Wednesday, April 19, 1944 THE NEBRASKAN Ncbraskan Prints-Interpretation Governing Procedures During Rules governing: students elec tions, as interpreted in 1941 by the judiciary committee of the Stu dent Council, must be strictly ad hered to by candidates in the spring election to be held April 19. The rules are as follows: From Article IV' of the consti tution: No vote shall be solicited at the polls or in the building in which the election is being held during election day. No money shall be spent in behalf of any candidate. No printed, mimeo graphed, typed or otherwise printed material in behalf of any candidate shall be perrritted ex cept in impartial announce ments of the candidates appear ing in the press. Any candidate violating these rules either in person or through his support ers shall thereby become ineli gible. The interpretation as handed down by the judiciary committee agrees on the following definitions and interpretations of Article IV of the rules for student elections. This is done at the request of the faculty committee on student or ganizations and social functions. "No vote shall be solicited-' shall mean: no person eligible to vote for any candidate shall be influ enced in any way by means of the spoken or written word or any other means to cast his ballot for any particular candidate; nor shall any such person be influenced in any way to vote at all. "At the polls or within the building in which the election is being held" shall mean: any place within said building or on the steps, walks or drives- lead ing from the adjoining public streets or streets up to the building. It shall also include the lawn adjoining the building. The phrase "at the polls" shall mean: at the place or places where passing out of ballots, marking of ballots, and placing of ballots in the ballot-boxes is taking place. "During election day" shall mean any time from 12 o'clock midnight of the day preceding the election to the time that the polls are officially closed. "No money" shall mean: no cash, checks, mail order drafts, tamps or credit. "Shall be spent" shall mean: shall be exchanged, traded or given away in any manner. "In behalf of any candidate" shall mean: in any manner which would in any way influence the results of the election. This would include any manner which would in any way influence a voter to cast his vote for any particular candidate, or candidates, whose name, or names, appear on the ballots. The term candidate shall include persons whose names ap pear on the ballots, and also the political parties with which they may be affiliated. This definition of "candidate" shall be followed wherever tha term appears in this article. A person whose name is to appear on the ballot shall be considered as a candidate any time within Today, Seniors Will Be Your Very Last Opportunity to Order Announcement HURRY TO THE ALWAYS WELCOME If Pays to Advertise in THE NEBRASKAN the two weeks' period directly prior to the election and including election day, irrespective of whether the person has been of ficially or unofficially announced as a nominee. "No printed, mimeographed, typed, or otherwise published material" shall mean: no hand bills, posters, papers, newspa pers or any other type of ma terials or advertising on which appears any other type of pic torial representation of thought which material is transmitted ' any voter by any means whi 1 ever or is posted in any place except the inside of a private home, boarding house, rooming house, fraternity house or soro rity house. Any such material posted in the university resi dence halls for women will be considered "published materi als." "Shall be permitted" shall mean: shall be legal and in accord with this article. "Impartial announcements" shall mean: a list of all candi dates for all offices to be filled by the election, in which list the candidates' names must all appear correctly spelled, in the same kind of type, in the same shade and color of ink and with no extra markings, of any sort beneath, over, around, or beside any par ticular names which marking does not appear