THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, MarcK 22, 1M4 'JbhmJL . . . QowuMfwL . . . WUL JIisl TbtbhaAluuv FOKTT-FOIKTH YEAB Saaserlatiea Kate ar tl.M Par InMtn a SI M far Ua Cal1e l'ear. Mailed. 8inrle enay, Centa. Entered a aeeaad-elaai mailer at Ik aesteffire ia Liaeela 1. Nebraska, andrr Act nf Canrresa March S. 187. and al taecial rale f aasUfa aravidrd far in Seetiaa 1103, Act a( Oeteber 3, 1911, Aalaarired September M, ltt. Published three times weekly during arhool year, ex cept racations and examinations periods by Students of the University of Nebraska under the supervision of the Publications Board. Assistant Business Managers. . . .Joan Mart, Lorraine Abiamson Editor ..June Jatnieson Business Manager Charlotte Hill EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. Haaarinr, Editera Fat rkamkerlin, Mary Relea Tkami Newi Kditara. . . . . Lcslia Jeaa lilntfelty, Mar loaive Geedwia Okila Hill. Betty I.ea HaMaa Seelety Lanra Lee Mnadil Saerta Harold W. Anderses t'ireala'tiea Miatfer Bill Karfl. t-'.Uti Day t-7 ill Nitkt -?lS laarnal t-UM Offices Laiaa Baildiaf Here We Go Again Today begins the spring session of the student elections cycle as the female popu lation of the university goes to the polls to elect future Mortar Boards. It will place in office those women who will succeed present members of the senior honorary, who will be "BWOCs" when next year's election rolls around. Avowedly anti-politics this year, the va rious women's organizations claim an ab solutely impartial slate. ' Ballots will be minus the names of those who had scholas tic difficulty, despite the week's grace al lowed them to return to good standing. Anonymous telephone calls from "a gradu ate of the university" warned organization loaders that alumni throughout Lincoln are watching the elections for the faintest taint of politics. Reform forces are on the move, and the odds are against them. No matter how straight the ballot, how clean the election students are voting friends, sorority sisters, political allies into office. They are not voting new officers the thankless job of heading a university or ganization; they are "voting for new Mortar Boards." As long as the belief persists, how ever true or false, that presidents of organ izations are but a step from Mortar Board, votes will be influenced by Ivy Day as the immediate goal instead of the ultimate re ward. Those who encourage the belief are V . . . - Mail Clippings Pat Chamberlin, Censor Special from Jo Kinsey, Alumni office, ED FREEMAN, Phi Psi last year, is now out of En gineering training with the ASTP and is now sta tioned at Stuttgart, Ark., in AAF pilot training. Second Lt. JACK KENNEDY, Sigma Nu last year, just returned with a diamond for Lois Met calf, Chi O, and his bombardier's wings and com mission from Deming, N. M. Cadet BERNARD ANDERSON is home on fur lough from St. Mary's pre-flight training for the navy. GUY E. "Gene" OLSON, "42, has been trans ferred to Columbia, S. C, from Ellington Field, Tex., where he recently won his army air corps wings and his commission as a second lieutenant. Second Lt "SQUASH" CAMPBELL, Phi Gam last year and famous "export" on animal hus bandry, especially sheep, is back on a graduation leave sporting his army wings and commission from William's Field, Ariz. He has been stationed at William's Field. Second Lt. CLINT JURGENSON, Sig Fp, re cently returned to Lincoln from Edgewood Arsenal. Previously he had served one year overseas in Pei-sia. Second Lt. CHARLES COOK, Sig Ep last year, visited UN a while back with his pilot's wings. He is a pilot on a B-29. defeating the purpose of the electign, and of a senior honorary. Campus political activity has reached a near stand-still. If ever the unsavory prac tices are to be abandoned, it is now when less students take active interest in factions and parties. The first step is convincing the campus that officers are elected to do a job that they should not be elected unless they can handle that jot) that a vote cast today does not make a Mortar Board tomorrow. Society Has It . . . Spring Brings Silver Wings, Orchids, Rings in Initial Montli It says Here BY LENORE SIMON. Spring ain't sprung, the grass ain't rir. hut love still is . . . and with that little thought comes or rather came tne canay jvionaay night at the Tri Delt house. Do nater of the sweet stuff was Ma rion White announcing her en gagement to Tom Connelly, ma rine who is back in Lincoln for a few days. Mary Jo Kobes 'noth er Tri Delt is wearing the pilot's wings of Hugh "Goop" Winter, Phi Delt of last year who ia back in town on furlough.. Pnne-rfltulations to all the new initiates as of last weekend. Gam ma Phi Clarice