THE NEBRASKAN Sunclay, NovemHer 26, 1944 LETTERIP To the Editor: I am undoubtedly engaging in a fool-hardy practice commonly called "sticking out your neck," but I feel compelled to write this letter in mild protest It has come to our attention (several undergraduates, male) that the Student Union is sponsoring a coed-officer dance Saturday in the ballroom. A most excellent proposition, and far be it from us to deny these men the entertainment of "our" coeds, BUT since when must male Corn huskers bow out of the Saturday usage of the Union ballroom for another group not paying tariff on the glistening floors and soft carpets? j Remember, Miss Lahr, if it is Saturday for an air base lieutenant, it is also Saturday for us, and we eniov dancing as much as shavetails. May we not also bring our dates to OUR ballroom? Herb Norman, Pharmacy College. Mr. Herbert Norman and All Male Students of the University of Nebraska: Gentlemen: You ask why does the Student Union choose to take one Saturday night a month away from the students, of the university and schedule a dance for air base officers? There are on the campus 1,843 coeds compared with 938 male students who are civilians. In ad dition, there are some 300-plus AST trainees. Of those civilian and military male students, a great majority is under 18 years of age. Coeds therefore outnumber civilian males two to one, and sopho more, junior and senior coeds have few male stu dents their age as possibilities for escorts. , The Student Union is attempting to serve the interests of all types of students. Last summer when the War Council imported high school girls to dance with the AST reserves because there were few 17 year old girls on the campus, the campus coeds did not raise their voices in protest. On this occasion the activities committee in quired of all women's organized houses if they would be interested in an officers dance. We thought it would be a decent way of assuring coeds of a nice week end evening. And the re sponse was "Yes, please," from the coeds, and the Union planned to set aside one evening a month, Saturdays, because there were no con flicting T .inrolnette dances in town on that night. At this point T rin not vet know whether the dance will be successful and whether it will be continued, but Tkbha&kcuv rOBTT-FOCBTH SstserlptUa Kstes r tl.M Per Semester t fl.M fer the Cellere leu. i2. Mailed. Sinrls eoPT. Cents. . ... . .i l 1 Nahrukt tier A Csnrres March . 187. and at epeeial rata - t a . . 1nn . t fV..iW 1111 AsUsrise September M. VKZ. Published three times weekly during school yew, ex- crpi vacauuna ana exMiiiimuuiis pvrnuua uj .jiuv..;... the University of Nebraska under the aupenrlsioa of the Publications Board. Elite Pat Chamberlln Maaarlnr E4rUn. .Mary Lsaisa Gtatwh, Harold Afiieraea Krmm rriit.r. I rl! Jru ftlatfelt. Rrtiv La Hastaa. Janet, Mas a. Phyllis Teatarden Sports Editor Hick Dilsaver Society Editor Helen Goodwin Basineas Manager. J Marts Assistant Basin ess Managers M ldrrd Knrstram. Larraine Abransaaa Les Said The Better Ry Les Ghtfefiy For arDroximatelv the 875th time since school started we have just finished re marking, "Wish we had something to write a column about." Nobody even pays any at tention any more. Once when we got hard up, we wrote a paragraph without any "E's" in it, but AST Al Olson very emphatically told us that trick had whiskers &Vz feet long. So now what? o We have been hearing h'yar and thar that the campus humor magazine AWGWAN is about to rise from the grave, not that it ever was grave y' understand. At any rate, it sounds like a whee of an idea to us. It went "off campus" before we got in school in Fntpmber 1942. but we have seen copies of it laying around the Nebraskan office. Theta Sigma Phi, honorary journalism group, has taken over the job of reviving the AWGWAN and they are beavering away like mad figuring out budgets, sources of materials, film priorities and so on. Of course, it isn't definite yet, because publi cations board must approve the Theta Sig plans before the magazine can resume pub lication. But, at least we have something to hope for things are going wonderfully so far and soon after Christmas students may, have something to laugh at besides mistakes in The Nebraskan. Peace Conference . . Plans for the University of Nebraska's miniature peace con ference are now taking shape and