The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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Friday, November 10, 1944
Friday Nite Brings Problems
To Clothes-Minded UN Coeds
With the dawning of Friday and
a "late night" comes the cry of
"what will I wear," from the lips
ct "U" co-eds. Immediately les
sons dwindle into the background
and outfits of all styles, shades,
and colors become the main topic
pf discussion. The debate is on
"Dressy" black dresses with se
quin trim top the list for co-ed
glamour. A popular addition to
every co-ed's wardrobe, they are
donned for those "special" week
end occasions.
Trim, dark, casuals prove the
"perfect" date dress for an eve
ning of dancing at the Union or
Pike. Of course popular fall suits,
as always, hold their place in
Best Foot Forward.
Footwear is indeed the prob
lem of the hour. It seems the day
of numerous UN "six footers" is a
dream of the past and co-eds
come out with a cry of "but I
can't wear those, I'll be taller
than he." However, they drag out
numerous pairs of sandals, pumps,
and ancient saddles, and decide
upon those black suede pumps or
neat brown spectators. As the
evening draws to a close, they can
be seen peering hopefully over
their partner's head at a rapidly
dwindling stag-line.
With the longing glance comes
a sigh of, "Oh well, maybe I'll
hear from Johnny tomorrow!"
The Last Mile.
Grim, disheartened, figures trod
painfully up the wide dingy walk.
Each foot drags hopelessly. Each
forward step comes slower.
Down cast eyes rise a bit. Oh
for a little reassurance from one
of those melancholy figures! Eyes
meet searchingly. Each holds only
despair. "Chin up" is the silent
cry. Courage mounts and dies.
Silent meloncholy forms climb
weakly up wide steps, pulling,
gasping at the heavy door and
stumbling in. Through a narrow
hallway they creep, struggling
with another door and slipping
silently through. Steps quicken,
hurring to the high iron bars,
hoping yet not daring to look.
Damp hands grasp the cold bars
and frightened eyes peer de
sparingly in.
Startled passerby's pause, eyes
wide with amazement as an es
catic cry of "My mail box is
empty" echo through Raymond
Whew down slips are "out" at
V "V V aV
1 1
' 4 A
- hi
Junior Date Dress
He oia be glad he atked you, when
he $ee how pretty you look in ihb
new crepe frock! Coral, royal, burnt
orange or green. Stou 9 to 15.
Wedding News
Displaces Social
Camnus Gossip
Engagements and weddings of
former University of Nebraska
students highlight campus news,
holding precedence as ever in
items of interest.
Miss Shirley Keith became the
bride of FO Howard E. Dutton in
n impressive ceremony in the
Episcopal church at Great Falls,
Montana, Oct. 22.
Shirley Keith
Coming to the front is the an
nouncement of the engagement
and approaching marriage of Miss
Sayre Webster to Ensign Robert
L. Lawrence, USNR. The mar
riage will take place in Miami
following a tour of active duty at
sea for Ensign Lawrence.
The bride-elect is a graduate of
the University of Nebraska where
she is a member of Pi Beta Phi.
On November 4, in the beau
tiful chapel of Duke university,
Durham, N. C, Miss Bette Dobbs
became the bride of Lt. Preston
M. Hayes.
Lt. and Mrs. Hayes are both
graduates of the university where
Mrs. Hayes was a member of Pi
Beta Phi. Lt. Hayes was affiliated
with Sigma Nu and was senior
president. He was also president
of Innocents.
The bride attended Doane col-
' - i - -
lege and the university, where she
was an Alpha Phi. The officer
also attended Doane college.
The couple will be stationed at
Gore Field, Great Falls, Montana,
for the present.
The Sunday wedding of Miss
Catherine Carson to Ralph F.
Satzing took place at Norfolk
First Methodist church, loiiowea
by a reception at the Norfolk
hotel, October 29.
Mrs. Satzing attended the Uni
versity of Nebraska and was af
filiated with Kappa Alpha Theta.
