Scarify. . . . a HELEN GOODWIN. Hanging in balance is the elec tion, and so are the students as they patiently sway back and forth while waiting for the elec tion returns to come in. To re lieve the monotony is the early morning greeting from the paper, straighten up, students and read the latest As always, love holds prece n,rr nil At the DG House. Vlllww - tears of Bonnie Hinnchs, refusal to eat, as well as to receive pin mate John Wells, Phi Delt, had the sisters more than perplexed. Incidentally, John was wearing tho Phi Dplt Din all dav Monday Then to the amazement of the DCs, the two passed the candy. One definite way to assure surprise! Pike Attracts. At the Pike Saturday were KKG Trudy Paige and Dexter Sharp. Sailor Griff Jones, last year Tau on UN camDUS. was home on leave. He and Betty Ed Strain, Alpha Chi, took in the dance too. Phi Delts Dave McShane and Jim McEachin were with Theta Mary Lancaster and Pi Phi Jan Schwartzer, respectively. Speaking of Mary Lancaster, it seemed that when six Alpha Phi's wont rinurn tr the station to kiss Beta Hugh Atkinson, making him the envy or the navy, au were surprised when Hugh had date Mirv with him Ah. never a dull moment! Might we ask what happened to JtranK tisten, aiu; Army Takes Over. Lts. seem to take over the campus and seen at Pike with thrm were Pi Phi Patty Welsh. Alpha Chi Betty Brinkman, DG Kay Schroeder, Theta Marj Fer rel, KKG's Zorita Desch and B. J. Hancv. as for the latter two. love hit full force. 'Tis winter, not spring, either. nthr- camnusites dancing and entering into the song test of Billy Bishop were AOPI Margaret Hagen with Sigma Nu Melbin Hermmeyer; Kappa Sig Bill Flory and B. Gray Norval, Theta of last year; ATO George Wright and Gamma Phi Dorothy Gallop; Tibby Curley, Alpha Chi with Tom Green; Beta of last year Bob Smith and AOPI Willa Arvanette. Getting together outdoors, cold as it was Friday, were Sig Eps and dates. Among those brav ing the challenging drafts of win ter were Tom Mickey and Fran ces Abbot, KKG; Charley Thnmnson and Marilyn Noreen, Chi O: Tom Bauer and Jane Sutton: Theta: Marvin Franklin and Gamma Phi Pat Toof. Some nf th; rmmles have been seen together more than just frequent ly and might bear watcning. Si Ens takine in the Union dance Saturday were Stew Filker and Theta Donna Lee Brugh; and Jim Gleasen with Kathy Schaecher, KKG. Sirma Nb'i Skip. Siirma Nu of last year, now Ensign Lee Farmer of the Navy Air Orps stopped enroute to cm raffn Rip Nu's had Dlenty of ex itmAnt uhn the Dledees took care of the actives, as pledges ar tvuinri to do. and several ac tives found themselves walking from narts unknown. To climax the evening, all turned out and serenaded the iairer ones Army Trainees Win Scholastic Honor, Passes Vnr nrhiovinff scholastic hon ors at UN, nine premeds and 12 ASTRP trainees have been awarded the Blue Star insignia, and have received the added priv ilege of extended week-end Prpmeds who r eceivea me award are Pvt. William J. Braell, xt Paul R riirk. Pvt. Charles L. Etheridge, Pvt. Paul B. Kerr, jr., Pvt. Walter W. Melvin, jr., Pvt. &if4 hit Khidpler. Pvt. Bernard nut vu w- w -i Sonenshein, Pvt Robert J. Ulmer, and Pvt. James A. wencK. ASTRP trainees receiving the award are Pvt. Judson T. Brown, Dt rharls N. Fairley. Pvt. Stanley H. Ellerstein, Pvt. John w Tjirhsinper. Pvt. Bernard L. Lundberg, Pvt. Reynold R. Maix- ner, Pvt. James C. weison, rvi. Kenneth L. Powell, Pvt. John D. Russell, Pvt. Craige E. Schensted, Pvt. Elliott B. Springer, and Pvt. Warren R. Steinacker. Chicago Chemist Speaks to UN Chemistry Group rr TTnrl A. Evans, ir.. pro fessor and chairman of the de partment of bio-chemistry at the University of Chicago, will speak on "Carbon Fixation in Animal Tissues" at the 207th meeting oi Oiemical Society. Wednesday evening, Nov. 8. The imAtjn will be?in at 7:30 in nm 9nn nf Averv iaDoraiory rf Vuans received his B.bc, degree in chemistry