re
port will be open to student
comment after the administration
has had a chance to act upon
the matter, Goldberg went on to
Goldberg's Letter.
The following letter, written
by Mr. Goldberg, sets forth the
policy followed by the student
To the Students::
In response to many inquiries
made by students concerning the
recent student health question
naire, we wish to inform you
of the action the student health
committee of the Student Coun
cil has taken since the ques
tionnaires were filled out.
First of all, we would like to
thank the students for their swell
co-operation- in filling out over
800 questionnaires. After the
questionnaires were collected, the
With annroval bv the Student
Council after minor changes werelcommittee began the job of tab-
'ulaiinn tht rpcnlfs. On the basis
of these results, we wrote a re
port and recommendations on the
Student Health department. In
the report we listed the criticisms,
comments and suggestions of the
students and actually quoted the
students to back up the criti
cisms and suggestions made.
Submit Report.
Next we submitted the report
of a general meeting of the Stu
dent Council and it was approved
with minor changes. After the
changes were made, we met with
Chancellor Boucher and presented
him with a copy of the report.
He was, and is, in complete ac
cord with the students in the be
lief that they should have a defi
nite and active part in setting the
policies of the university. He
assured us that he would take
immediate action upon our re
port by submitting it to the stu
dent health committee of the
senate, and then report back to
We feel that the actual con
tents of the report should not be
revealed until the administration
has had a chance to act upon the
matter, and we know students!
will realize the advisability of
this. Reams of copy may be writ
ten in The Nebraskan about the
question, but In the last analysis
it is the administration that can
actually act upon the matter. In
the meantime, students will be
constantly informed of everything
that the Student Council and the
administration does upon the stu
dent health question.
Stuart Goldberg.
J 7
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