Friday, January 21, 1944 DAILY NEBRASKAN Mary Helen Farrar Sets Date t - 5. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Farrar announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Mary Helen, to Maj. Robert Marland of Danielson, Conn. The ceremony will take place Feb. 2. Mary Helen is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta at the university, and Major Marland is a graduate of Green Mountain college, Vermont, and attended Dart mouth. He is stationed at the Fairmont Base. Fashions Promise Bright Wardrobes ADRIENNE WAGGONER. "Buy only what is needed, and wear it as long as possible," is the fashion slogan for American coeds this year. When new apparel is a necessity, however, there are many bright fashions on the horizon. Date dresses are always an im portant item in any college girl's wordrobe. Practical and smart is the black taffeta skirt which can be worn with a variety of blouses. A white peasant-style blouse with gathered sleeves and low draw string neck makes the outfit al luring for evening. Then for luncheons or teas, a demure long siee ed white rayon blouse, with the round neck and cuffs edged in eyelet batiste, is appropriate, and for a colorful change, a window pane checked blouse in red and white with the skirt. In the same line, a black benga line modified dirndl, with low cir cular neck, short sleeves, and but tons of turquoise and gold, will make that big Saturday night date a sure hit. No Stamp Burns. If that No. 1 airplane stamp is burning a proverbial hole in any one's pocket, there is no better way to spend it than on a pair of ankle strap shoes. Either the low or high heels are very becoming, that decision resting mainly on whether the man of the hour is tall or short. Black suede is smart now, and later in the season pat ent leather will take its place. Also good are shoes in brown or colored lizard. Still very much in vogue are d'Orsay pumps, which go equally well with suits or dresses. House-Time Wear. For wear around the house, late breakfast, midnight parties, or what have you, there is an excit ing array to be had. Black velve teen lounging pajamas would make any girl feel super-deluxe. As for robes, the quilted type is warm as well as becoming, and the flower sprayed satin ones are especially charming. Bright-colored cordu roys are having their inning too. Something a bit different is the breakfast coat of white cotton blanketing, bound in satin a satin sash. Sweaters always hold the lime- Juke Box Dance Free 9:00-11:30 Fri., Jan, 21 Union Ballroom From Lincoln Journal. light for campus wear. There is a great choice of varieties. For the girl sport-enthusiast a ski sweater is the thing. Since they have be come so popular, many designs are on the market. For the feminine plus type a confetti sweater with a plain matching skirt is ideal. These somber war days Should be brightened and a sweater will do the trick. Has 1 J L Society Well, there are alarm clocks and alarm clocks in college these days, from midnight till noon . . . as for me, give me one that never goes off . . . Fine excuse for not getting to class on time if at all. But then some campus peopie seem to live on love, not sleep. snT Tmdv Kirchhausen recently rpreivpd the Din of Sammie Har old Turkey, law grad of old NU. ChiO Louise Mares ana big ip Bob Forrester are new pinmates as are AST Bill Maurice and Al pha Phi Mary Sinclair another one of those AST-Nebraska coed romances. For some, love is not quite enough (to live on) and they pass the candv. The Gamma Phis had one of these passings when Har riet Hayes announced her en gagement to Lt. Burman F. Ol son, formerly a iseDrasKa man. -n real surprise was the one of AOPhi Amy Dowell and army dent Frank Christoffersen when she first popped up with a dia mond. Bluff or Not? Since vou all want to know who's who and what's what, it might as well be told. Theta Xi president Dale Worth hung his nin on ChiO Colleen Campbell one really can't blame these boys who are leaving so soon ior reauy wanting to get "every little thing" taken care of ... At the same house, Woodie Woodhull hung his on Marilyn Blue, Council Bluffs lass, and Mac Bowser is now en gaged by diamond to Valaria Youngworth, also of Council Bluffs. With the marriage laws of that state, what can possibly be the attraction over yonder ... or is it just a "bluff?" Corny, huh? Have you heard . . . the rumor that there may soon be ringless weddings on accounta cuz there are so many people getting mar ried and there isn't enough gold to go around (even a finger) . . . oh well, they don't mean too much anyway. But as Bob (life is so confusing) ' Frary would say can't figure how there can still be so much gold and so many 'CTnTt 'tiHifr y Lila Jean Howell Weds - i . ; s I - - . si t-r r t ( The approaching marriage of Lila Jean Howell to Cadet S. L. Mc Lean is announced by M. and Mrs. R. P. Howell. The ceremony will take place in early March. Miss Howel is a Kappa Alpha Theta at the university and Cadet McLean, also of Fairbury, is stationed in Pensacola, Fla. He is scheduled to receive his com mission in February. stones for all these sparklers. Gamma Phi Wauneta Zeigler has one from Cadet Jack Bridwell of Fremont. And Theta Xi Wayne Bollmeier just found one for Ar lene Christensen. This wonderful life . Thoughts and Hopes. In moments of deep thought (in college?) one wonders what hap pens to romance when one of the pair goes away nigntmares ana I wake up screaming you know how it is, too much "feed" 'fore going to sleep which brings up the subject of birthdays for if there weren't birthdays there d be no a rising... nm Mcm& From JUncoln Journal. feeds and no nightmares but also there would be no red roses so there you are. It's vicious, pure and simple. Awaiting evidence, and soon, that one STAR hasn't been wast ing his time Pfc. Fred Lehmann is reported to be on the verge of giving away the only kind of pin that the government hasn't requi sitioned. It's a Chi Psi token from Michigan and the gal (we think) is Pi Phi Adrienne Waggoner. Enough of these tangents On to "I'll be around no matter how you treat me now," fools that men are . . .