The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 24, 1944, Image 1

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    Vol. 44, No. 32
Col. Murphy Receives
Promotion of Col. J. P. Murphy,
commandant of military units and
professor of military science and
tactics at the university since July
1, 1942, to Director of Schools di
vision for all ROTC and AST
schools in the Seventh Service
Command at Omaha, was an
nounced today by Chancellor C. S.
"Col. Murphy was the best com
manding officer of ROTC units I
have ever encountered in my 15
years of experience. We are dis
tressed to lose him but rejoice in
his p r o m o t i o n," Chancellor
Boucher stated.
Headed IN Military.
Col. Murphy had under his
jurisdiction all military units on
the campus, including STARs,
AST, Air Corps, AST medical stu
dents, ASTRP and ROTC stu
dents. Entering South Dakota State
College at the age of 15, Col. Mur
phy graduated with a Ph. G. de
gree. He was the youngest man
ever to graduate from that school.
In 1916, Col.
Murphy gave up
his work as a pharmacist to be
mobilized the South Dakota
national guard. After receiving a
commission as a second lieutenant
l e euards and seeing with d a f. r detaj, with
the 36th infantry, he was trans- ,he 34th Qhio national guard unit
r .thl regUlar A""? ,-and at Cincinnati,
advanced to the rank of first lieu
tenant in the 41st infantry. From 1935 to 1937 he served as
'plans and training officer for the
Finishing World War I with the pacific sector of the Panama
Turkey, K-State
Receive Tributes
Saturday at Game
Tributes to Kansas State and to
the traditional inanKsgiving lur
key will be the half-time features
presented by the university var
sity and ROTC bands under the,
direction of Don Lontz at the
Kansas State-Nebraska football
game Saturday afternoon.
An appropriate symoo. anaU, f $275 30 ,argest amount mU
music w.11 first honor Kansas on any one d tW vear
State. The Thanksgiving theme jun" tunied in-the most
then progresses from , the strutting h f d $,53 55 $!30 of
bve turkey to the baked turkey I .. - . lirrhasrf hv a sinrfe
and carcass, with the formation
of a wishbine as the climax.
Characteristic music will accom-
pany each phase.
Speakers Cover
Gives Plans for
Speaking tours by members ofjsmaller countries for study, asthe'tant as the
the Dl&nnine committee for theilesser nations will be as impor-
miniature peace conference rxn-j
sored by tne i hca caoinet vnii i
cover all orcanized houses Mon-1
day night. Distribution of plans j
lor im wniewKe . it
o i - i
MimeocraDhed fcheets with an I
outline of the conference will be
left at each house Monday r;isht.
After the plans have been studied, j
each house will list, in order cij
preference, five countries that the:
group would like to represent at
the conference. j
As far as possible, each house
will study and represent the na-
tion listed as first choice, but in!
case of several groups choosing
the same country, the planning'
committee will make the decision.
Emphasis is placed by the plan-
ning committee on choosing
Sec a Tassel .
W fc.iim-
onDglhifi IPir
Friday, November 24, 1944
Leaves UN
. . . leaves UN for Seventh
Service Command Post.
rank of captain. Col. Murphy was
assigned to duty in Puerto Rico
ana i'anama. rrom ivtj to IH.&4
he directed the organized reserves
in Illinois.
Promoted to Major.
In 1930. after studying for a
year at the advanced infantry
hool and lwQ at the Com-DlllllliartOIl OalvS
mand and General Staff School at """"'riOIl VdRS
Fort T-avenworth. Kansas, hewas'r... A I- 2
,u ' moj,vril OUUIH1UV
Canal Zone, returning in 1937 to
his alma mater. South
serve as fAla
and T. In 1939
ne was maae a
lieutenant colonel and in Febru
ary, 1942, a full coloneL
Sct NdC TtcCOrd
As Stamp Sales
Total $275.30
Campus stamp sales for Wed-
Inesday. first stamp day of the
Civfk Wsw Ton s4-;.-o Y.ii o tsk
Andrews turned in $54.25 and
Sosh $15.05. Ag contributed $52.45.
