The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 21, 1944, Page 5, Image 9

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    Friday, January 21, 1944
Mllitof y Conteols W azlffaraage
Betsey Jane Wright to Wed
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From Uncoln Journal.
The wedding of Betsy Jane Wright to Lt. Nathan C. Holman, 3rd,
stationed at the Adjutant General school in Fort Washington, Md.,
will be an event of late February. Both are from Lincoln and have
attended the university. Miss Wright is a member of Alpha Chi
Omega sorority and Lieutenant Holman is a Sigma Nu.
Sinfonia Initiates
Three Men; Tcdcl,
Ulrick, Calkins
Eugene Todd, Wayne Ulrich and
Robert Calkins were initiated
January 17 into active member
ship In Phi Xfu Alpha, Sinfonia,
professional music fraternity.
The initiation services were held
in room 201, Temple Building, and
refreshments were served late in
the evening at the Cornhusker.
Home Ec . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
council, Miss Pollard is a member
of Phi U, the AUF committee,
YWCA, and the 4-H club.
The only freshman officer is
Miss Baxter, as secretary. She is
also a member of the YWCA.
Miss Alberty, the former Home
Ec club secretary, belongs to
Tassels, coed-councelors, Towne
club. YWCA, and the student
faculty council.
Miss Pumphrey is a member of
Alpha Lambda Delta. She is sec
retary of Kappa Phi, student fac
ulty council and the 4-H club.
The new officers will be. in
stalled at a mass meeting cf the
club on Feb. 3.
War Show . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
pointmei.t next week," said Jean
Swarr. "They will be contacted
about time and place by the di
rector." There will be a full re
hearsal for both acts Monday
night, Jan. 31, at which all par
ticipants must be present.
The following persons are in I
Act I and will rehearse at 6:30:
Ruth Way, Mary Louise Brody,
Betty Lamb, and Jean Andrews;!
Barbara Jean Olson, Jim Gleason.,
Jean Cowden and dancing chorus;
Dorothy Huffman, Jo Weaver
Kline, girls' sining chorus. From
the library: male singing chorus
under Don Smith, .Joe Stynes.
Kamm and Laurent, Jerry Broder,
Don Smith, Rodger O'Rielly, and
Carl Fornzak.
These people will report at
8:30 for rehearsal of act II: Helen
Greusal, Betty Lamb, Mary Lou
ise Brody, and Jean Andrews;
Betty Peters, Jean Frescoln,
.Jeanne Rotton, Marilyn Simpson
and Dorris Eberly, Jean Cowden
and dancing chorus, Joyce Ed
wards, Betty Krause, Janet Hemp
hill, Doris Ann Stauder, and Jean
nette Mae Smith; Joline Acker
man, Lorene Woita, Johnson
Beam, women's singing chorus.
Military personnel: Men's sing
ing chorus, band, Essig, Dave
Llewellyn and company, Wilkin
son, Strickler and Karnes. I
City Churches
Plan Weekend
Lincoln churches have an
nounced their student program for
the approaching week-end. Rabbi
Harry Jolt announces services will
be held for students and trainees
Friday at 8 p. m. and at
11:30 a. m. in the synagogue at
18th and L.
Eugene Floyd, YMCA secretary,
will speak on "World Student
Christian Union" at the Roger
Williams Fellowship at the First
Baptist .church on Sunday at 7
p. m. Rev. Gerald M. Kendall is
in charge of the worship services.
For their last meeting this month,
January 30, the Fellowship will
have Barbara Arnold as guest
speaker. j
Confirmation instructions given
by Rev. L. W. McMillin will be
held Tuesday at 7 p. m. at the
Episcopal church. Sunday services
will be held at 8:30 and 11:00.
Rev. Henry Erck, university
Lutheran pastor, will speak on the
topic, "A Picture of True Faith,"
at the Lutheran chapel service to
be held at 1 la. m. Sunday in room
315 of the Union.
Engagement and marriage an
nouncements continue to swamp
the nation's society editors, and
the Nebraskan certainly has its
Alpha Chi Ruth Lund was mar
ried Wednesday afternoon in Oma
ha to Herbert Von Goetz, Phi Delt.
who recently received his commis
sion in the navy.
