Sunday, May 7, 1944 Junior Women Bite Nails, Awaiting Verdict "Allah," "Allah," and another "Allah" . . You must know by now . . it couldnt be anything but the nerval and excital Junior Women, bowing; and scraping: before the most supreme "Cement Boards," not to be confused with the Masons. For the past three or four weeks, the Junior Women have been quietly tearing- their hair, chewing nails, and beating their heads against brick walls, wafting for that final moment if and when that mask is slipped over their bloodshot eyes. A great meeting f potentials could be found at . any time in the union or in the drug, whispering, giggling or paus ing for a moment of silent prayer, They have seemed to work out some sort of a schedule that they have followed faithfully for some time. Toothpaste Grin Scores. The most important of their rules and regulations is to give each and every "motor boat" their best toothpaste ad smile, to open all doors for them, and generally knock themselves out to be seen working their fingers to that old bone, smiling happily all the time.. Their motto is "service with a smile." Outside of making the best pos sible impression on the most su preme, they must keep themselves busy enough to forget about those black robes. So they go to all the movies, and express their Indigestion Throws Dorm Into Upheaval "How d'ya feel?" was the proper salutation Friday at the Dorm when a mob, a gang, or a group numbered everywhere from the 90 estimated by Miss Hortense Allen, business direc tor of the Dorm, to a guess of from 75 to 250 found bed the proper place to stay. The casualty list included two groups generally, those sick from "that food" and those who helped those who ware sick. It all started when, about 9 p. m. Thursday, from two to ten girls on every floor began dashing down the halls all with the same goal in mind. Between 9 and 9:30, says one report, 40 individuals had made one to many trips "there." Discuss Unseen Enemy. Groups gathering in the halls to discuss Ihe "unseen enemy" heard various stories which ex plained the escaping of those few individuals. The enemy was the food for dinner; beets or ham or beans, every one agreed, in citing Dr. R. A. Lyman, direc tor of student health. Of course a Lincoln radio station an nounced an "intestinal flu epi demic at the women's residence halls." "If you drank milk for dinner, you're safe," said Detective Mundil. "I drank tea and I'm all right," said Inspector Aggie Sor enson. On Friday neither one were down from the "poisoning attack." "If you've eaten between din 1944 au If Ma B BOOKS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED MAY 12 Tear Hair, tions on sad pictures, just to make tnemseivea feel better about the whole thing. Their motto for this action is "Weep, and Ye Shall Find." . Diet, Its Wonderful "Food, food, go away, and come another day" is the motto for that disgusting nervous reaction of not eating for three days prior to "D day and "H" hour. Several of the more hopeful Juniors have been starving themselves because they just can't take the time and effort to force nasty old food down their jumping throats. Eating is such a repulsive habit, isn't it? Sleep is another nasty habit that they don t have time for. Worry, worry, worry, is all they can do m meir little beds at night. But, then, they always say, "What is a bed for?" The results of these time-worn rules can be seen firmly imprinted on each and every Junior Activity Woman. Deep, dark circles under the drooping eyes, shaking hands, the motto "MLC," fainting spells, and a complete nervous breakdown in general. But the saddest part of all is that the ones that comply by those rules are the ones that practically have the royal order of Mortar Board cinched. Once they start to worry, they get carried away, and put on a big show the rest of the time. But they forgot something. "You can emo-jple..." fool some of the peo ner and 9 o'clock, you have de layed the action of the poison," said Helen Laird, wherewith Marge George began eating the cookies her mother had sent her and didn't stop until Friday night. Played Florence Nightingale. Some