Organized Houses Monday,
Minature Peace Conference
vntmci-i uu-k irr-ir I
The attainment of world
peace is primarily a matter of
edacation. We are delighted
that oar students are enough
interested in educating them
selves tn this subject to sug
gest and develop the idea of
this mock-peace conference.
We are proud of the intelligent
manner ie which tbey have
planned their program; we are
proud of the effective manner
in which they are developing
it. Administrative ani faculty
staff members are glad to as
sist this admirable educational
enterprise in every way pos
sible. C. S. BOUCHER.
' Vvtv-mirvrr I
Thf attainment of rM I
primarily . maUer of II
edacation. We are delighted !
that oar ktodents are enough
- Vur U M
Husker Fans
Burn Effigy
In Last Rally
Husker fans have their last op
portunity of the year to cheer the
team on to victory at the Tassel
sponsored bonfire rally tonight at
7:30 at the Union preceding the
last home game against Kansas
State tomorrow at 2 p. m.
Students will meet in front of
the Union at 7:30 and will follow
the band down fraternity row
to the mall across from the coli
seum where the bonfire rally will
be held and an effigy represent
ing the Wildcats of Kansas State
will be burned. Cheerleaders will
lead yells and Coach Lewandow
ski and a member of the foot
ball team will give pep talks.
The Tassels have planned the
rally and will make speaking tours
to all the houses tonight at 6:00
Jin an effort to get everyone from
each house to attend the rally.
! Large banners -will be carried in
the parade, which will be lead by
the band. The success of the
bonfire depends upon student con
tributing paper, cardboard boxes
and wood. These should be taken
to the mall by 4:00 this afternoon.
A juke box dance will be held;controversy concerning distnbu-
,in the Union ballroom following
the rally,
Forum Discusses
Did Dumbarton Oaks provide a
sound foundation for international
Four members of the UN debate
team will discuss that question on
the University of Nebraska's
Fnmm nf th Air this KatiirHav at
5 p. m. on KFAB.
Dr. Leroy T. Laase, chairman
of the speech department and di
rector of debating, will serve as
moderator. The student panel
members Mauri ne Evnen, Rob
ert Gillan, Betty Lou Horton and
Tom Sorenson all won high rat
ings at the Iowa State discussion
and debate meeting last week.
Phi Chi Theta
Meets Today
All members of Phi Chi
Theta most be present at an
important meeting at 12:36
p. m. today in Room 315 of
the Union.
Big Four" in plan-
nine peace.
The following nations are thow
wnicn wm oe repreteruea uj
groups on the campus at the
miriiiilure Pce conference
Australia, Belgium, Bolivia.!
Brazil, Canada. China, Costa Rica.
Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Iminican
Republic, El Salvador, Ethiopia.
France, Great Britain, Greece,
Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, In
dia, Iraq, Luxembourg, Mexico,
The Netherlands, New Zealand,
Nicaragua, Norway, Panama,
Phiilipines, Poland, Russia, Union
of South Africa, United States and
Axis nations will be represented
at the peace conference either by
individuals or by houses. The
planning committee will announce
their representation at an early
. . . presents Huskers in last
game of season on Memorial Sta
dium sod Saturday at 2 p. m.
Veterans Get
Money Grants
From UN Fund
The decision to divert the War
Scholarship Fund for use as
money grants to returning vet
erans was made at a recent meet
ing of the war scholarship fund
committee. This decision ended a
:"on oi ine iuna auer me purpose
for which it was to have been
used was supplanted by the GI
Bill of Rights.
The committee, composed of
John K. Selleck, comptroller; Dr.
:G. W. Rosenlof. registrar; Pro
fessor Kesner, chairman of schol
arship, and Elsworth Du Teau.
alumni secretary, said the money
will be used as a supplement to
the G. I. Bill of Rights.
Began in 1942.
The War Scholarship Fund was
inaugurated in 1942. under the
direction of the Nebraska Student
Foundation. Its purpose is to help
veterans 10 return to scnooi ai
the University of Nebraska.
