Wednesday, February 2, 1944 THE NEBRASKAN 4? rn n Hoflskirs ti Jua3)an rfman, Kirlin Star; Aggies Bid Too Late Led by Al Artman's 18 points end the outstanding defensive play of newcomer Al Kirlin, Ne braska's Comhuskers bopped Kansas State by a 54-27 count at the coliseum Tuesday night to notch their first conference vic tory of the season. The KsStaters jumped away to an early lead, holding a 13-6 mar gin after nine minutes of play, but the Scarlet pulled to a 14-14 tie on baskets by Artman, Nelson, and Hollins and a brace of free throws by Kirlin. With Artman and Kirlin leading the way the Huskers built a 23-16 half-time margin. Aggies Rally. Artman sifted thru the Wildcat defense for set-ups time and again as the second period opened, and the Huskers ran their lead to 40-21 after six minutes had ticked off. Kansas State began to close the gap, however, and when the game ended the Scarlet margin had shrunk to 54-27 under the withering rally staged by the Ag- The two Al's, Artman and Kir lin, were easily the best for the Huskers, who showed more scrap and drive than at any time this season. Gish led the Wildcat scorers with 21 markers. Kansas State ft 0 2 1- 1 8-11 35 0-1 2- 2 0- 0 1- 1 0-1 0-1 f JitB. Storey t 1 Oisti f 10 Conteyc GC) 2 Olson K 1 Findtev K 0 Krkblad f 1 Meirr f 0 Curt c 1 Beouchrr g O Swart K 0 Totals 1 1V2!S 14 I" Nebraska fH Bf.lllns f 2 Rooify f 1 n'ssw o o Tsntmsn ifiCl 0 Kirtin g Oalfr t- 0 Artman f 8 Ktihlmun f 0 r-orsk I Nplson g 4 ( 2 4 0 0 0-1 0- 0 3 4 1- 2 2 4 0 2 0-0 0 1 ,ts. 3 6 Tott,l 23 8-18 21 M Soore at half: Nrbiaska 23. Kansas Plate 18. Offi-ials: rilc Pultlam. nrand Island coltr;; Max Rorvr. NcfirasKa. Dr. L. T. Hunt Becomes Predion! of Xi Pi Tlii Dr. L. T. Hunt of the University of Nebraska college of dentistry faculty recently was appointed su preme president of Xi Psi Phi, na tional dental fraternity. The ap pointment came at a meeting of the supreme chapter board at Philadelphia which Dr. Hunt at tended. While on the same trip Dr. Hunt attended a meeting at Chicago of the executive committee of the American Dental Association council on dental health and was appointed chairman of the coun cil's committee on social trends Intramural Basketball Schedule Feb. 2: Brown Palace vs. Betas A.T.O. vs. Sig Chi. Feb. 3: Sig Ep vs. Sig Nu 2. B. T.; Theta Xi vs. Pio neer Coop. Feb. 9: Phi Gam vs. Corn riusker Coop.; Beta Sig vs. Y. M. C. A. Feb. 10: Beta vs. A.T.O. ; 8. Palace vs. Sig Chi. Ftb. 15: Sig Ep vs. Pio neer Coop.; Theta Xi vs. S19 Nu Z.B.T. Feb. 17: Phi Gam vs. Beta Sig; Comhusker Coop vs. V. M. C. A. Ereaking all local and Red Cross mobile unit records, the A. S. T. init at Indiana University recent- 1. ......A.. He 7fWl T.ITll i blood and had another 100 po-, tent soldier donors waiting when time and blood containers ran out. faASSIFEDlJ Second ( Harold W. With the start of the second semester, Coach Ad Lewandowski is juggling his Comhusker cagers in hopes of a change of luck. The victory-starved Huskers have been bolstered by the addition of Al Kirlin, ex-Northeast High ace, and Coach Lewandowski has revamped his starting line-up to make room for big Al. Another tall boy, Bert Gissler, has checked out basket ball togs and is looming large in Lew's plans for the rest of the cage campaign. Both Kirlin and Gissler shine on the gridiron as well as the court. Al was an all-state end last sea son at Northeast High, and big Bert, whose 6'7" height bars him from the armed forces, was a reg ular Husker wingman in the grid season just past. Kirlin was also outstanding as a track and field performer while at Northeast. Oklahoma's Sooners and the Cy clones from Iowa State clash al Norman this Saturday in what may prove to be the most crucial game of the entire Big Six cage campaign.. Neither the Sooners nor the Cyclones have been de- fcatprl in conference nlav and both! have met and defeated some ofjence win-string to six straight Return of Kratz Ups Cinder Squad Hopes Husker track stock took