girls whose stomachs were strong played Florence Nightingale all night. Ann Doudna, Barbara Boyd, and Red Green finally crawled in bed about 7 Friday morning. Only praise, and lota of it, could be found for Miss Allen who helped until 4 a. m. at least on Friday. Even Miss Sally Wilson and Dean Boyles looked a bit tired after their busy evening. Beside that "stinky hospital smell" in the Dorm and the inconvenience to some people's stomach's, the "poisoning" will remain just another Dorm tale for freshmen to tell their grand children. State College, Pa. (ACP). Good teachers should not be drafted re gardless of age, marital status, or other qualifications, according to Dr. M. R. Trabue, dean of the school of education at Pennsyl vania State college. Another Successful Ivy Day! Our congratulations to the two May Queens and the new Mortar Boards LONG'S Nebraska Book Store CORNHUSKEil, You Must Pay n n ti an umsafflODBffiKi y May 10 THE NEBRASKAN - - . -vsjls W T www Society went to Ivy Day the long-awaited event brought forth droopy-eyed MB's and slightly on the hysterical side the new BWOC a beaming queenie and her court sorority Jinny Linds whoop up for the coveted cup. Touching up the weeksnd here and there were the maypole stomp, union dance, and several big deal3 Kappa Kids June Korb, "Hat Lily, and Jean Kerl whipped out with Phi Psis Ernie Larson, Pete Anderson, and Sigma Nu "Tex Cole. Returning to- the alma mater were Dick Hunter, Tau man Florida suntans .... But Fulsom Beta, with Margy Reese, Alpha Phi...ATO's Phil Ford and Allan Casey... Dick Geeseman, DU, and Sig Ep Ted Hubbard after the grueling med exams . . . Mary Jean McCarthy Poe, KKCJ, and kat Mortar Board Dorothy Weirch Day... good to see ya!! Dancin' Here-There. And they were dancin' at the Union . . . Dorothy James and Ljon Niel have invented a new swing, that of dancing with a book hand... for supreme jitterbugs, we nominate no other than George Tierney Shestak...Al Harper and buddies just gaze. . .Howie Chapm, Phi Delt, declared Friday the time to be the lone wolf. .Marcia Wood ruff, Kappa, and the Looey were doin' a couple of the fancier steps Candy and diamonds are stead ies at the Chi O domicile. . .Betty Ruth Dunlap displays the gem from Bill Hewitt, Sig Alph Ann Atchinson and Boyd Hetch Sig Ep, honored the gals and the guys with traditional five pounder and fags... More sweets went Pi Phi way. . .responsible members were Jinx Dougan and Lowell Anderson, Phi Delt. Wedding Bells. Event of the day was the mar nage or uamma fni warrieu Hayes and Lt. Bud Olson... and the bells will soon ring for Randy Salisbury and home town flame Wanda Withers. Lincolnettes have declared double duty. they play with the officers on Friday and the enlisted men on Sunday. ..and speaking of the army, a few members of the bird club are still wandering around. Two-car Cap Thiesen of Sig Ep fame deserts ye olde campus and Pi Phi Patty Welch for a gob suit. . .farewell party rumored. and for a bang-up home-coming, Leo Beck, Phi Delt, entertains for six lucky couples. Now's the time for the students to start on the e?ram week grind. the non-brains can remain in the social whirl! Mi Mary Mason, 'ry ' ;...-... .'. .v. f " ; ; $ v Mrs. John G. Mason announces the approaching marriage of her daughter Mary, to Robert D. Mc Nutt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Free man McNutt of Colby, Kas. A junior at the university, the bride-elect is a member of Alpha Chi Omega. Officer Candidate r i .'4 4 - Vv' 4 - : f i " n V V t - V v V "1 lit t, ' COOL PLAY SUITS 6.50 to 16.95 Seersuckers! Chambrays! Linens! Very cool . . . very clever for your summer-time fun. Checks, stripes, picrids and plain colors. Sizes 9 to 20. BEAUTIFUL Designed by Mobs of California. . . . See this Bride - Elect v i From Lincoln Journal, Mason was president of the 1943 junior class and president of his fraternity, Sigma Chi. He was a member of Innocents and of the varsity football team. He is now attending officers' candidate school at Fort Benning, Ga. The wedding will be an event of July 7. SWIM SUITS 5.007.95 California and Cole oi collection NOWl 5