The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 28, 1943, Page 4, Image 6

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Sunday, November 28, 1943
Army fif j) News
Pfc. Bill Chisolm
Soldier Trials
For Musicale
Dpen Tuesday
Mix Orson Welles, Boris Karloff
and Laurel and Hardy, throw in
a pinch of Hedy Lamarr, Lana
Turner and Judy Garland, season
well with a quart of Scotch, stand
on your head twice for sound af
fects and you get a general idea
of the university's big war show
to be staged here in January.
This "khaki-koed'' musical will
have everything from a juggler to
a strip teaser, acting within the
Articles of War and subject to
the approval of President Roose
velt. Tryouts begin next Tuesday
night for the GI hopefuls with
Company B scheduled to peddle
their theatrical talents from 6:30
to 7:30, and 9:30 to 10:30 p. m.
Company A follows on Wednesday,
Company C on Thursday. Com
panies E and F will finish up next
Monday. A full rehearsal schedule
will be announced by Directors
Jean Swarr and Gerry McKensie
late next week.
Wolfess Racket Exposed, Proving
Ql Sheep Only Victims of Loreleis
We've heard so much about big,
bad Wolves all our lives, that we
have decided to expose the whole
racket. It's not the so-called Wolf
who should get all the blame, and
for the benefit of all GI sheep, we
would like to state, once and for
all, that we've found that the little
gals are very adept at taking care
of themselves, and it's poor, gulli
ble males like us soldiers who
need to be warned about that
most treacherous of all predatory
creatures the Wolfess.
Glancing through some memoirs
of old campaigns the other eve
ning in one of those rare spare
moments we found a little ditty
that was composed by one of our
female acquantances and she
ought to know the truth of the
We hope that you will take the
moral of this saga seriously, and
perhaps we may thus save a few,
luckless 'males from these Ne
braska Loreleis.
If she shows a rounded knee as she settles
In your flivver,
And It's obvious to see, she is trying bard
to shiver.
She's a Wolfess.
If she winks a painted eye as she sits
across the table,
And her gown's as low and sly as any
worn by Grable,
She's a Wolfess.
If her eyes begin to gleam, as she bids
you to come In,
And she twists each stalking seam and
T"i. rzm. : 1
iukc Tiramins
for Better
50 Haliver
Oil ...
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Caps. . .
100 Multiple Vitamin
Capsules. High $3J5
A'oiency ....
SO ABDOL Parke $fl 54
Davis Caps. ... JL
14th fir S
Pfc.Bill Calkins
Army Turkey
Leaves Coeds
In Happy Daze
Thanksgiving Day, 1943. So this
is the army!( ?) !
Tearing madly out of the house
and down to the Union, leaving
our starving families to slurp soup
from last year's turkey bones, we
kept a date, last Thursday, with
a couple of turkey drumsticks the
size of baseball bats. We were
properly thrilled when Colonel
Murphy invited us to sample army
chow with the men in the Union
mess on Thanksgiving and so
Thursday morning found us
camped on the Union steps at
At noon we sat down to trays
piled so high that we couldn't
see the GI man directly across the
table. Not having seen so much
food or so many men (190, count
'em!) since B. R. (before ration
ing!, we dug in in a glorified daze.
We gaped wide eyed as we
watched row upon row of khaki
turns the lights down dim,
She's a Wolfess.
If she swings her slinky hips and she
smothers you with glamor,
If she licks her tempting lips la a toy
and subtle manner,
She's a Wolfess.
If she fidgets with your tie and pretends
to act demure,
As she breathes a tender sigh and then
dishes out allure.
She's a Wolfess.
If she accidentally trips, and you pick her
up with care,
Then you feel fingertips, gently running
through your hair.
She's a Wolfess.
If she whispers, "What a moon," and ber
head begins to tilt,
Aad she croons a sultry tune, 'til your
ffv Vlv
Giving is doubly thrilling when you
give Revlon! For women of taste, everywhere, know
that Revlon is smartest . . . and best.
Street Flow
1 .A.. XA.-. , - ,..... .f.uJ M
Class 15 of the 348th CTD ar
rived last Sunday night, and only
a few minutes before this edition
went to press were they allowed
to slow down to a walk.