in the same way by all names in the list. Such lists may contain the political affiliations of all candidates but no other infor mation about them unless such in formation is officially authorized by the Student Council. The "press" shall mean: any publication which has the ap proval of the university publica tions board. In all cases the edi tors of such publications shall be responsible for what appears in the publication. "Violating these rules" shall mean: in any way causing the rules of this article to be broken. "Either in person or through his supporters" shall mean: either by a personal action or by the ac tion of any one of his supporters or by any member of his political faction, no matter whether or not he knows that such action has been taken, is being taken, or will be taken. In considering the definition of the term "candidate" the pen- Council ... (Continued from page 1.) The election slate, as printed in the Nebraskan today, includes only the names of candidates who have been checked and approved by the Council election committee. Students who go to the polls in the Union basement or at Ag hall will vote for the representatives to the Council from their respective colleges. Publications and ag ex ecutive board ballots will be cast according to class status. Only men may vote for Ivy Day orator and juniors and seniors elect the seniors-at-large. All students must present student identification cards at the polls. April 19th Co-Op. 1229 R of Regulations Councu Election alty of violation of a rule shall apply to the individual with whom the violation is concerned. If the violation is concerned with a political party, then the penalty shall apply to all nomi nees affiliated with that party. Ignorance of this article and its interpretation shall not be considered a valid excuse for the violation of rules either by an individual, group of individuals or a political faction. Regular news items appearing the "press" and concerning any - ididate shall not be consiaerea as violations of this article unless thev contain editorial comment about the candidate or unless they are not impartial. Convo (Continued from page 1.) ulnrm admlnlMratkwi; Robert Richey Conkltn Miller. Th 1I Mipna PI Scholarship K7, bnninma admlnlstratloa: Wredf Howard Smith. Thr W illiam Gold PrliM, !" admla- IM ration: Dorothy Jan Duncan. George Allan Dunlap. Marv Louise Hanaon. Robert Carl Holland. Shirley Emma Jenklna. Ine Johnson. Betty Lee Parker. Rollsnd Russel Ritter Wallace Dale StieKelmayer. Bernard Dean Urtch. The Phi Chi Theta Key, busmeoa admln- Ixtratioa : Pollyann Petty. The Chi Omrica Prlrr, bwitaewi organlaa- tloa and economic: Dorothea MarRuertie Lemon. The Georce Borrowmaai Scholarship, chemistry: Irma Rose TinRelhoff. The Phi lmhda I'pslloa FTwamaa Award, chestry: Paul F.rnest Ruhter. The Grove K. Barber Prlie, classics: Kleanor Louise Knoll. The Omicroa Kappa Ipslloa Keys, den tistry: Glen Woodrow Thurnian. Fritz Arthur Pierson. Jr. Robert Nathan Mendcnhall. Warren Enger Mulford. The American Society of Dentistry for Children: Glen Woodrow Thurman Robert Nathan Mendcnhall. The Georre A Grahb Awara, Frit Arthur Pierson, Jr. The Chemical Knsineerlns; Society Key, rnclneeiine: Lester Christenaen Knogh. The O. i. Fee Award, rnRtneerlna;: Charles Adolphus Stutt. The Omicroa Ka Freshman Award, home economics: Mary Edith Pumphrev. The PI Ma Kpstlon Prtrcs, mathematics: Walter William Koenlg. Norman Ralph Zabel. The Nn-Med Key Award, pre-medleaj : Ruth Leota Owen. The Ms Phi Kphlloa Kreskmaa Scholar hilp Award, moiilr: Virginia Ann Trook. The Psl Chi Award, psychology: Vdrrlma Ma Ct ll.rm r The National Alpha lambda Ielta Award; Margaret r.icanor Aiiaway. The American Association of VnlverH Womea Scholar? Ulps: Dorothea Marguerite Lemon. Mary Edith Pumphrey. M.rjoiie Jean Raecke. The Jrffrrsoa Rroady Scholarship: Harvey Llewellyn Tookey. The Ceres Club Scholarship: Beatrice Lucile Gorham. The lelta Delta Delta Scholarships: Hazel Olive Stearn. Dorothy Jane Wolfe The Faculty Women's Clan Scholarships: Neda Ethel Oltman. Besrtie Annette