The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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Black For Dates . .
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Pictured above is Lorraine Beckenhauer, Kappa, in a spring black
sheer crepe featured at Golds. Lattice-work braided trim'forms the
new portrait neckline, smart this season. Adding to the smartness
is a peplum of the same braided trim. Also smart this season is the
black felt half-hat, found on Gold's third floor in shades of lime,
red and brown.
20th and D Streets
The Church with ihe Carillon
Raymond A. MtConnrll, D I)., Miniver
Margaret M. Anderson, Pantor'a A.itan
Arlbar E. WeMbrook, Director ! Mie
Myron J. Roberta, Organist
8:00 A. M.
11:00 A. M.
I JW P. M.
Easter Dawn Service in Forecourt
Great Easter Morning Service.
Open-Air Vespers Choirs among
the Bells. Marina vernon, n
loneur. r300-I0;OO P. M. Sunday Evening Half-Hour Ves
pers and "At Home in the Church,
for all young people over High
School age. These Sunday eve
nings in charge of "Peg" Anderson
are popular with students and soU
diers. All university students and
men in uniform cordially invited.
I Temple Baptist Church
27lh & Holdrege Sts.
11 A. M. Subject:
"The Power of His Resurrection"
Anthem "Sing Alleluia!", choir
8 P. M. Canlaia:
"The Victorious Christ"
choir, baptismal service following
The Passion of Our Lord," illustrated with
Hie projector. Special music by the choir.
War Rationing
To Designers
War with its rationing and re
strictions has been a challenge
which fashion designers the world
over have met and conquered with
apparent ease. When the basic ma
terials for "date" dresses were no
longer obtainable ersatz materials
were pressed into service and have
proved to be most satisfactory.
A peek into current fashion
hooks will show that the V neck
line in both extreme and modified
forms is still near the top of the
style hit parade. Another favorite
is the hieh round neckline so often
used when the bodice is of a 6hear
Snrin? snells nastels and prints
tn thp fashion wise and a dark
blue or black shear is always to
he desired. One of these dresses
will see the wearer thru a day of
shopping, luncheon, tea ana even
dinner and dancing.
With really good materials be
coming increasingly difficult to ob
tain, a good spring suit in a neu
tral color is becoming a practical
must, according to fashion experts.
Three niece or two piece suits in
shades of brown, tan, blue or gray
will be a long time tavorue in any
coed's wardrobe.
Society . . .
The mysterious absence of Gor
dy Ehlers' Delt pin for three weeks
caused ouite a bit of comment
over at the Tau House, but now
that it is back again, it looks as
if it wasn't important anyway.
Seems that the ATO's are having
a big picnic Friday night, but they
won t all be at me same piaie,
uh huh!:!
Candy passings went on as
usual Monday night. The Alpha
Phi's had a. double one with Car
olyn Windle and Eunice Ensor an
nouncing their coming June mar
riages to fiancees Lt. Gene Har
per and Ensien Bill McCon-
naughey, a D. U. here on the cam
pus last year Also at me Aipna
Xi Delta house was the announce
ment of LuAnne Williams engage
ment to Lt. Owen Knudsen.
AOPi's Eat Sweets.
Marearet Haeren. AOPi, sur
prised her sisters Saturilay night
when she parsed the eandv with
Charlie Hanford. Fhi Delt in St.
Louis. Incidentally it was her six
months anniversary of being
nlnned. Mondav nitrht Janet Shaw.
also AOPi, passed the candy an
nouncing her engagement (she re
ceived the hie- diamond last week)
to Merlin "Shcp" Shepherd, Alpha
Sig, now with the Marines in San
Awaiting the return of Phi Delt
NV-uman Buckley, now at OCS in
Fort Pennine', is ninmate Aloha
Chi Sally White. Also waiting is
Alpha fm uemaris Morion lor
Lt. Emerson Jones, former Sigma
Chi. Abigail Gilbert, grad student
in English, got a diamond from
her "Bostonian," previewing a
wedding soon, we think.
