THE NEBRASKAN Union Activities! Include Dance "t Friday, October 27, 1944 V A After UN Rally First Student Union activity of the week-end will be a juke box dance tonight from 9 to 11 in the ballroom, following the rally. All students and trainees are invited to attend. There will be no dance in the Union Saturday night because 01 the homecoming dance at the coli seum. A faculty recital will be pre sented Sunday afternoon at 3. This is the first of a series of; recitals to be given by the school of music Ending the week-end activities will be a variety show in the ballroom Sunday evening at 8. featuring Rosalind Russell and Fred MacMurray in "Flight fori Freedom." Council . . (Continued from Page 4.) most be passed on by the Council at the beginning of each year, it is advisable that the party plat forms contain, in addition to any general party aims, reasonably sound and intelligent proposals for the year to come, the insur ing of such party platform being, of course, the reason for the yearly checkup. 3. The provision for the elec tion of a party leader. The Coun cil considers a party leader neces sary not only for the efficient running of the party but also for the handling of business between the council and the party. How ever, in keeping with the aims of this revised political program, each party must devise a demo cratic method of choosing its party leader by general election within the party. 4. The organization and the business of the party's faction. As has been stated, the Council recognizes the value of a faction organization within each party. Again, in keeping with the aims of this revised political program, each party must devise a demo cratic method of choosing their faction members by a general election within the party. As al ready stated, it is the duty of the faction to draw up its party's slate of candidates for all cam pus elections. "5. The method of determining the party slate for elections. It ' seems advisable to shorten the ballot by ridding it of extra names from each party which that party does not intend to back. There fore the Council hereby requires each party to devise a democratic method of determining its slate of candidates for all campus elec tions, to the end that -each party will file with the Council by a specified time its list of candi dates, having only one candidate for each position open to that party. "In the case of the elections themselves, and the rules per taining to the elections, the Stu dent Council abides by the Inter pretation of the election rules given by the judiciary committee of the Student Council of 194L All parties and all Independent can didates must know these rules and must either abide by them or cof fer the penalty for breaking them, which Is the disqualification of the offending party's candidates or of the offending Independent candidate." ; i t s t A 7 I Chignon f Ueaatrjt Look Lovely for the Homecoming; Dance NEBRASKA REAUTX SALON rw,;, w Just Arrived! A grand lot of wn7 0 Chesterfields O Classic Types A winter coat that wraps you in warmth and enfolds you in smart ness. Styled 1th smart ragland shoul der, 100 wool fabrics in cheeks and tweed mixtures. The checked pattern with velvet collar and the tweed style with self collar. Earl-glo rayon lined. Warmly interlined. Sizes 12 to 2a Other Winter Coats 2995rol3695 at qj) i only 0) Furred Tuxedo Coats... 8995 to 13695 Sees on Shagmoor Coats 4500 h I j-T'"..'. r O O i yr If Skipper Coots.. .49" 7995 700 Woo Souls at &b(gQs only Lh& O Coverts O Shetland's Selected for the winter treason ... a hand somely tailored suit in cardigan or lapel style. They're suits tailored wilh thoughtful rare to flatter you and add charm to your wardrobe. In all wool thetlanda or coverts. Brown Gray O Rust O Black COLD'S... Third flou. V 219 No. 12 2-2796 J