Friday, February 'A, 1944 DAILY NEBRASKAN Scarlet Meet Tiger Team Tomorrow . Huskcrs Prep Bengal Tilt Fresh from their 54-47 con quest of Kansas State Tuesday night, Nebraska's Comhuskers drove through hard practice ses sions Wednesday and Thursday in preparation for their tussle with Missouri Saturday night at the Coliseum. Victory over the Wildcats boosted the Huskers' morale, and A. . - a m . ... we squaa snowea new spirit as they prepared for the Missourians. Coach Ad Lewandowski stressed defense as he pushed his players inru long scrimmage sessions both Wednesday and Thursday. Lew expects the Tigers to be a rough foe. The Missourians, doped to finish in the second division, have knocked off the Kansas Jay hawks in conference competition ana nave a good chance to grab a first division berth in the final conference standings. Lew Pleased. Lew was highly pleased with the performance of the Scarlet against the K-Staters. The out standing defensive play of Al Kir lin, newcomer from Northeast High, and the point-getting of Al Artman, Kearney veteran who cored eighteen points, were espe cially pleasing to Lewandowski. Kirlin, playing his first college game, was working exceptionally well under the basket and gave a boost to the Husker offense by pouring in eleven markers. Art man was looking the best he has this season, breaking up play after play with his ball-hawking and getting behind the Wildcat de fense for frequent set-ups. Their win over the Wildcats boosted the Huskers from the con ference cellar, left the K-Staters in sole possession of that lowly spot. Beta's Trounce B. Palace; Alpha Tau's Clip Sig Chi's Second Ko casing Harold W. Andersen Weir Issues Call " For Candidates With the opening of the indoor season less than three weeks away, Track Coach Ed Weir has issued another call for candidates. Weir reports that the cinder squad must have several more sure point getters if the Huskers are to make a creditable showing in coming competition. "Now that finals are over and the new semester has started," said Ed, "I'm hoping for a new crop of men. We "are badly in need of new boys to help Kratz, Barker and the other point makers we now have." Reaching my ears often of late is the suggestion that an all-star team, composed of the top play ers from the various Army intra mural squads on the campus, meet the Lincoln Air Base Raiders in a clash at the Coliseum. The Raid ers have been decisively defeating the best teams that each indi vidual military unit on the campus can offer, hence the proposal that the individual units pool their players and throw an all-star team against the powerful Raiders. The suggestion seems to me to be very logical, for under the present set-up the Raiders can assemble their team from the entire personnel at the Air Base, while any campus military team that faces them uses men from only a single unit. If such stars as Scheer and Fuller of Com pany B, Dobrer, Lind, and Bot torf of Company C, and Harris of the Air Corps training de tachment were assembled on an all-star team, they could give "Goose" Tatum and his Air Base mates a real battle. Because of its obvious merit such a proposal meets with this department's hearty approval. I hope to see an all-star Army team from this campus clashing with the Raiders sometime before the season ends. (Mabel is all-out for the idea, too, so I don't see how it can miss.) 1 Coach Lewandowski's Husk er cagers were employing the fast-break to excellent advan tage against Kansas State at the Coliseum Tuesday night. The Huskers abandoned their customary deliberate, slow mov ing attack midway in the first half and came from a 6-13 deficit to a 23-16 margin at half time. The Scarlet continued to pour on the speed during the second half and built a 46-22 margin before the Aggies staged their fierce rally in the closing, minutes. In the two intramural games played Wednesday night, the A.T.O. team won over the Sig Cms, 26-17, while the Betas trounced the Brown Palace, 26-11 A.T.O.-Sig Chi. In the first game of the eve ning the ATOs took the lead in the fivst half amd held it all through the game. Their scoring centered around Nicola who made eight points. The Sig Chi's points were divided evenly among their five men. The score at the half stood ATO 17, Sig Chi 7. The fi nal score found the ATO team in the lead, 26 to 17. . tg " fl Sig Chi fR ft f evens i z u 1 1 Carroll f 2 0 2 McKay t 0 1 0 Campbell f 112 Purtier 1 2 0 2'Moomawc 12 1 rrary g i 0 Kretzinger g 2 0 0 r.ision I 0 0 OiTidd r 10 2 Barry c 3 13 Nicola c 3 2 2 BauKhn g 0 0 0 Totals 11 4 8 Totals T 3 7 Betas-Brown Palace. In :- first half the Betas romped over the Brown Palace, scoring 26 points to 11 for the Palace boys-. The second half was more even, with both teams slowed down by fatigue. Pinney of the Betas led the scoring with 16 points while Trofolz led the B. Palace with 6. Beta fg ft f: B. Palace fg f Pinney f 8 0 0 Miva f 0 11 Olson f 0 0 0 Rohson I 11 Mills f 2 0 0 Stone c 1 o Cullen f 0 0 1 i Puncher g 2 0 Weidman c 10 0 Jacohm'r K 1 0 Jenkins g 3 0 1 ! Trofolz g 3 (i marcus g o 0 01 Smith g 5 0 01 Totals 79 0 2! Tolals 8 1 2 Sigma Alpha Iota, professional music fraternity at the Univer sity of New Mexico, entertained Italian prisoners of war on New Year's Day. VALENTINES Personalised Gift Stationery Birthday Greeting Cards GoldenrodSlalionerySiore IIS North 14 Open Evenings Intramural Basketball Schedule Gam vs. Corn Beta Sig vs. ATO; Feb. 9: Phi husker Coop.; YMCA. Feb. 10: Sig Ep vs. B. Palace vs. Sig Chi. Feb. 15: Sig Ep vs. Pio neer Coop.; Theta Xi vs. Sic Nu-ZBT. Feb. 17: Phi Gam vs. Beta Sig; Cornhusker Coop vs. YMCA. War Stomp Dance Admission War Stamp 9-11:30 Tonite A.S.T. Band 9:15-10:15 juke Box 'til 1 1 :30 Come Alone or With a Date Union Ballroom CLASSES i ii 7 Feb. Shorthand, Typing, Accounting, Comptometer, Office Training, Secretarial. All work on College level. DAY AM) EVKMNG Lincoln School of Commerce W, A. BOBBINS, Trr. 209 No. 14 St. Tufts college recently received as a gift a 126-year-old watch that belonged to Charles Tufts, "donor of the land on which the college was built. v Typewriter Exchange Renting and Expert Repairing Typewriting & Adding Machines 2-2029 225 South 13th Free Flicker Show Old-Time Movies Harry Langdon Charlie Chaplin La urel tx Hardy Frank Farnum 4:00 SUNDAY, FEB. 6 Union Ballroom v 4 $ i t SV Jv 7,4 . . . the campus classic in rugged tweed . . . pure wool in chevron weave . . . blue or brown 25 Li U U Li Lis La Ha U k. FASHION FLOOR SECOND r