Eckblade. Frances Jane Howell. The William Hyte. Scholarship: Glrn LcRo Downey. The Donald Walters Miller Scholarships: McT'in Douglas Jones. Jeanette Mae Smith Hael Olli Stearn. The Mortar Board Awards: Alice HosmrT McCampbrll. Doris Viola Peterson. The Mortar Board Scholarships: Phyllis Marald Greer Kona Marie Kleanor Jean Johnson. Grace Kathryn Petria. Rarbara Jeanne Stahl. Helen Marie Wulf. The Walter I. Mchel Freshman Prise; Grace Kathryn Peters. Open Your Eyes . . . to good laundry and clean ing. For that white, spark ing professional finish send your wardrobe to Evans. Society The week passc-s in review . . . Saturday. Gilberta Evans, Tri Delt of last year, was married to Norman Kolb, in Sioux City, and many of the Tri Delts attended . .". Betas Dick Bell, George Loomis and Bob Dalager, med students at Omaha, came down for a short celebration . . . Lenore Beck, Chi Omega, received a Theta Xi pin from dent student Herb Williams . . . Sie-ma Karmas Lotus Stor- john, Avanelle Ramsay and Betty Storjohn were dancing at me Turnpike with L.ts. Melvin Scott, McBride, and Khourie, respec tively . . . Monday night found several rsndv nassinett . . . Polly Petty, Alpha Phi, passed the five pound box, and her pinmate, ensign An Mason, was unable to be present, but his Sig Chi brothers took over in his absence . . . Over sur way, Harriet Lorkis rassed the candy eelebratine; her eneaerement tc Van Cutler, Creighton med school, and June 25 was the date set ior the weddine; . . . Delta Gamma pledges borrowed frat pins belong ing to their waiters, ana stageo a fake candv Dassine. in protest of the laxity of the actives on this score . . . The Panhellenlc Scholarships: Carol Cornell Chapman. Charlotte Lucelle Filter. Bonnie Alice Hinricha. Madeline Joyce Holtzscherer. Betty Gene King. Jeanette Mae Smith. The Gas Prestet;aard Scholarships: Mildred Renee Breucr. Berntc Clara Greer Mary Louise Hanson. Zelma Marie Waldo. ROTO Band Honorary Key Awards: Robert Richard Thatcher. Richard Donald Wenzlaff. David Thomas Kinsman. Hubert Harmar Rodman. John Du Wayne Wolf. The Edward Lang True Memorial Scholar ship: Dwayne Louis Pretzer. The I nlveralty 4-H Club Scholarship Medals: Senior Medal: Marjorie LaRine Claney. Jnnior Medal: Lona Laventia Haskina. Sophomore Medal : Mary Edith Pumphrey. Freshman Medal: Charlyn Henrietta Hagemeiater. Calling More Waiters for Union Corn Crib Our Credit's Good: Are You Willing? Please Apply at Room 1, Student Union Hours Are Easy Long Summer Vacation Jfr4. Vafetta vU u another ik 90.000 Succi-Jt Srhotl fiaduaiti if d,nnf her than n th kamt Jttnt with kef fuMo'y arm. Like thousands and thousands of Success School graduates, Valetta Colo relies on Du Barry Faoo Powdar for that fresh, cool, flower garden look. Here if a powder that has every thing yout always wanted, too . . . perfectly balanced tetturt . . . enough botly to cling through hot, busy hours ... eight fashion shades to choose from ... in (h new dollar tkrt bos so vou can try it. Stop by and soe this Success School "freshener" BULLETIN ROTC OFFICERS There will be a meeting at 5 p. m. today in room 208 of Nebraska hall of the following ROTC officers: Brooke West over, Bernard Urich, Neal Jenk ins, Milferd Epp, Edwin Busch, Eugene Tedd, James Ota, Emil Bollmeier, Lachlan Ohman, Bill Rotton, and Lowell Helmick. Calkins . (Continued from page 1.) progress and welfare of the uni versity should not stop when they have left the campus, for they also owe a debt to the common wealth of the state in helping to provide an advanced educational program for the oncoming genera tions." He concluded by saying, "The test of a university lies in the suc cess and citizenship of its alumni. An imnortant Dart of its future lies in their devotion and contin ued interest." Give MOTHER PICTURE your Ilave a special gift photograph made for Mother's Day (May 14) from your Ccrnhusker pose. Studio . . . 2nd Floor IllTLLER L PAU1E f. !v,s'"' ; Hi I 333 NO. 12 DuBarrjr Face Ponda $2-Si !" Us irrrl FUar. Patronize Our Advertisers SINCE 1886 WwWiiaihMiai Mi" ! ill i na -llijaeMfcaWel