The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 22, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, November 22, 1944
JJul VkbhoAlicuv
SsDtcrlptlaa ar fl.M Prr Irnefln t fl.M far tfcs CVHef Tear. .
Mailed. 6lnr!a copy, Cent. Entered as teea-clMi matter at the psstofrlca to
Lincoln, Nebraska, ander Act sf Csnrreaa March a, WI9, an at aaeeial rate !
posture Branded far la Section 1103, Act f October S, 111, Aataoriiea September
Published fare times weekly on Banday, Wednesday aad mday dartBt teasel
Fill tor rat ChsmfccrHn
Manarlnr Fdltor Mary I.enle Goodwin, Harold Andersen
Newa Ed iters Leslie Jcsn Olotfelty. Betty Las Barton,
J arret Mason, Phyllis Tcarardcn
Business Mansfcr I!!
Assistant Business Manerers Lorraine Abransen, MfMred Enrrtrom
Knrlctv Fflitnr - Helen
Sports Editor .
V . - Mail
Pat Chamberlin, Censor
.Dick Dilsaver
Rehabilitation at Iowa State
Replies from universities over the country in amwer
to the Nebraskan's survey of various rehabilitation pro
grams under the educational section of the G. I. Bill of
Rights indicates that all universities and colleges are 101
lowing in the main the same scheme as is in operation
at Nebraska. A central planning committee as a clearing
house for all problems and a general information center,
is set up, advisors are assigned returning veterans, special
and refresher courses are offered as the need arises,
courses taken while in service are evaluated according to
the Armed Forces Institute's recommendation, and all uni
versity committees work closely with the Veterans' Ad
ministration. The State University of Iowa at Iowa City, however,
has added one inovation to their general program. En
trance requirements for veterans, as at all universities, are
the same as for civilian students. If the veteran is a non
high school graduate, however, and has not been able to
demonstrate his ability to take college work by a specially
prepared series of examinations, he may be admitted to
the University High School, if he does not wish to return
to his former high school. The University High School
is operated by Iowa State and is located on the edge of
the campus, thereby giving the veteran an opportunity of
associating with the veterans attending the university
proper. In special cases, where the veteran is a non-high
school graduate and can take some university courses but
no others,arrangement can be made to include high school
subjects at the University High School within the veteran's
regular university schedule. Such cooperation between
Iowa State and its University High School gives a non
high school graduate veteran the obvious advantages of
associating with his own age group as well as giving him
necessary background work as a basis for continuing his
education. It will be extremely difficult, in most cases,
for a veteran of from 21-30 to return to his own high
school with the high-school aged group. Iowa State has
recognized this, and with this provision, will probably
draw more non-high school graduates than would return
to their home-town high school to complete their edu
cation. Arrangements are also being worked out at Iowa
so that it may be possible for a veteran, ready for uni
versity work, to enter the University upon the first of
every month, instead of being forced to wait for the open
ing of the succeeding semester. Schedules will be worked
out in this case individually based on the veteran's needs
Such schedules will contain the so-called "vestibule courses"
whereby the veteran may catch up with his classes, and
enter the next semester on the same basis as students
who took the last semester's work, or he can continue
an individual program of study.
At the present time Iowa State has over 190 veterans
enrolled, which is a top figure in universities over the
country at this time. Since the university has had more
veterans to deal with earlier, the veteran's service com
mittee has had to develop the rehabilitation program
more rapidly than Nebraska. The two inovations, vestibule
courses and provisions for non-high school graduates in
the University High School, have already proven success
ful at Iowa, and might deserve study by UN's committee.
a Vn Pr day.
ict t Lha.ffar nn Mnmlnv nnnn in
Tltiinn nr hntm.n I n nil RHfl 1HTF1 FT rOPL.
Return to Nebnufkan plena. Can't take
tests -wltlwut It. 1! woTieny.
Electric Shaver Service
hick HaayemtMte and Bentlnrton
New Parts, free estimates. Honest
work by factory trained aeon One
day service.
143 So. 12
Attend Progressive Organizational Meeting
Elect Your Delegates
at 7:00 p. m., Thursday, Nov. 23, Room 316,
Student Union
rni rpm RiMERMAN of Omaha was
recently awarded the Distinguished Flying
Cross at an Eighth Air Force fighter station
somewhere in England. Colonel Rimerman
is a T-47 Thunderbolt fighter group com
mander. He also holds the Silver Star and
the air medal with three oak leaf clusters,
ic roitf wilh the destruction of eight
enemy aircraft. Shortly before receiving the
D.F.C., he was promoted to nis present iau
of colonel.
was recently awarded the bronze star medal,
newest award for meritorious achievement
authorized by the war department. Lieu
tenant Colonel Congdon is second in com
mand of the signal section of the Eighth
fighter command in England. He received
a reserve commission in the army while at
UN, and was sent overseas three months
JAMES MARTIN has been promoted to
the grade of sergeant with the 15th A.A.F.
in Italy. He is an aerial gunner serving with
a Liberator bomber squadron. He enlisted
in the Air Corps in November, 1941, taking
gunnery training at Las Vegas, Nev.
