THE NEBRASKAN Sunday, May 7, 1944 New Styles Mark Year Of Activity As exam week brings the gal lows and the pigtails, a review of the year s fashions seems appro priate . . the styles have switched to extremes and back again . . the classics remain and the unusuals invade . . starting with the season of mellow fruitfulness, we remem ber. . . So They Pledged. Rush week (we'd love to forget It) when the rushees wore black crepe draped varieties featuring low necklines. . .Theta Mary Lan caster's had pink fluff around the top. .Kappa Lorraine "Elch" Beck Inhaur chose brown and went for the blue and blue... at that dawn daze breakfast everyone chose Suits and sweaters and skirts... mustn't neglect mentioning the rosy eyes and Ipana propaganda modeled by the actives of prospec tive houses . . . In October the football games drew collegiate attention and so did the coeds... for instance, Tri telt June Griffin in her reams f self-made sweaters causing envy and notice. .. .Then, there's always the day the rains came... jio one paid much attention; rain coats of all colors and varieties helped and so did Rags and news papers worn on the head... was probably the most unique game of the season. . . AST and Queen Enter. The Homecoming dance offered opportunities for sophisticated dresses and the best looking of all was Peggy Larson in black... her "pep" glowed and made her queen. .That was the beginning of the year when people were just gawking at the ASTs.... The Coed Counselor dinner came along with its style show and pic nic on the Union ballroom floor. . , nil very informal, especially Maty Jo Gish, DG, who modeled an an cient gym suit for laughs. . .then in several weeks, THANKSGIV ING.'! We were only given one day's parole, but most everyone Went home for fowl weather and fun . . .drosses with nail heads scat tered hither and yon came into being and fur coals were keeping girls warm. . .Jeanie Guenzel being a key note in leopard and Mir iam Coombs, a Sigma Kappa in soft muskrat... Man's Dream Comes True. The Mortar Board Party was Chnstmasy with the huge tree and Santa Claus...that was when the Christmas Stocking girls walked across the coliseum stage. . .Alpha Phi Margie Reese would be a wel come sight any morning in her pink crepe with ruffles of the same AOPi Margaret Hagen looking more beautiful than ever, and Alpha Chi Betty Ed Strain, a baby dream . . . Then, Christmas vacation, two weeks of it. . .unusually bright col ors dominated the holdays and fur hats were having their day... one combination was KKG Marsha Craft in a blond wolf hip-length Chubby with a black felt pill box trimmed in the same... The next historical (or hyster ical) event was torn Week . . . that is capitalized because of its memorable qualities . . the weath er was warm and wonderful, with rain, of course . . pigtails were the only thing to do, and jeans were the costume of the day . . Alpha Phi Mary Sinclair plaited play posies in her hair . . everyone else stole rubber band3 and withered ribbons . . . There's Nothing Like Nebraska. When the new semester started Barbara Wise to Wed . . . Science Society r C : r Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wise an nounce the engagement ana ap proaching marriage of their daugh ter Barbara Elizabeth to AC Dwain D. Folsom, son of the late Mrs. Teresa Folsom of Galena. From Lincoln Journal. The bride-elect is a former stu dent at the university. The wedding will take place May 13 at the chapel in San An gelo, Tex., where Cadet Folsom is stationed. Names Georci New President Dr. C. E. Georgi, UN associate professor of bacteriology, was elected president of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences at a meet ing held Saturday morning. Other officers include Dr. J. S, Latta of the college of medicine in Omaha, vice president; Dr. C. B. Schultz, director of the museum, re-elected secretary; Dr. C. E. Rosenquist, associate professor of agricultural botany, treasurer; and Dr. G. C. Lueninghoener of Mid land college, newly elected coun selor. Dr. L. M. Garlough, Uni versity of Omaha, and Dr. H. W. Manter, UN professor of roology, will continue as counselors. In charge of local arrangements and the banquet was Dr. Leva B. Walker, associate professor of botany. Dr. N. H. Cromwell, as sistant professor of chemistry, had charge of the program. Mortar Boards ... (Continued from Page 1.) member of Delta Gamma, Coed Counselor board, vice-president of Tassels, former WAA treasurer member of Alpha Lambda Delta. Vestals of the Lamp, and was 1943 Typical Nebraska Coed. Churches . (Continued from Page 1.) before and after the mass. St. Mary's Cathedral, 1420 K street. will have masses from 6 a. m. to 11 a. m. Clyde Malone, president of the Urban League, will speak on the "Negro in America" at the Pres byterian student house at 6 p. ni. Sunday. A 25 cent supper will be served after the meeting. The "Student Hangout" THE NOOK so did the cold weather. . .the snow and ice forcing rubber boots and loud bandanas on feet and heads or vice versa. . .Season Skippers, always smart and warm, were on three out of five backs... Marg Heyn's was beige tweed and D. G. Janet Krause's blue . . fur mittens were evident and some girls even wore ski suits for man s struggle against his environment... The AST dance was somewhere around here . . . the olive drab was contrasted with more color by coeds . . . Kay Detweiler, DG, was presented as AST queen in a kelly green taffeta formal. . .there was a grand march giving all a chance to model effectively. . . We thought spring had sprung, but it was only the primaries . . . spring outfits were in the back of the closet outrun by the winter clothes you were beginning to loathe ... In March the Coed Fol lies presented lietty Lou Simon as the Typical Nebraska Coed in a soft pink pinafore. . .June Jami son, the Kappa with the hair, was Dame Fashion in black and gold with long gloves... Showers Bring Flowers. The rains that bring the flowers inspired unique rain coats... the new shiny ones... AOPi Grace Sleckley in a neutral one, Theta's Dottie Thiesen and Jean Rogers in blue... some green and even white ones. .. .pastel sweaters put with pastel skirts, .flowers in the hair. . and the wide bands of ribbon worn from ear to ear. . . Easter brought forth a lot of delectable things like Pi Phi Sue Cochran in lavender, SDT Ghita Hill in black and white. . .the hats were small, the dresses soft, the suits without lapels, .for reference, see Ruth Kerb who is the color of envy in her three piece suit. . . The time for dresses that wash will never come, .but if I'm wrong, ey'll be gay and little-girlish and cool. . .sun-baths will be the vogue, picnics will thrive, "spec tators" will cover every foot. . . that's what happened. . .remember it and get on your clothes horse and ride... Hamburger Inn South of Temple B - a iti a? mm i s isssss t& v:;s mm em xm n I KB 1 y v I A I I ii', a 11.1 t 0 CV- i?i t i X I ' . ... , Instructor Robert O. Fink of the Beloit college faculty stepped into his classroom recently to meet a new class of Army students. A tall lad approached him and said that he was the group leader. "Well, I'm Fink," said the instruc tor. "I'm Funk," said the student. (ACP). i CAHPS Now on Display Open Shopping IS'ightt GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE 215 North 14th St. Next Sunday Free Variety Show Uictor LlcLaghlin in 'Infcrnor1 with Cartoon 3:00 SUNDAY, MAY 14 UNION BALLROOM Pretty-Up In a Hell "sail" for in a Joan Miller, Jr. They fit 'n flatter like crazyl Choose from the two piece aralac cloth in pink. blue, yellow or green. Other style is two piece casual frock of cot ton gabardine. Sizes 9 to 15. GOLD'S . . . Third Floor. tvvvvs) 3fE A