fTmrDm itLDUlXJuaL) liU Vol. 44, No. 45 Friday, January 12, 1945 Registration For Evening Classes Begins Jan. 26 Campus registrations in evening classes offered by the University Extension Division for the second semester will be held Thursday, January 25, 7 to 9 p. m., in room 103 of the Temple. Class sessions will begin the week of January 29. A total of 47 classes in 20 different fields are scheduled. Twelve new courses will be of fered during thu second semester. 'International Problems Just Ahead" is the title of a newly de signed course which consists of a series of 14 weekly lectures pre sented by specialists of the uni versity. Auditors and students in terested in world problems are urged to register for this course which carries credit in History 199. . Mrs. Katherine Maurer will be the instructor for "Marriage and Home Relationships." This course deals with practical experiences confronting people looking for ward to marriage; such as, per sonal development in relation to marriage and working out satis factory family adjustments. "Elements of Navigation," taught by Mr. C. C. Collins, is designed especially for serious students of Students Pay For Yearbook By February 1 All students" who purchased their '45 Cornhuskers on partial payments must complete these payments by February 1, accord ing to business manager Charlotte Hill. After that time the final payment will be $2.50 instead of the present price of $2.25. Miss Hill announced yesterday that there are only a limited number of Cornhuskers available for sale and urged all students who wish to buy year books to reserve one as soon as possible. Payments may be made in the Cornhusker business office any afternoon. Over 1550 books have now been sold. Because no more covers are available, it is impossible to order more books. The Cornhusker will be issued May 4. Students may leave mailing addresses with the business manager in the Corn husker office if they wish books to be mailed to their homes. Snowman Candidates Anticipate 'Big Nite9 BY JIDGE MASON. Rumor's have been floating madly around, concerning the evenings planned for SNOWMAN candidates by their dates. Myra Colberg wouldn't tell us how she was going to escort Gene Dixon (let's hope he doesn't melt before he gets there) so we peeked into her basement at 1735 So. 16th street and saw it! We knew Abel would get him in trouble when she started bragging about Gene being a serviceman well, did you ever see a jeep painted purple and red? Do you think you will? Donaldine Again! Got a'hold of Les's Donaldir.e the other clay and boy is that gal smart but more about that later. Over toward the Sigma Nu house lots of mumblings were go ing on because two S. candidates were destined to be launched from that establishment it won't be the first time they've launched someone either but anyway the grapevine says that Dorothy Black has a few tricks up her sleeve. If anyone sees Dick Batchelder struggling along under "corsage" of butcher knives, aviation rnd for teaclfers of aero nautics in high schools. "Business English," designed for advanced students who have mas- (See REGISTRATION, page 3) Phi Chi Theta Plans Bureau Of Placement Plans for the bizad placement bureau were discussed by Mary Helen Thorns at a meeting of Phi Chi Theta, national business ad ministration honorary sorority, Wednesday evening in the Union Miss Thorns reported that the files of business contacts have been reorganized and a complete list of all business firms in the country which would interest bizad students has been compiled by Phi Chi Theta members. Let ters will be sent to each of these firms requqesting information on positions and opportunities of fered. The application letter form and data sheets, filled out by senior bizad students, may be revised after replies have been received from the firms contacted, she stated. Files of contacts will be kept up to date and can be used for reference by any bizad stu dent. Miss Thorns is chairman of the Placement Bureau committee and is assisted by Estelle Lonneman, Winifred Haskins, June Dunn and Edith Hawkins. Af. Flavin