Marilyn Griffith, Delta Gamma,
will marry Lt. Elmer Nelson Stein
who is stationed at Garden City,
Feb. 5 at Omaha.
Alpha Phi Marge Hanks mar
ried Second Lt. James G. Steven
son at St. Mathews church last
night. Lieutenant Stevenson grad
uated from Northwestern univer
sity where he was a Sig Alph.
Looking ahead, Margaret Pester
will marry Ensign John Van Tuyl
on Feb. 5. He graduated from
Middle Bury college, Virginia,
where he was an Alpha Sigma
The marriage of the moment Is
Lois Wright, Theta, to Lt. Max
Cory on Monday at Phoenix, Ariz.
Lieutenant Cory graduated from
the dental college here and was a
Xi Psi, Phi.
Tookiug back is the marriage
of Kappy Kellogg, Delta Gamma,
to Lt. Robert R. C. Miller at Camp
Hood, Tex. on Jan. 16. Lieutenant
Miller graduated from the univer
sity where he was a Phi Gam.
The marriage of Annamary Lee
to Ensign William K. Bierny at
Western Springs, 111., took place
Dec. 20. He attended Knox college
at Galesburg, 111., where, he was a
Phi Gam.
Art Gallery
Shows One
Man Exhibit
Until Jan. 31, in Gallery B of
Morrill hall, the art department
is sponsoring a one man exhibit
by Edgar Britton, a former Ne
braskan who is now teaching at
Colorado Springs Fine Art center.
Frescos, which are photos and
sketches of original copies, moun
tain scenes and figures, compose
the major part of the exhibit.
Mr. Britton did the murals, "Epoch
in History of Man," for the Lane
Technical high school's cafeteria.
This was a federal art project of
Scott ...
(Continued from page 1.)
C Sharp Minor Waltz, Chopin.
Eccentricities of My Pupils, arranged
by Henry Scott.
Rhythm at Any Cost," arranged by
Henry Scott.
Remarks, arranged by Henry Scott.
Mittens on the Keys, arranged by
Henry Scott.
ROTC . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
Walter Robert Kerl, Lyle Edward
King, Herbert Edwin Longren.
Thomas Raymond McCandless.
Fay Monroe Parker, Harry Eu
gene Peery, Deane Harvey Pet
tett, Aubrey Raymond Pettit, John
William Stewart, Bernard Emel
Swanson, - Charles pean Thorp.
Edgar John Dwyer Westervelt.
George William Williams, Edward
Lee Wunderlich.
Ah yes, the military! Brings
back fond memories of days gone
by and we travel back for thou
sands of years to the time when
Nebraska was a thriving young
university producing great men
who have now gone to the army,
but their names stay on forever
altho some are only whispered
among the more daring of the
present day class cutters.
Anything Goes.
Once upon a time there was a
little girl who we shall call "Les."
She was a Pi Phi and was often
seen in the rag office, writing a
column which she fondly called
"Hell and High Water." However,
we shall not mention her real
name . . . This little girl once saw
two of her sorority sisters in black
robes and masks retreating very
hurriedly into their room to "talk
things over."
Innocently thinking that they
were having a harmless bull ses
sion, little Les, being in a not-uncommon
mischievous mood, walk
ed around the hall telling her sis
ters that the two robe-wearers
were sailing motor boats. Suddenly
two strange heads appeared from
the doorway, dressed in the same
costume, and said, "We are not
sailing motorboats, we are meeting
to decide who should sail them
this spring. Perhaps you would
care to advise us?" Was Les' face
We end by realting an expe
rience: Col. (to private): Why didn't
you salute me?
Pfc. Calkins: I didn't see you,
Col: Thank goodness, I thought
you we;e mad at me.
Apply for Work Nov
for Next Semester
Needed: Barmen and Waiters
Men and Women
Student Union Corn Crib
See Miss White, Mrs. Montgomery or Mr. Urich
The Gay Nife Spot
0 iltLj
9 to 1
Adm. 55c
Tax Incl.
Bus Service
from 10th & 0
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