a sud den rise this week with the word that Dean Kratz, sole returning letterman, will not be lost to the armed forces. Slated for induction. Dean failed to pass the physical because of defective vision and and consequently will be available for the indoor season. Kratz, who will run both the quaiter-mile and the half-mile in indoor competition, is rounding into form and has several speedy quarters to his credit in recent work-outs, with 53.2 his best re corded time to date. Third-place winner in the half-mile in last i rear s Big Six outaoor cnampiou- 1 c&VVrviM I i : i t . messing Andersen the top teams in the Midwest on their non-conference schedules. The game Saturday should be a real set-to, with both squads real izing that a victory may well clinch the conference crown for them. Sticking my neck out a bit. I'll pick the Sooners to trim the boys fiom ISC. (I'm going against the advice of my best counselor in this choice Mabel thinks the Cyclones will win a breeze.) ODDS AND ENDS: The Major Harris C. Andrews cited in re cent press dispatches as head of phot intelligence at an advance air base in the South Pacific is the same Harris Andrews who played tailback on Husker grid squads in the late 1930's. An- : drews is remembered by Husker j fans as one of the best passers. in recent AcDrasKa iooiDaii His tory. The Haukeyes of the University of Iowa continue to lead the Big Ten title chase and rank as one of the top clubs in the nation. Led by Dave Danner and Dick Ives, the Hawks edged past In diana's Hoosiers for a twin vic tory list week-end. The double victory ran the Iowans confer- ships, Kratz is a sure point-getter for the Scarlet. ! The work of Norval Barker, frosh hurdler, has brought further smiles to the face of Coach Ed Weir. Barker, who has yet to taste intercollegiate competition, is I showing exceptionally good form. ! according to Weir. An 8.1 flight i of 60 yard highs has featured ! Barker's work-outs. Hollins Shows Promise. j Lavem Curry, quarter-miler. , and Buzz Hollins, who is working out with the shot-put in addition i to handling his cage-squad duties, also show promise, says Weir. With more grooming, both boys should develop into point-getters. j Long's Nebraska Book Store 0t ox v Q5 vE WILL BUY Y "!R OLD BOOKS FROM YU AND PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES OR ELSE EX CHANGE THEM FOR NEW TEXTS Fijis Trounce YR3CA; Husker Co-op Wins In intramural basketball jan uary20, the Phi Gams defeated the Y. M., C. A. 34-18, and the Com husker Coop, defeated the Beta Sigs 24-14. Phi Gam-Y. M. C. A. The game was close all through the first half. The Phi Gams were playing slow and deliberate ball. The score at the half stood 12 to 12. In the second half the Phi Gams started to click and the baskets rolled in. They played a fast game, passing the ball in under basket and making snort set shots. The final score found the Phi Gams in the lead, 34 to 18. Thl ams I V. M. C. A. le ft fl (K t 1 Nich 3 0 0 Rosener 10 0 St. .Ms 6 0 0 McKinney 10 0 Bowles 0 0 0 Stone 10 1 Hrrroan 0 0 0 Omnia 3 0 0 And.Tson 4 0 0 Nauata 3 0 0 l3 ami mfkm IvtTt Jm White Smith Totals 17 0 0 Totiits 9 0 1 Comhusker Coop Beta Sigs. The Comhusker Coop, soon took the lead in their game with the Beta Sigs. The score stood 14 to 8 in favor of the Coop, at the half. The Coop, widened the margin in the second half, while the Beta Sigs scored but six points. The final gun found the Coop, on top. 24-14. Roberts of the Coop, led the scoring with 10 points. The University of Louisville awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to the Ambassa dor from Great Britain, Viscount Halifax, on January 10! HOUSE COATS A thoughtful Valentine greeting for wife, daughter or mother! Rayon crepe, rayon seersucker and rayon crepe romaine fabrics some w ith dainty eVe let trimmings. Fitted midriff or side drape styles. Sizes 12 to 30. 7 r.OLB I .. lair 4 Flaar. 3sd 'sun hav&it! i mm to 16.95 I BUY WAR BONDS . i i a i rmiTH i oi" it i - - -