Sunday, November 7, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN YWCA Cabinet Battles Elements Over Weekend It was a beautiful fall evening Friday just the kind for hay rides, weeny roasts and retreats. Then came the dawn. And with the dawn came a real Nebraska unexpected downpour. Hayriders had their rides, pic nickers ate thir weenies, but what about the girls who wanted to retreat into the woods and enjoy the open fires, fresh air and spa ciousness of the WAA cabin? For a while it looked as if the ten YWCA cabinet members would be forced to enjoy the se cluded empty spaces surrounding the cabjn. The heavy rain early Saturday morning made triwHne on the dirt road difficult. But Husky Hohf and Muscles Daltluvip headed the rescue party winch pushed three cars onto th- high way after an hour's strug Notre Dame's one-hur.dr.Kith commencement, to be held :..i. Cot:. 29, will be the last formal com mencement for the durativi. De grees will be awarded to 2i'i men. i i i i i i i '! With The Army and Notre Dame game in Yankee Stadium was enough to convince me that this Irish. outfit is the best ball club that ever crawled into pads and moleskins. Any and all doubt that I might have had was definitely smashed to smithereens. Now that is a pretty broad statement to make, cause even if you are only thinking of past Irish teams, there are plenty of better than any before outfits. And then there are some fine old and new Michigan, Minnesota, and California, and Southern Cali fornia teams to be reckoned, with, but I'm still convinced, but thor oughly. Even in remembering the Great Gipper and company, the Four Horsemen, the "They shall not pass" boys of California, and the Mighty '09 Michigan band, I'm convinced. Just defeating another Army team today did not prove to me that they were hot, but defeating what was supposed to be the greatest (or near greatest) Army tea mwas enough. You remember, don't you, that this was supposed to be the best Army team in his tory? And, no doubt it was. They played a gallant, hard, and stu pendous game, but as the score board says, not nearly as gallant, hard, or stupendous as the Irish, and that is what counts. Particularly outstanding, and shining for the Army, was one Glen Davis, who did about every' thing but sell hot dogs to the spectators. There is one thing about the game, though, that goes further to convince me that Notre Dame is great any day, or any year, and that is the oft referred to "Luck of the Irish." Always when the chips are down, and the wheel of fortune is spinning, it is the South Benders that come up with the fumble, or have the penalty called in their favor. Skill, desire, guts, knowledge, and pure luck are a bunch of virtues that when they are wrapped up into one, are hard to beat, mighty hard. The Irish certainly have them all. Or do you remember that Army game three years ago, or the Ohio State game five years ago? Those clipping p'nalties, offsides, recovered pen alties, 70 yard passes, and 80 yard runs just seem to happen at the right time for the Irish. Those last three touchdowns in two and a half minutes to win, 21 to 20, they are just sheer luck. Or, brother, are they. No, it's just plain old good football. 2IKMUND WITH NAVY. Allen Zikmund, who spent many a thrilling Saturday aft ernoon carrying the pigskin for Nebraska, is now helping carry the victory ball for the Navy. Ensign Zikmund has been assigned to the executive de partment of the Navy midship men's school in New York. He is residing at 549 West 113th Street, New York. "Zik" graduated from the Navy school on Oct. 20. He was one of seven to earn a Royal Navy Sword, awarded Amer ican students by the British, for outstanding scholastic records'. Everything for the Man in the Service Lei Us Fill Your Needs v. . . . Xsf . J Sewing Kit 1.25 to 3.00 V "TTt Oil Toilet Kit 2.50 r Toilet Apron 3.50 Money Belt 1.00 to 2.50 IARVEY Service Ties 1.00 BE10S 1230 O Street ' Paramount j "sy GOLD'S. . .Street Floor , LS 1 .. ' i I ! '