Seen together lately are Leo
Kelkr and Eleanor Edison. It
looks as though a certain girl won
her Tx-t . . . Alpha Chi Betty
Mahan and Beta Bob Smith are
on the dating list again, no more
of that steady deal . . . Must have
been a real "old-fashioned" picnic
the I'alladians had last week one
Friday, April 7, 1944
Costumes For Any Affair .
mj win wrrn i "if"" 'mnwlui" ,mi v-M'M ff
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Commenting on latest styles as seen in Vogue are Sally Emerson,
Delta Gamma, and Jo uonrer, i nexa. ojny is wci"ia
Botany wool suit featured at Miller and Paine in junior sizes. Cardi
gan neckline, fake-pocket bows and a deep kick plait also char
acterize the suit. Jo is attired in a Junior Motlernage Room spring
print of rayon crepe. Making it really smart are the lowered scal
loped neckline and the draped front fullness caught in bows at the
neck and waist.
hov and fifteen eirls . . . Beta Neal
Jenkins had fiancee Naomi Atkins
down from Falls City for the Beta
party Friday night . . . Back on
leave is AS Boo rrarry wno
seems to be spenmng ail oi nis
time with Tri Delt Jan Wilson.
No inklincr of weekend news
predicts a dull time here on the
St. Matthew's
Services, Monday
through Saturday
April 3-8,
7:30 P. M.
Easter Day
8.00 Holy Communion
9 45 Church School
11: 00 Choral Euchcnist
Accessories . . .
(Continued from Page 1)
skin and cord purses are always
appropriate too.
Gloves, those accessories carried
but seldom worn after the snow
and ice disappears are most prac
tical in washable fabrics. This
season extremely long or very
short lengths are the vopue. Black
wool icrscv cloves with a con
trasting color between the fingers
and on the cuffs will add a
of color to any costume.
Featured in costume jewelry are
the matching studded belts ,nd
bracelets. They are made of nat
ural or white leather with many
colored stones. Just the right
touch for that cardigan suit may
be jeweled double-clips with a
connecting gold chain.
Perhaps some of these sugges
tions may help create new outfits
out of old ones, and that is just
one more way to help Uncle Sam,
St. Paul Methodist
12 and M
Easter Services
6:30 A. M. Sunrise Communion
9:30 A. M. and 11:00 A. M.
Morning Worship
Sermon: As Man Brought Back
from Death.
National Luthcran'Council Churches
wish you
A Blessed Easter
American Lutheran 24th and U Sts.
C. II. Ilinkhouse, pastor
Early F!a:.ter Communion .... 7:00 a. rn.
Church School ' 9.30 a. m.
i:ar;tor Worship 10:30 a. rn
l.-aoruo Sona Sorvico 5:30 p. m.
First Lutheran (Auqustano) 17th and A Sts.
C. P. Hall, pastor
Church Sc.'iool 9.30 a rn.
I n-.trr Vomhlp 10 45 a. rn.
I.vf ri.nq Vr.f,orr: 8.00 p.m.
Our Savior's (United Danish) 23rd and N Sts.
A. iM. Petersen, pastor
Church Dchool 9:45 a rn. tcr Vorr;hip 11:00 a.m.
Friedens Lutheran (United Lutheron) 6th Cr D
M. Knolen, D. D., pastor
Sunrir;e Service f 30 a. m.
Church School ........ 9 00 a. m.
German Service 10 30 a.m.
Grace Lutheran (United Lutheron) 14th Cr F
L. II. Leshcr, D. D., pastor
Sunrise Service 6 00 a.m.
Early Communion Service . . . 7.30 a. m.
Church School 9.30 a. m.
Castor Worship 1100 a.m.
Communion Service 12 00 noon
Visit the Lutheran Service Center, 1220 N St.
See ihe Lutheran World Action Film Thursday
of the LSA meeting, 7 o'clock, 315 Student Union