Mrs. Satzing is a graduate of
Lehigh University and affiliated
From The Lincoln Journal.
with Phi Delta Theta.
Sorority sisters attending the
wedding were Miss Maxine
Thomas, who acted as maid oi
honor, Miss Jean Roger, Miss Vir
ginia Malster, Miss Helen Good
win. Miss Jerrv Anderson and
Miss Margaret Dosborough.
The marriage of Miss ueisy
Mallat and Cantain Harry R.
Ankeny was an event of Novem
ber 9 at Westminster church.
Both Captain and Mrs. Ankeny
are graduates of Nebraska. Mrs.
Ankeny was affiliated with Delta
Delta Delta. The officer is a mem
ber of Delta Upsilon.
By Nina Scott.
The time for woolies is here
almost . . . Theta Phee Mortlock
will be seen about with Van
Duhling ATO now . . . they are
going steady . . . and then Kappa
pledge Ella Burket is doing all
right with Eill Mana who is home
from Great Lakes . . .
One of the biggest stories of
the week pevolves around Pi Phi
Mary Lou Van Berg and Don
CuWopYwr - . . it sppms that Don
plans to present Mary Lou with
a token of his high esteem ana
appreciation . . . just what that
token is and just where we heard
the news is a guarded secret . . .
Jack Holbrouk, Phi Gam, is
hnmp nn leave from Great Lakes
. . . for old times sake he had a
date with DG pledge Nancy Garey
Sunday nite . . .
Fiji Celebrate.
The Fijis have outlined a party
week-end starting tomorrow . . .
Norrie Anderson is journeying
from Hastings and the Marines to
party with Kay Detweiler, Delta
Gamma . . . Ned Nutzman and
Hal Moore, former Fijis are in
Lincoln and hope to be around
for the fun . . . Hal was noticed
Tuesday afternoon coking with
Jean Kolezar, Alpha Phi ... his
pin-up queen, Dorothy Huffman,
Alpha Phi is in California . . .
Triangles are always found in
college, but this one has nothing
to do with math ... it all adds
up to Margaret Ann Amend, Chi
O, Johnny Stevenson, ATO, and
Frank Loefel, Ag . . . everyone is
postulated with worry over the
problem . . .
Pledges Treat Actives.
Big Party this weekend when
the Sigma Chi pledges treat the
actives as guest of honor. To spot
light the evenine will be the pre
sentation of the pledge sweetheart
and a cup will De awaraea 10
thf winnpr. Pledees must meet
certain requirements to attend, or
so it is rumored.
Where is Donald Pegler's Eng-
75c rnmm
Eorenxo Permcmenl
Hadr Shaping
L Shampoo, style set
Gold & Co,
Third Floor
lish book? Everyday he haunts
the Union with tears on his
cheeks . . . "Pickles" is a Sigma
Chi . . . any kind soul who pos
sesses information, please let him
know immediately ...
Jim Evinger, former Kappa Sig,
has come to view the old stamp
ing grounds . . . and he reany aia
some stamping a few years back
. . . hear too that tiea jL-uuer,
former Phi Gam and track sta,
was in town last week . . .
House Parties, Too.
The Tri Delt "Delta Dreamland"
and Chi O "Chi-O-Tee Cavern"
houseparties are this week-end . ..
now that hour dances are ceasing
the parties beginning . . .
Where is Martha Aitken, KKG,
snagging all of the sailors?
Everybody out for the game to
morrow ... we have the spirit,
so let's show some of it . . .
Dick Cole, Nebr. D. U. and Carter
Kokjer, the same, are on the
Ames team . . .
Ho-hum phrey Bogart . . .
A postwar feature, "instant
starling" for fluorescent tubea
when they are turned on, will be
available for homes and offices.
At present, it is confined to war
for Civilians
and Trainees
9 to 12, Sot., Nor. 11
The A.S.T. Band
and Buffet Supper
10:00 to 11:30 P. M.