4 THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, February 9, 1944 t7tt mrmm 1 nr - hb ft s iviv I 7h w53S I few?!?, n f J . v ' Sr' )' i ...... J 1 Back the Attach with your dollarsl S 4 Of course you'd give anything to bring him home safely, sooner' Well words won't do it but dollars will. Every single American. . .man, wo man and child. . .has a debt and responsibility to our men and women in uniform. Remember ... with them there can be no luxuries ... no excuses no "I'll do it tomorrows." They're doing their jobs. . .now. . .how about getting on with yours? War Bonds on Sale at Qold's Freedom Corner Street Floor) 0, IF (1 D, 17? I r m II s ii3 u uuira THURSDAY, FEB. 10 AT 7:30 P. M. l "0" AiM&L bsdwmv 11Ul cuvdL 12ilv A War Bond Auction will highlight the Bond Street Rally next Thursday night! Auctioned off to buyers of War Bonds will be souvenirs and per sonal effects of famous Nebraskans among them Marie Sandoz Dorothy Thomas, George W. Norris, Major Barney Oldfield, Mayor Marti, Governor Gnswold, etc. Present at the rally will be local leaders and a group of war heroes. Sponsored by the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commer cc