Marshall blos somed out with orchids and a Farmhouse pin from Dale Wolfe at the initiation banquet Saturday night and no wonder . . . she and Dale passed the candy at the ban quet. Such Big Deals! Could be a biff deal coming off between Denny Haden and AST Old, New YWCA Cabinets Attend Annual Advisory Board Meeting Tonight Xfembers 'f the new and old YWCA cabinets will be entertained at a dessert supper this evening at the home of Mrs. Rosco Hill. This is an annual meeting at which the advisory board meets the cab inets of both the city and ag campus. BULLETIN Afi NQl'AKK PANt E. Ac men's mortal rtnh will ponr an old- nirr dkix-e I riday evenin from It to II aVfork-tn the activities hnildint. Ihe dance i free and everynne is .A ft 'Wm """""" av m MtM ar m w vorn colors or the noun i TQUDLE FEATURE" la KKAMKL iXV A 75 The ianhkMi colors la Ball enamel tL all smart America has taken to its hear. mni hand,! Toocbej hj the Revlon genius tor a "stiy-cs" pIity that ton ctJ magic FacLed rJi a wee bottle of Ibe ianoaa lafte coat, Acheron, ia tL'i etx-haotiEf Dobil Feature Set rat rr txooa H IIJ.BB1IW H 'MM ""WH IlllaaWal W IIWiWK P lMa.tfhata Elections (Continued From Page 1.) The two candidates for president of the Barb Activities board for women are June Spellman and Hazel Steam. Both are juniors and have been active in barb af fairs. Miss Stearn is on the YWCA cabinet. There will be no ballot for Mor tar Board nominees. A list of all junior women will be posted near the polls and junior and senior women may vote for not more than 20 nor less than five on the back of one of the ballots where space has been provided. Coeds mw present their Iden tification cards before they will be issued a ballot. Jane Dalthorp is chairman cf the election. The May Queen with her maid of honor and court will be revealed at the traditional Ivy Day cere monies. AH other victorious can didates mill be announced in Fri day's Nebraskan. Mortar Boards are masked on Tvy Day. Union-Army for Trainees Francis Ellsworth's BAND Buffet Supper cf 10:30 9 to 12 P. M. Sat., March 25 Union Oalfroom A IK A NT. tiLaoe. lter-reli:W tronp. miU mee hi Morrtll Hull al :SI Tlnr-Mla eenint. Mi Ka1y r'nikm-r will dtmr Ihe . art exhibit. I PHI Ml KrMI.OV. I'M Ma Ki.ilnn. nmrary math wWj. nre-vnl H. . I.vrt HlmttraMnc Ihej wlvnc of aa Mh df-eree pnivaaimal h nuu-hine Tnedaj . Marrh ?K. al 1 "ctek in rmea 1M ! ia Mrraairal Arts, haiMinc. I Leonard Little John? Really a big deal was the candy passing of Peg Lemon, Theta and Stan Maly, Beta. Lois Metcalf Chi O. is fly ing high with pin of Bombardier (Sigma Nu) Lt. Jack Kennedy. Flash!!! . . , ring came today! Nothing but dances, parties, etc, etc. next Saturday night The Al pha Xi Deltas are having their formal and couples couplin' there will be Pat Longacre with fiance Jack Miller; Lu Ann Williams with Lt. Owin Knutzen former UN man now home on furlough. Re cent candy passer Jean Werner will be there with brand new fiance Johnny Land. Coeds Return from Leaves. ' Dottie Moore, AOU, just re turned, from Chicago . . . she and fiance Eddie Carlton S2 spent his leave there with his folks. Another girl off on one of those lucky leaves will be Mary Stapleton, Al pha Xi Delta, who left Friday for Denver to be with Dean Rog ers S, 2. Wonder where Carol Carver, Al pha Xi Delta, acquired her ATO pin? Tip on the Towne Club party Saturday night at the LTniversity Club. The affair's open and should be good. President Dorothy Olson will be there with Max Hymas A s. Roses Bring Sentiments. Maybe the reason that Alpha Chi Joey Hr.ntzinger has become sentimental about flowers is be cause of the mammoth bouquet of roses she recently received from her left man ... or her man that left . . . DG Xina Scott sent back the DU pin of Dave Andrews and is now wearing the VMI ring of Pres ton "Skeeter" Cochran. To quote Skeeter, "I'm in love!:!" Fact is that the DG house seems to have more lovey-dovey affairs going on or shouldn't we mention the "Bush" and the "Parson." Power ful company those advanced engi neers and their strength o ma terials . . . hummmm! Just a G.I. Seamstress? If you're fcrcvor getting out the needle anil thread, licre are tome tips: Vheti a Lot ton comes off, ww it on ell tlie firJ time. A flip-shod job jat meant you'll have to do it over again soon. Male yoor next hirt an Arrow. Arrow but tons are attached ith a patented ttitth, hkh "arKliort" them to a thirt. OierL your ite you may be wearing too email a tJiirt and therefore causing too great a ttrain on the buttons and eams. The Sanforized label in an Arrow tbirt guaiantcee dirinliage no greater than 1 do danger I an Arrow ever getting too Mnali! ARROW i J IVT WA IONl AN St-AMM A l )