Gives Radio Interview Tuesday At 4:15 Tuesday's university-produced Book Nook will be highlighted by an interview with Martin Flavin, author and playwright, whose fa mous novel, Journey in the Dark, won him the Pulitzer Prize for 1944. Mr. Flavin will be interviewed by Carl Ziegler. Research for the remainder of the program was done by James Tagader. The script was written by Joan Bohrer and Helen Johnson. Gloria Bar nell is in charge of production. The Radio Workshop of the University of Nebraska presents Book Nook every Tuesday at 4:15 p. m. on KFOR. pliers, picks and hammers, tied together with an iron chain, don't be alarmed after all, what do you expect for a dent student! Ernie, an Anrel? And gosh, poor Ernie Larson! A halo and angel robe are all right in their place but, Flossie! Do you think Ernie is the place? Yep, the more Donaldine sticks around here the more interesting she gets to be. Always spoutin' off her mouth but at any rate she seems pretty well trained. Understand Bob Brown was kin da embarrassed when he read a certain last week's paper. Sez he didn't 'xpect nothin like that and, well golly, sorta took 'im by s'prise. If that surprised him he's going to look mighty peculiar when his date comes after him for the ball. Especially when he finds himself trying to manipulate snow shoes on dry sidewalks. She can dream, can't she? Wishing on a star isn't so dumb. Donaldine says, "No, not yet!" Nelson Rolls. Then there's the guy who's been rolling over a football so long it shouldn't bother him when Mary Ward Freeman Dies at Front December 13 Lt. Ward Freeman, 1943 gradu ate of the business administration college, was killed on the western front in Germany on Dec. 13, ac cording to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. An drew Freeman of Stromsburg. While in the u niversity, L i eu tenant Freeman was a member of the R.O.T.C., was a w a r ded the William Gold Key for bizad 1 iJ college ana was Lieutenant Freeman, affiliated With Lincoln Journal. Phi Gamma Delta. After gradu ation he went to Fort Benning, Ga., where he was graduated Dec. 7, 1943. After service at Fort Mc Clellan, Alabama, he went over seas Aug. 16, 1944 and had been at the front about five weeks. He is survived by his wife, the former Frances Toline, his par ents, two brothers and a sister, Hairiet, a junior in the univer sity. Students Finish Registration Sat. All students In the Junior Division who have not yet called for their "registration blanks" for presentation to the assignment committee should do so without delay, according to Dean Nels A. Bengston. The blanks are ready in the Junior Division Office, and if not taken to the assignment committee before noon tomor row, will be subject to the pay ment of a late fee of three dol lars. War Show Crew Volunteers Sign Up at Nebraskan Interested students may sign up in the Nebraskan office in the Union basement for work on the stage, lighting, make-up and prop erties crews for the 1945 War Show, "Till Johnny Comes March ing Home." Lucy Ann Hapeman, student director, announced today. Miss HaDeman said that the script is being completed and practices are tentatively sched uled to begin next week. Louise Weidman gets out her bar rel to roll him to the coliseum. Doug should just about fill out a barrel in good shape. Now, Donaldine? No, not now. A group of coeds were whisp ering excitedly in one corner of the crib and we heard pieces of the conversation: " in a red Spectator tickets will be sold for the ball at 55c per person. Tickets for the dance floor will be sold at the door at $1.25 per couple and masks will also be sold at the door for 25c. The presentation of the Snowman and six Snowflakes will begin at 10:30 p. m. All persons on the dance floor will remove their masks when the presentation takes place. wagon with wheels that squeak and little yellow ribbons tied in his hair!" " and he's a Snow man candidate, too, or poor Hop py." The general concensus of opinion in our corner of the crib was that they were speaking of Harold Hopkins. Here We Go! Now, Donaldine? NOWi Donaldine says