will be presented to all organized groups Monday evening. This plan, as conceived by the YWCA and interested students, is by far the most ambitious undertaking ever proposed by any campus group. In order to be even partially successful, every organized group on the campus, including every student in that group, will have to take an active part in (he prepa ration for and participation in the conference. The degree of suc cess obtained will depend upon the amount of interest demonstrated by every student T.vfrv organized house, or group of 20 unaffiliated students. will be assigned a country to study and to represent at the plenary sessions and committee meetings of the conference. The ideas and vipwnoints exDressed bv the students pre to be, as far as possible, the views of the country they represent and not the views of the students. There will be approximately three or more committees in everv house, which, added to the voting and speaking delegation to the two plenary sessions, will take in every student in each organization. Aside from the excellent and "painless" educational aspect of the conference, it will also be another "first" for Nebraska. If the conference goes off in February when it is scheduled and is a suc cess, UN will be the first university to carry out such a plan. How ever, if the conference is a "flop" it will also be a good, big, black eye for the university. FRESH CANNED NUTS Freshly roasted nuts sealed In cans for EARLY djPfj XMAS MAILING OVERSEAS. Assorted nuts, Cashews, Filberts, Peanuts, Almonds, etc .... THE NUT HOUSE t $1.43 118 No. 13th St i Conference (Continued from Page 1.) such a dance once a fchiD of month. Need I remind you that we ex clude the military, other than our own, from our other dances un less they are the escort of a uni versity girl? Need I also remind you that we will not sell any mili tary, olher than our own, ciga rets? We are not attempting to be a U.SO. or an officers' club to military off the campus. We are trying to serve ail of you. Gentlemen, I am happy to an swer your criticisms of this idea. I am sure that this explanation will clarify our point of view. Sincerely, ratriria A. Iahr, Managing Director. Tn All Students: Tomorrow is your last chance to repister so that you can take part YOURSELF in the political life of the campus. ALL students who register for the STUDENT PARTY can take part THEM SELVES in nominal, ig and elect ing the party candidates and of ficers at the open caucus Tuesday evening in the Temple auditor ium. There is no DELEGATE sys tem, no bosses, no blocs, nobody forced to join the STUDENT PARTY. All members take part as INDIVIDUALS in the pure democracy of the parly meeting. This is an. invitation to all stu dents interested in democratic student government, and in tak ing part THEMSELVES in cam- mi noliiicK. to reenter for or change to the STUDENT PARTY tomorrow. Bill Miller, Co-ChCairtnan, Student Party, will study phases of world or-' .ganization, world boundaries,; treatment of axis nations and war criminals, labor and economic' problems, and colonial mandates. The entire organization is priv ileged to act as a delegation to the conference but with a limited i To make your C.hrmtmat gift distinctive A handmade wooden pin by Rose HAND CRAFT SHOP U27 N St number of voting and speaking delegates chosen. After eroims have been given t r'ji irtn I do iZl thTthe S uTnt linton the student planning commit- k of LfiSfSion for the sponsor- t.nd.cj as advisors to lPnfce and dfln,te stuy - - i Ll . nulla vji 1 1 a id nuiw " Within each organized group, imnnrtant oroblems will be eiven smaller technical planning com- eath group. mittees of two or three students i - WELCOME to CHRIS' GOOD EATS 244 N. 13ua FligiitTraining Government Approved School If Flight lemons arranged at the Union Air Terminal by ap pointment N'ifiht classes for school instruction. 2415 O Street Phone 6-2885 r 2-6124. Lincoln Airplane & Flying School 1 ,JrThe armed Y the training camp l, 1 build strong ii ii 111 111 " '.Nit- ' i 0 Sir f J Tm1i wsat it every mealtime. sA f I I Js't 'tb snd tresmy j 'fKl (Kwn c AT UAST A HUT 109 CACII ADULT tAQXt FOR Tiff CHItDatll rfi A Hi i V Anywhere, everywhere, this little all wool frotk will serve you well . . . it's right for ckssroom, dating, or the holiday travels. In blue or green checks. Young Tnmwtrr Smop, Fourth Floor, J