PFC. RAPHAEL J. TOMAN, former bizad
student, is now a statistical clerk in the
medical section of the army forces in New
Caledonia. He maintains records of avail
able beds in the large group of hospitals and
aid stations so that reserve space is main
tained on each island base. He entered the
army in February 1943, and was sent over
seas in May of '44.
NORMAN BART2 of Lincoln has been
promoted from the rank of first lieutenant
to that of captain in an Eighth air force
fighter station in England. Captain Bartz is
a pilot in a Mustang group, and holds the
distinguished flying cross and air medal
with three oak leaf clusters.
From a troop carriers forces base, Eu
ropean theater of operations comes word of
the promotion of HUBERT J. KIMICK.-
REHM,, Delta Sig, from first lieutenant to
captain. Captain Knickrehm is a graduate
of UN and entered the service in July '41,
and left for overseas duty in February, 1944.
Lei Said The Better
By l Ghtfiky
Tin last shaev do? storv. which has
ruMhintr whatsoever to do with shacey dogs
or dogs of any kind, was not as bad as some
due perhaps to the lact mat we swipea
it from the Kentucky Kernel of the uni
versity of the same name. Anyway, there
was a little worm burrowing aiong vnru
d He iioked his head un for a
breath of air and saw another little worm
not far away. He said, "Gee, you are beau
tiful. I would like to marry you."
"Don't be silly," said the beautiful little
worm, "I'm your other end."
Ate lunch out at Ag last week, and sub
sequently got shown thru the new foods
and nutrition building. The building, like
the city campus library, got taken over by
the army before the students got in. Now,
it is being prepared tor civilian classes
again. Since the building will house the
foods classes and purely women students,
the interior decorations are very feminine.
All in all, it is one of the neatest university
buildings we have seen for a long time,
and rumor has it that it will be the finest
foods and nutrition department in the coun
try. Far be it from us to deny it.
rnA nf the better and more worth-while
brainstorms that has blown around lately
is the mock peace conference idea brought
tViA Mmrais bv Gerrv McKinsev. Gerry
attended a Student Christian Movement
meeting at Ag a few weeks ago ana ran
into an outline of the peace conference idea
nhlet there. She liked it and real
ized the possibilities of such a conference
on this campus. me idea nas aireaay Deen
fully explained m the NebrasKan, but sim
nlv and. brieflv it is this. Each organized
I group on city and ag campus will be given
a country to represent ana two aeiegates
from the ctoud will meet with the dele-
cfltfo from pverv ftther "country" and dis
cuss and present plans for settling the
peace. The wnoie success 01 tne conierence
rests in the student co-operation, it is a
marvelous chance for us to learn more
about international problems and to pro
mote the universitv. "Idea-woman" Mc-
Kinsey and the planning committee have
worked out the program and plans. From
there on, it is up to the students themselves
to show that they have what it takes to
put over a wonderful idea and do them
selves and UN no end of good.
Molybdenum, used extensively
for toughening steel, is one of the
few alloying elements in which
this country is self-sufficient.
The Friday
4:00 to 6:00 P. M. b
9:00 to 11:00 P. M.
Nov. 24
Mr. Jukke Bach's Music
ot the Student Union
Oil Massape and Steam
F It F K
wifh every hair cut
131 N. 13 2-2494
mis HOYS
Hours arranprd to fit your srtredule.
Mralt furnished if desired.
Call Mrs. Hendricks, 2-7379
f" -
ow science can
See h
help the face sacl
throat regain youth
Have you tried ENDOCKMS7 The f yew-teated,
scientific face cream that aid, most women to get back
youthful texture and beauty in the skin of face and throasl
That actually helps improve the skin itself, not just its
superficial appearance I That for many thousands is bow
achieving results hitherto thought impossible!
ENDOCREME . . . and no other face cream . . . eoatams
envoi.. Precious ACTrvoi is the laboratory counterpart
of a natural, skin -vitalizing aubM.Mxx. When you apply
ENDOCREME, it is absorbed beneath the skin's surface
to rebuild cells and tissues, to assist the skin to regain its
youthful freshness, firmness, "allveneaa" and allure.
What better results cab one get for her cosmetic dollar?
Why not see what ENOOCKEME can do for yon? Many
sopor esceptional resrdts In only K daps.
rrnum liawilirlsj Saai tats y
STREET rtilOft