Mary Russel is Peace Conference Heads Tell Group Faculty Advisers Faculty advisers for organized groups and for the twelve com mittees for the miniature peace conference have been announced by the planning committee. The conference will be held at the univer sity March 5th and 9th. The advisers can be contacted during their office hours by any groups desiring information about their country or any problems en M. Dresskell Directs Sun. For Concert The university symphony or chestra, conducted by Miles A. Dresskell, will be presented in a concert, sponsored by the school of fine arts, Sunday, Jan. 14, at 3 p. m. in the Union. Russell Leger, baritone, will be featured soloist. The progrm includes: National Anthem. Overture to Euryanthe von Weber. Symphony No. 3 Scotch First Movement Mendelssohn. Even Bravest Heart Faust Gounod. Mr. Leger Preude to the Deluge Saint- Saens. Country Dance Beethoven Preude, Chorale and Fugue Bach-Albert. Orchestra members: FIRST VIOIJNS: Mary Alice Zlerler, Concertmlstress, Margaret Stacy, Olive Lehmer, Doris ChamberHn, Alice Saunders, Shirley Compton, Opal Stelnhausen, Bar bara Vesely, 'Royal Gettmann. SECOND VIOIJNS: Dorothy Taylor, Leota Sneed, Barbara Kellry, Gertrude Stephen, Beverly Swart wood, John Davis, Laura Wllterdink, Mildred Everstrom, Tom Dewey, Beverly Barker, Arlene Gray. VIOT.AS: Sylvia Gettman, Ardyee Batt, Eunice Bracken, Mary Peterson, 'Earnest Harrison. CKIXOS: Gretchen Burnham, .Janet Doutbit, 'Anne Gols. BASSES: Bonnie Compton, Annette Eckblade, Florence Fickler. FFLUES: Marian Peck, Elizabeth Mc Rtenrjr, William Wurtx, Ruth Blcknell. OBOES: Pfc. Bernard Bashford, Jean Shapland. CLARINETS: Thomas Green, Maxlne (See CONCERT, pagre 6) going to take her date in a Re frigerator. Is that to keep Dick Hay from melting, Mary? Hear there's a letter about him up the Mortar Board room. Following are two letters re cently received for a SNOWMAN candidate: For snowman we would like to plug A Phi Delt flash whose name is Doug. A typical snowman is filled with joy And that's why we think Doug's the boy. Roly-poly, with sound physique Oh! This man Doug is really unique! With all these traits plus good personality For snowman, let's make Doug a reality. Mary Lou Holtz. Vonnie Milton. Speed merchant of Wausa, Hero of football, and basketball too, Of the good-looking men left, countered. Advisers for commit- tees may also be contacted during office hours for help on specific problems. At a meeting of the house presi dents and conference chairmen Wednesday night in the Union, Ernie Larsen and Barbara Stahl, members of the planning commit tee, discussed organization of houses and choosing of committee members. Furnish Chairmen. Any hous.e which is to furnish the chairman or vice chairman of one of the committees as listed in Article VIII of the Rules of Pro cedure for the conference should turn the names in to Larsen, tele phone number 2-7858, before Tuesday, January 16. Names of those appointed in (See CONFERENCE, page 4) Alpha Phi Heads Bandage Rolling Hours on Campus Topping the list of hours put in at surgical dressings by campus "j organizations is Alpha Phi with a total of 443 hours so far this ' semester. In second place is Delta Delta Delta with 200 hours, and in third place Alpha Omicron Pi with 180 hours. Mary Verink, coed in charge of checking hours spent at the Red Cross by campus women, an nounced the totals and also urged that the organized houses begin again this Saturday to make ban dages. The remainder of the list of hours is as follows: Kappa Kappa Gamma, 150; Alpha Chi Omega, 143; Delta Gamma, 122; Gamma Phi Beta, 119; Chi Omega, 111; Pi Beta Phi, 85; Alpha Xi Delta, 75; Kappa Alpha Theta, 72; Sigma Delta Tau, 67; Sigma Kappa, 30. He's one of the few. Phi Delt on Campus, Liked by us all, Cute smile and curly hair No snow he's on the ball. A nomination we present Doug Nelson's his name We want him for snowman. Please ???? Hopefully Sal's White and Yoder. l Girls . . I ul more r I shopping ' I I day left ; I r' i unt'' MORTAR BOARD SNOW BALL f - Jan. 13 Lizxxzvzvi ,:,,:::.::;::..,.. ...i