The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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Sunday, Octob'er 8, 1944
Coeds' Weekend
Includes Dates,
Dances, Game
Book Nook News
Please don't anyone throw any-
tning ... a barn dance, a picnic
or a pin . . . that is, unless you
want j'our name in print
truth is stranger than fiction
The University club was popu
lar Friday night . . . Alpha Phi's
Jean Kolezar and Amy Brown
were thre with two officers
also, Theta's P. Chamberlain
Gerry Anderson, Butch Winter
and Jean Rogers around a round
table with more of the same .
Sig Alph "Rick" Steen had
date with KKG Mary Jean Fisher
. . . they were seen with DG Kay
Detweiler and Lt. Roger Garey,
tig Alph ... at the same location
were Alpha Phi's Jan Campbell
and Sadie Hawkins with ATO's
Jim Nicola and John Mason . ,
all this on Friday night, too . . .
Houses Open Doors.
Open Houses at all of the
houses held Saturday afternoon's
interests after the big game . . .
The Turnpike's popularity has not
been forgotten . . .
The Pi Phi Strain twins were
out with uniforms too over the
week end . . . Friday afternoon
having a coke date were DG
pledge Patsie Winter and ATO
Van Duling . . .
ATO's Have Dinner.
The ATO dinner Sunday will
see Theta pledge Pat Colton with
Eugene Deeter . . .
What is the story on Jack
Yeager giving his Beta pledge pin
to Ella Burkett, Kappa pledge???
Congratulations to the brand
new cheer leaders and to Bernie
Urich who should help them yell
us on to victory . . . with malice
toward none . . . you love it!
Townsend Quality Photographs. Ad.
Faculty, Alumni
Buy Nebraskans
In Tassel Drive
Tassels will begin a drive to
sell Nebraskan subscriptions to
serviceman, faculty, student pas
tors a alumni tomorrow.
The drive will last for one week
and all persons, other than stu
dents, wishing a subscription
should contact some member of
Tassels. Subscriptions are $2.50
for alumni, $2 for servicemen and
$1.50 for faculty and student
Two new books, "The Land of
Prester John" by Elaine Sanceau
and "Mr. Tompkins Explores the
Atom" by George Gamow, have
been added to the Alcove to in
terest readers of travel, adven
ture, science, and history.
For those who read tales of
travel and faraway places, "The
Land of Prester John" will be
especially enjoyable. The story of
Prester John, legendary ruler of
an undiscovered country, is the
story of a region as fascinating:
to the early Europeans as the
mountains of the moon and nearly
as inaccessible. Not until the late
15th century did Prester John
pass from the realm of legend to
assume his place as a potential
ally against the Portuguese in
Ethiopia. The chronicle is high
lighted by fabulous tales of a
queen marooned on a mountain
fortress -approachable only by
means of a pulley basket and of
lofty hermitage inhabited only
by mummies. "The Land of Pres
ter John" is a book which dc
scribes a curious, almost forgot
ten, bypath of history.
Mr. Tompkins, the modest bank
clerk of "Mr. Tompkins in Won
derland," is now happily married
and in this book Mr. Gamow
takos him and his wife through
the processes of learning about
the atom. Mr. Tompkins learns
the mysteries of atomic nucleus
by watching the tricks performed
for him by an unusual person
who seems to resemble Gepetto
in "Pinocchio;" he goes dancing
with an atom of chlorine and is
annihilated in the encounter with
a murderous positron. Through
Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins expert
ences Professor Gamow trans
lates into everyday language the
vast store of information now
available concerning the atom.
Denver has a city owned Dark
oi za.uuu acres.
The 12 month calandar
arranged by Julius Caesar.
Storks that summer in Denmark
spend winters on the Nile.
Iceland is about as large as
Orchesis Tryouts
Are Scheduled
Wednesday Nile
Tryouls for Orchesis, honorary
dance club, will be held Oct. 11
in Grant Memorial at 7:30 p. m.
Membership is based on infor
mal examination of dance tech
niques and all who are interested
in dancing and programming are
invited. The club presents an an
nual spring recital and demon
stration each spring and is usu
ally featured in other public ap
pearances each year.
The present officers are: Mary
Ann Knox, president; Bernette
Haden, secretary; Gracce Peters,
treasurer, and Dr. Aileene Lock
hart, faculty sponsor.
Tailored Clothes
Bill Heintzelman
Darrell Brown
Campus Repretentalives
Electric Sharer Service
Mlek mTrBit ui Kranrt
rrte. Pr slinstvm. IhmI
wark r tartar? traiar4 aaaa. Oar
mj (crrlaa.
lit S. U l-78
Our Tasty Food will
bring you and your
friends back again and
ill "" ' I!
For Beginners in Ballroom Dancing
7:30 P.ElTues. Oct. 10
find Every Tuesday for 6 Weeks'
Irv Kuklin, Instructor
r J .
who is not in school
uwuuiiuu a a
in the service
Give them a touch of UN
spirit with a subscription
to The Nebraskan the of
ficial guide to col lege life.
50 Former students and alumni
00 sc
SO Faculty
Subscriptions good for one year