THE NEBRASKAN Sunday, October 8, 1944 JhsL TkbAasJiaiv rOETY-FOCBTH TEAS SitMrrinttH ItM an Sl.M Pet SenesMr r tl.SS fat tha OtflaM Yaa. IkUti. Slnrla eT. S Ceita Enlarat as Mm4-lui natter at tha OWtic Liacala, Nebraska, aa4rr Aet af Caarrcss March S. 1179. aa at aaeeial tate W pasta araTiaaa fat a Saatlaa UN, Aat af Oct aet . 111. Aaiharfea SaHaartai la. Ira. rabUhe tfcra ttsaat waekly aa Saaiay. Waaaeate aaa FrMaj Sariaf aakaai EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT E4itar ri Ckaaikcitt Maaacer Ja starts Day C-Ull Nifht S-11S3 Offices UaJaa Bail4im Jaraa-t IM Tiro Dollars The War Fund agencies, or services Firty-six charitable and allied relief organizations will benefit from each student s two-dollar contribution to the All-University Fund drive which starts Monday and ends Oct 19. Consolidation of these 46 groups in one national drive has eliminated individual solicitations from the cam pus by each of the organizations, and does not permit one campus group to support more than its share of various relief agencies. This AUF drive, therefore, is the first and only request for donations which a student will have to meet this fall, and the only fund drive which will hit the campus until next spring when AUF will handle the an nual Red Cross solicitation. Setting an extremely reasonable goal of $2,400, AUF has divided the total in three main parts: $400 to main tain the publication of the Servicemen's edition of the Nebraskan which is circulated twice a month to over 2,500 former Nebraskans; $1,000 to the World Student Service Fund sent to occupied countries to relieve material as well as educational needs of university students; and $1,000 to the War Fund and Community Chest. Any ex cess over the total will be divided between the WSSF and the War Fund. includes all United Nations relief to the armed forces, such as USO, United Seaman's Relief, and the War Prisoners Aid, and also refugee relief, under which is the Refugee Relief Trustess, the U. S. Committee for care of European Chil dren, and the American Field Service. Among the United Nations who are aided by the War Fund are Russia, China, Great Britain, Greece, Poland, Yugoslovia, France, Bel gium, Czechoslovakia, The Netherlands, Norway, Luem bourg, Denmark, Italy, Lithuania, and the Philippines. The Community Chest finances 22 local relief agencies including the American Legion Family Welfare, the Bel mont Community Center, Boy Scouts, Campfire Girls, Girl Scouts, Catholic Social Service Bureau, Community Emer gency Shop, the Council of Social Agencies, the Jewish Welfare Federation, People's City Mission, Public Health Nursing association, Salvation Army, St, Thomas Orphan age, Social Welfare agency, the Southwest Community Center, Tabitha Home, Urban League, and the city YMCA and YWCA. The university YM and YW are also financed in part by the Community Chest Fund, altho these groups con duct their own membership drives to supplement city funds. UN's YW membership drive is running concurrently with the AUF drive. As AUF director Beede has pointed out, two dollars from every student on the campus certainly does not seem exorbitant to ask when the roll call of benefiting relief groups is called. Lcs Said The Better By Les Glotfelty Glad to hear that the men have answered the war council call for more workers. New ly elected Vice President Bob Van Sant worked like a demon on the War Show of 1944, so we are expecting some nice results from the various salvage drives which come under his direction. Prexy of the organiza tion Ghita Hill asked in the last meeting for volunteers to serve at the War Fund rally dinner coming up soon. Since no pay was offered for the service, only two men vol unteered and several coeds. Seems the men wanted to be Daid for serving. The catch is that after the two men had been beaten over the head and practically forced to vol unteer. it was discovered that the waiters would get one dollar for serving. a a About once a week we are going to pre sent in this column some coed or man on campus, more or less on the same idea as the "We Present" column used last year in the Nebraskan. This week's campus char acter is: MIN BEEDE Min is in that exalted state known as being a senior. She is majoring in sociology and psychology with a strictly extra-curricular course in home manage ment in preparation for the day when ZIP navy Lit. uien i nurman gets back this way. We f picked this week to present Min because she is present director of All University Fund organization, and the AUF drive starts Monday. .If anyone