The committee felt that there
will be worthy students attending
the university under the G. I. Bill
of Rights who would lack funds
(See VETERANS, page 2)
'45 War Show
Trvouts Benin
Saturday at 10
I Tryouts for the 1945 War Showjquest in the Union lobby from 5
are scheduled to begin Saturday;unljj g
morning in rooms 313 and 315 ofj "
the Union. Any individual or CfIlfInilc Rof 11111
group wishing to try out and not OlUUl-IllS lldlllll
j listed in the tryouts schedule may 11
contact student director Lucy Ann.CorilllllSKCr 1 IV
Hapeman at 2-7545 and a time .
...;n k .-,.,4 vr; Hin.min All proofs of pictures for the
resTeS thaToJpTbe on time'1945 Cornhusker which have not
tor tryouts so that the schedule been returned must be in within
'will not be interrupted.
Tryouts are as follows:
1 1 kiipn Alpfca 1VU
II :M II KHl fki
t: (mm CM Krtl
fw-Ma IMIa lHfm
.!tka M ftrtta
Alpaa OnktM n
Mem PM 4"'toa
AlAa C M Omiti
Hmmtmf actrf, 'vrabrr t:
1:a n-4 fcraa 4 xi Ix Mia
1:1 rr Kfcritrr. Arttwa Hrimi. Bar
bara Inn OHaa
l:li Mknt lunk
1:t imr Mum mm Paratfcy
1:M Knante
1:U iMmtmr Watts
7:44) Tawar flak il
1:M Mem Alfrfaa l4
Ma4r aft' raaia. Viiwatu 17:
M M Oavca
:M MtrnHt Drtta Taa
1:M fVta Gaans
4:1 Kaaa Kaaa Ci man!
4:M Taaarta
UN Huskers
Play K-State
In their last home game of the
season, Nebraska s Huskers clash
with the Kansas State Wildcats to
morrow afternoon at 2 p. m. on
Memorial Stadium sod. Both teams
will be striving for their second
Big Six victory and a chance to
escape the conference cellar in
the season's final standings.
Tough competition is expected
of the Aggie squad but the Corn
huskers will be anxious to win in
their last appearance of the year
at Lincoln.
K-State Beats Kansas.
Kansas State holds one Big Six
victory, a win over Kansas, 18-14.
The Huskers also have one con
ference win, the upset homecom
ing victory over Missouri, 24-20.
The Aggies went down before the
Tigers on the short -end of a 33-0
score. Nebraska lost to Kansas by
a 20-0 count, both teams lost to
Iowa State, the Wildcats by a
14-0 count and Nebraska, 19-6.
From all indications the teams
will enter the field fairly evenly
matched, despite the fact that
early season predictors had con
ceded a Nebraska victory, basing
their assumptions on the very
(See FOOTBALL, pace 2)
Includes Show,
Music, Dances
forward to a
the Union.
students can look
"sharp" weekend at
Starting the program will be a
Juke Box dance at 4.00 p. m.
this afternoon wRirh will last un
j til 6:00 p. m. After the rally
tonieht. becinnine at 8:15 o. m..
the Juke Box will again furnish
melodious tunes
until 11:30.
for the dancers
Now for Saturda y Coeds,
here's your chance to help enter-
;tain officers from the Lincoln Air
Base. Starting at 9:00, Dave Haun
and his orchestra will play in the
Union ballroom until 12:00.
Starring Michele Morgan and
Paul Henreid, "Joan of Paris" will
be the main feature of a free
variety show presented at 3:00
p. m. Sunday in the Union ball
room. To finish up this weekend. Peg
one week alter tne stuoeni re
ceives them, or the studio will
pick the picture to be used. Proofs
must no wbe turned in at the
Miller & Paine studio on the sec
ond floor of the store rather than
rt the studio on 13th street where
the pictures were taken.
UN Student Party
3Ieetsiii Temple
All members of the Student
Party for Democratic Govern
ment are invited to a meeting
Tnrvday night in Temple at
7:3f, according to Bill Miller,
temporary co-chairman.
Nominations will be made
for junior and senior class
presidents at the meeting:. All
students interested may attend
whether they have registered
or not.