Sunday, May 7, 1944 THE NEBRASKAN V." Movie Stars Give 'Uniform Of the Day' at WAC Show Under WAC sponsorship, a pro gram will be presented at 8:15 p. m. Wednesday at the Temple theater for sophomore, junior, and senior women. Pvt. Lon MrCallister, who por trayed the role of 'California" in "Stage Door Canteen," will arrive in Lincoln Wednesday with other Hollywood and New York stars to present "Uniform of the Day," which was written by Pvt. Ted Key, former radio script writer, and produced by Pvt. William Johnstone, formerly the "Shadow on a national radio program. Other army personnel appearing in the production are Pfc. Carolyn Blake and Cpl. Helen Famalette, both formerly of the New York stage, and Pvt. Russel Gleason, actor son of James and Lucille Gleason. WACs Hold Interviews. For twelve days Sgt. Neva M Bell and Cpl. Rebecca Underwood will interview and act as con sultan ts to women students who are interested in the WAC. New regulation. make it pas sible for women to enlist as Air WACs and serve with the army air force as control tower operators, airplane dispatchers, mechanics, or other air force personnel. Today there are 239 different types of work which women in the WAC are performing. The re cruiting sergeants will be on the campus during many hours of the day to answer any questions which university women may have. Admittance to the program Wednesday will be by invitations which mav be obtained in the Union lobby from the WACs, from Dean Boyles' office, or from the WAC recruiting office at 126 N. 26th street. Dr. A. Dimond Presents Paper On Penicillin In a paper presented before the fifty-fourth annual meeting of the Nebraska academy of sciences Friday afternoon, Albert E. Di mond, assistant professor of bot any, emphasized the control of the growth of the penicillin-producing fungus. The paper was jointly prepared by Dr. Dimond and Dr. George L. Peltier, head of the department of bacteriology. Dr. Dimond and Dr. Peltier have conducted extensive experiments with the fungi. The most favor able temperature for the growth of the fungus is 77 F. It now takes from 8 to 14 days for the fungus' to become established and produce penicillin. Dr. Dimond revealed that a con tinuous process of growth has been suggested for greater production of the drug. When production is increased, there will be a marked decrease in its cost. Winifred Nelson Is Byline Writer On Capital Paper Winifred Nelson, former uni versity journalism student and Lincoln Star reporter, is nyr a byline writer on the Washington Post. She left for Washington, D. C, in February and has re cently written front page stories for the Post on the sedition trials and the Hopkins Institute "call house" trial, both of which have attracted nation wide at tention. Miss Nelson was affiliated with Gammi Phi Beta and was a sophomore when Bhe left. She was court house reporter for the Lincoln Star. Kappa Phi Holds Annual Banquet Friday at YWCA Kappa Phi, Methodist sorority, held its annual spring banquet Friday at the YWCA. Mrs. C. W. Molzen, who was in troduced by La Vaughn Nelson, toastmistress, spoke on "Harmoni- aus World Sympathy." Beverly Biba greeted the sorority and Mar garet Cook responded for the group. Levawn Johnson and Alice Rife led group singing. Recognition for outstanding pledges was announced by Ger trude Nie who named Alice Rife to wear the Kappa Phi pin next year and Vivian Ferns to receive the sorority bracelet. Margaret Wiener, an alumna. discussed the sorority council which will be held at Baker uni versity in the summer. Initiation of new members and installation of officers followed the banquet. fad YOUR COLORS OP THE noun IN DOUBLE FEATURE HAIL BSfAMBL ANB ABKZB Pin us Tl.t fathion colors In nfl namel that all smart America hat taken to Its heart and handil Touched by th Rerloo gmius for a "stay-on" quality that soma all magic Packed with a we bottle of the famous baw coat Adheron, in this achandng 1 Double Featurs Set f Fabulous Revlon Lipstick to match $1 plus tax, 8TBEET FLOOR Uni Speech Students Give One-Act Piays Two short plays, "When Shake speare's Ladies Meet" and "Ways and Means," will be given at the Union ballroom May 11 at 8 p. m., according to directors Jeanne Ra cine and Becky Silver, students of the speech department. The first is a comedy written by Charles George, and combines scripts from several Shakespearian dramas, adding a touch of infor mality with present-day slang. The story centers around the visit to "Juliet" by five of Shakespeare's feminine characters who attempt to give her advice on how to catch "Romeo." The characters are: Juliet, Dor othy James; Katherine, Joan Mc- Cague; Desdemona, Gerry Neu meyer; Cleopatra, Becky Silver; Portia, Betty Rhodes; and Ophelia, Jeanne Ratine. Play Is Comedy. "Ways and Means," written by Noel Coward and directed by Becky bilver, is a comedy concern ing a young couple of the social class of England who play the big games and lose heavily. The cast includes Bill Major as Toby Cartwright, Dorothy James as Stella Cartwright, Joan Mc Cague as Olive, Jeanne Racine as Princess, Eugene Tedd as Lord Chapworth, Jean Kinnie as the maid, Marie, and Art Beindorff as Stephens. Former Reich lag Member Gerhard Seger Speaks On Peace at UNConvo Before Social Science Group Gerhard H. Seger, former mem ber of the German Reichstag, speaking at the social science sec tion of the, Nebraska academy of science Friday afternoon, declared that in order to achieve a lasting peace we must have a long period of armistice. Mr. Seger is now an American citizen and publisher of a German language newspaper in New York City. "A peace of revenge will not be Spring Schedules Listed by Sports Director at ISC Ames, la., May 2. Two spring sports schedules for Iowa State college teams have been an nounced by George Veenker, di rector of athletics. The baseball schedule lists ten games while the track schedule includes two dual meets, a confer ence meet, and participation in the Drake Relays. BULLETIN JUNIOR DIVISION. All junior divinlon ntndrnU who plan to attend summer n-hnnl or tn fntrr thr uni versity nxt fall nmnt mrlntrr with I heir advlnnrs thin wrrk, according to Dean NHn A. Benmtin. a lasting one," he said, "but there is a legitimate demand for revenge and retribution that ought to be satisfied during the armistice per iod, so as not to burden the peace itself with any punitive measures." Speaker Lists Steps. Among the steps Mr. Seger men tioned to be taken during the arm istice was the unilateral disarm ament of Germany. He pointed out that the allies failed to ac complish this after World war L He explained that while the Ger man republic tried to establish a civilian democracy in Germany and rid the country of its Prussian militarism, the German army re sisted and was supported by the English and French members of the inter-allied control commission because of the balance of power policy in Europe. Mr. Seger emphasized that we won't secure a lasting peace unless not only nazism but German mili tarism is liquidated thoroughly. Explaining that Hitler is not sup ported by a majority of the Ger man people but maintains himself in power with the "most extensive terroristic machinery," Seger ad vocated giving the German people another chance at democracy, per haps within the framework of a European federation modeled after the Swiss federation. 1 ! v l 1" ; h jj k I! V Finely fashioned and a fashion-first, there's a story of Buperb workmanship behind the seams of your favorite "Heartbeat" Casual presented here in its summer ver sion for long-lasting loveliness. Smoothly, surely tailored in crush-resistant rayon gabardine. Colors: Lilac, Shrimp, Grey, Mint, Banana, Rose. Junior sizes. 10.95 r 3