from Johns Hopkins university in iwi the degree of YW. u. in uiocnem istry from Columbia University in THE NEBRASKAN 1936. In 1939-40 he worked as a Fellow of the Rockefeller Foun dation in the laboratory of Dr. Hans Krebs in Sheffield, tngiana where he began his work on carbohydrate metabolism. Since his return from England, Dr. Evans has worked on various as pects of carbohydrate metabolism, particularly on carrxm cuoxiue fixation by animal tissues, the ef tnt nf insulin, and the mechan ism of carbohydrate oxidation. In 1942 he received the Eli Lilly Research Award of the American Chemical Society for his work on carbon dioxide fix ation by animal tissues. Dr. Evans is an honorary member of the Harvey Society of the New York Academy of Medicine and has been a Harvey lecturer aur ing 1S44 We'dnes'day, November 8, 1944 Ag Women Hold Annual Home .be Dinner Nov. 16 Tickets for the annual Ellen H. Richards dinner of the home ec department will be on sale in th home ec building and from members of the home ec council until Friday, Blancne iteiu, ec president, announced yester day. The dinner is open to all home ec students. The dinner will be held Nov. 16 at 6:15 p. m. in the Union ballroom in honor of the founder of home economics. Thelma Estez, irum lUruguay now studying at Ames will be the speaker ot the eve ning. M ARROW AIRPORT Learn to IF II V Private Instruct! Best of Equipment CAPITAL FLYING SERVICE MM No. 8ta Tel. C-2STS Bulletin TOWNSEND PHOTO STUDIO IE rvri fP J3 TANKSTERfVrTS AND SWIMMING CLUB MEET m.. fluh and TankSteteU6 will meet t the Coliseum in the women's locker roomi Thursday, i :m p. your bathing cap, bathing sandles and iwim permit witb you. ORCHE8IS. Pre Orchesis will meet In the Dancfr Studio at 5 P. m.. Wednesday, S at Grant Memorial Mail. 8ENIOR ORCHESIS. n . tt.i.iiAn fAr o-ninr Orchesis will t m winesaay. ruv. DC m t f. ... at Grant Memorial Hall. RELIGION GROUP. ruv rwra eomoarative religions group will meet Wednesday at 5 in Ellen Smith ball. . YWCA COMMISSION -wi niiri nemonal relations group meet Wednesday at 5 P m. In the aoutn east room of Ellen Smith ball. 841'ARE DANCE, an.- -.f rie of souare dances. t the sericulture executive board, will be held In the college acUvi iu ... . v ma. in it g 9. m Sander will be the caller. Everyone is Invited, admission 10 cents, for Civilians and Trainees 9 to 12, Sat., Nor. 11 with The A.S.T. Band and Buffet Supper 10:00 to 11:30 P. M. UNION BALLROOM j Thh year it it important that you thop EARLIER for Christmas Lively 'teera Case" Vanity CCiipacts They m reveal rssts mm Mwlir stsipinmiii bava a aievsr "pmrntu- lipstick, la beaattfal tslers... Taa festal. $595 SILVERWARE UlnleM stceL, 21 4 "185 pieces, aenrie for Mm dz LIOsTTE AND BILL FOLD (I iarasU sMal pras typa, wlndbrsakar lifhter ill a Has Watasr a-A nt bMMsU, baUi far -ff.WJ Taa laalaaaa u.WU.I LUIULUT 5w aw sdectio of fin quality diamond in mil pries range. Vtt OLE 1AST LAY-AWAY FLAN far Cbrlstaus tbsaplaf JEWELKT CO. . IM "O" Opsa Bvsalars ppasMa Caasaasar rawer Bit. And Let's Dance Z1 Wc have the music AND the fashions for your jive sessions! Tune in KFOR every night except Sunday ... 10:30 'til midnight ... for broadcasts direct from the nation's ballrooms, where your favorite hands are holding forth. DRESSES that "swing and sway" . . . and make you a sparkling beauty of the Dance Parade. Ray on crepes with sequin excitement . . . black . . . aqua . . . fuchsia . . . gold. Ummmmmm! Johara Junior ' pictured 16.95 I mm sT $ (I For all your dates, whether you dance by the radio, or "out on the town," come first to Magee's for charming sure-to-please fashions. Misses sizes 12 to 20 . . . junior sires 7 to 17. $16.95 U $22.9 j Make It A Party Roll up the rugs . . .'invite the gang . . . and dance to the finest music on the air. Magee'e Dance Parade, remember . . . every night except Sunday. .ft 1 J mj a2a Third Floor Fathions.