wants Min, the safest plice to look is in the i r a i . r -1 xi no, or u inat iaus, in uie $ Nebraskan office where the .'y -V'--; i average height, light brown min ikee. haired gal with glasses and the "speak-soft -ly-but-carry-a-big-stick" way of talking can usually be found talking politics with one or more of her cronies. Min has the unusual V aaa - Mail Clippings Pat Chamberlm, Censor RAG V-MAIL CLIPPINGS ROBERTA BURGESS, Gamma Phi and past president of the War Council, is on campus this week waiting to report to Hunter college, New York, for training as a WAVE. Capt HARRY R. ANKENY, DU, recently cli maxed 300 combat flying hours in the European theater by flying his P-51 Mustang "Betsy" on the A.A.F.'s second shuttle bombing trip to Russia and Italy from England, without the loss of a single bomber or fighter. He describes the trip: 'We escorted Flying Fortresses and were in the cockpit 32 hours and the trip required one week. We flew straight thru to Russia from England on the first leg, a 1,500 mile jump. Out of Russia we flew one mission over the lines. "From Russia we flew to Italy. Out of there we flew one escort mission to hospital airplanes eva cuating wounded. From Italy we returned our bombers to England." Capt. WILLIAM GRUBB has been presented his fifth Oak Leaf Cluster to the air medal for meri torious achievement as an element leader with the 13th A.A.F. White Knights unit He won his wings at Luke Field. faculty of being able to listen rather than talking when it is advisable, and conse quently she has an overwhelming fund of information about this and that around UN. With her slow, easy-going way and a long suit in profanity, Min gets an amazing amount of work done except for studying. After three years and a few assorted sum mer schools, she hopes to leave this institu tion of higher learning in May. And when she does graduate, the Pi Phis lose a good pledge trainer and the university loses a coed who knows her politics from the pro verbial A to Z. Home Ec Cluh Opens '41 Drive For Members First semester drive for home ec Monday and will through Friday In with the Ag YW membership club begins continue conjunction membership drive. Any home ec major is eli gible for membership. Semester memberships are SO1 cents and may be paid at the table in the second floor hall of the home ec building, Virginia) Pollard, membership chairman. announced today. Professors Take Part in Meetings O. H. Werner, Professor of Principles of Education in Teach ers College, is going to Beatrice to conduct a series of weekly conferences on religious educa-i tion. These conferences will be held at the Centenary Methodist Church with church leaders of uidl 111,7. j. nr nisi iiicviui m scheduled for October 12. II Dean F. E. Henzlik of Teachers 1 College has gone to Warrensburg, Missouri to take part in the Mis souri State Teachers Association meetings held October 5. Ulair Cut 50c OIL A HOT TOWEL Liberty Darbers 131 Na. 13th SESTET Coal is approximately 60 per cent carbon. Behing sea got its name from the explorer, Vitus Bering. Cnada is the world's largest producer of asbestos. NEW WAY Shoe Hebnilders Hat Works IX! S. 131a Z-443 Sci Lei, You . . . the Sailor and your Laundry man ore All in the same boat! The war has changed your lives, but not the quality ol our dry cleaning! icnce can neip restore youtkfulne to face and threat Would you like the skin of your face, your throat, to grow younger aeaJoa? If to, try scientific ENTKOCRE1AX. ENDOCREME, with its of success, is helping thousands to improve the very skin itself, not ssercfy its superficial appearance. For thousand, it is doing this to degree heretofore thought impossible. The secret of ZNDOCREME"S success is mtttol. This icmot" is the laboratory counterpart of natural, skin vita firing substance ... a substance that decreases with age. Thus, when you apply ENDOCREME, it helps compensate for this loss. Absorbed under the skin's surface. ENDOCREME acts to rebuild ecus, tissues. Thus, ageing, dry. coarse, lined skins tend to become fresher, firnser, smoother, more SyouthfuIJy attractive. How better can you invest your cosmetic dollars? Many report marked improvement ia only 30 days. ... if i-i ACTtVOL tfnraara Utaumi Isa. IM4 jt t . X '. Street Floor -.-.-.-. V-'--. v.- v.v if I .r mm r B Irs I atlK-K s III i BAiDY ABIJTOCBHJ 32 TIUBEB 6IAIHS Rough and ready for any vtathtr The always cmnfortaUc snocrawin lo Oiftrd with a full Avon nap sole. Finished lm a rich mahogany antique. You'll grl good laoba with (( ice Biirel. GOUg...atea,s Stara. l i.M assMMi J