AS Simmons with bugle (and
we hope it corrodes), and Class
11 students officers exploded into
the peaceful Pullman early Mon
day morning and took the new un
fortunates completely by surprise.
Sudden Action.
The car was immediately in tur
moil. Being yanked from your
berth by a burly individual and
told to "P0"p to" at attention while
still in your pajamas, short, or
earmuffs, is apt to cause a certain
amount of indignation. In fact, it
is said that many of the individuals
were irked more than somewhat
especially the captain in charge of
the troops who also was bounced
into the aisle in his munsingwear
and told to "Pop to" by AS
Said the captain later, "I didn't
know who they were! Some wild
person with a gruff voice rushed
up and yelled "Pop to" so I
"popped to!'' (The fact that Mis
ter Downs hails from Brooklyn has
nothing to do with anything).
Nasty Rumor.
It is rumored that the new class
clad men shovel in mountains of
mashed potatoes, tubs of savory
dressing, whole victory gardens of
fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and green
peas, stacks of pies, gallons of
cranberry sauce, and hundreds of
steaming rolls spread with real
butter. Serious business, this eat
ing, army style!
Inez White, cheerfully efficient
food director of the Union, com
mended the kitchen workers on
their fine attitude.
A final comment: "What men!"
"What food!" "What fun!"
knees begin to Wilt,
She's a Wolfess.
If she lifts her cocktail higher, with a
look that makes you drool.
Don't fan the lethal fire, It's a wicked
plot, you fool
She's a Wolfess.
If she shakes a sexy shoulder, when the
music starts out highbrow,
And she gradually grows bolder, and she
lifts a daring eyebrow.
She's a Wolfess.
Now the moral of this ditty, you cannot
at lord to shim,
It is true In every city, If the damsel
wears a skirt.
She's a Wolfess.
Miniature florist't box.
bedecked with Roses, Orchitis,
or Poinsettiat, Inside, Revlon Nail
Enamel, matching Lipstick
Plat Uz
Three New Lieutenants
To Instruct Engineers
Three new officers have been "at
tached to the ASTP at UN, accord
ing to Col. J. P. Murphy, com
mandant. The men are 2nd Lt
John D. Yoxtheimer, 2nd Lt. Arne
H. Amundsen of Fargo, N. D., and
1st Lt. Thomas H. Taylor. Both
Taylor and Yoxtheimer are from
the Colorado School of Mines. The
three officers will instruct the
basic engineers.
were double-timed all the way
from the station to Love library,
but this Is utter falsehood. Super
man couldn't run that far with a
full barracks bag.
What was done with the new
men the first day is still shrouded
in mystery, but two of them were
found reading their Bibles that
Fire Drill Is Cold.
To polish off the day, the omni
potent powers of Love library
called a fire drill at 11:45 p. m.,
and again Class 15 were allowed
, J ,
Handteten tlipon in
Navy beau catcher.
l sas
Nineteen Cadre Receive
Good Conduct Awards
Good conduct medals have been
awarded to 19 permanent party
cadre in the various units on
campus. The ribbon is given to
those men having honorably served
one year of active service.
The recipients were:
MSgts. Raymond C. Hartley, James D.
Smith, Alva C. (Traynham; 1st Sgts. Joseph
C. DuCharme, Martin F. Grau, Carl E.
Hoffman, Harold L. Sims; TSgt. Herbert
P. Bcnninger; SSgts. Arnold F. Horch,
Aaron A. Long; Sgts. Joseph V. Clere,
Walton V. Hill, Jacob J. Klein: Tia
Donald S. Brice, Milton J. Hassel, Bernard
Susmnn, T5s John S. Hendricks, William
H. Marcum, Edward C. Wllsmann.
to air theVr scanties in tfie cold
night breeze.
Well, men, all we can say is that
thflngs are tough everywhere these
days. If you can stick it out for
another six months you'll be due
for an overnight pass, and who
knows, after the war, you might
even get a furlough. Anyway,
you'll be the senior class in a few
weeks and it will be more fun then
at least until you reach Santa
AS D. A. Downey.
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stitched trim.
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