8 DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, February 6, 1944 i- ! v 1 Is 'M A. Hobbs Slot Seam suit of soft doeskin. In gold, grey, red cr brown. Sizes 10 to 18. Ex clusive ct Simon's. $35 3. Klinerite Suit of all wool Shetland in the new cardigan style. Brown, red, aqua or gold. Sires 10 to 18. Exclusive at Simon's. $35 IN THE AIR! You can feel it coming . . . hear it in the wind . . . see it in these suits. They're so filled with the spirit of the new season they fairly sing . . . they tell the story of how you want to look this spring. y j : v'ih f I ML hL .f C Ta3orbrook Suit of Venetian wool covert Handstitched trim. Strato blue, black, Chives green or brown. Sire 10 to 20. Exclusive at Simon's. $35 7