The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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Friday", November 5, 194$
Pfc. Bill Chisolm Pfc.Dill Calkins
Coliseum Dance for Trainees
Highlights Weekend Plans
Highlighting the week end's GI
entertainment, the first of the
coliseum dances for military
trainees will swing out at 9 to
morrow night to the danceable
rhythms of Eddie Garner and his
12 piece orchestra.
The dance is open to all trainees
who present their Union military
membership cards at the door. GIs
may bring their own dates, or if
they wish they may secure Lin
colnettes or War Council host
esses to dance with. Three or four
hundred Lincolnettes are expected
for J:he affair which will last until
Also on the program for the
evening is a basketball game at
7:15 between the Air Corps and
th2 Field House. The dance will
begin shortly afterwards.
At the request of the coliseum,
no GI shoes will be worn to the
dance. A free checking service for
wraps will operate in the base-
Beauty Entry Deadline
Extended to Monday
With sixteen pictures of
beauty queens for the Miss
ASTP contest already in, the
deadline for entries has been
extended to next Monday night
to allow several candidates to
procure pictures from home.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, BABW
and the Residence Halls are the
only organizations who have
not turned in entries as yet.
ment, and coke machines will pro
vide refreshments.
Further dances and programs in
store for trainees under the
Union's military entertainment
schedule include more- coliseum
dances on Nov. 20 and Dec. 11, in
addition to the regular Friday eve
ning dances held from 9-11:30 and
jukebox parties Saturday after
noons from 4 to 6.
Sunday, Nov. 14, the Union will
inaugurate a series of "Music As
You Like It" hours with a pianist
m the lounge.
First Love Flag
Given to Boucher
An army custom of long stand
ing was observed last Tuesday
when the first flag to fly over the
Love Manorial Library was pre
sented to Chancellor C. S. Boucher.
It is customary for the first flag
which is -flown over a military
station to be preserved as an item
of historical interest.
Captain Robert E. Adams, who
made the presentation to Chan
cellor Boucher, personally raised
the flag on the day on which the
Army Specialized Training Pro
gram took over the library.
The flag has been turned over
to the staff of the old library for
safekeeping at the present time.
It will be placed on display in one
of the showcases in Love Library
as soon as the building is turned
back to the University.
Girls or Giraffes, Blank Walls
Or Boogie Which Do You Like?
By JERRY LARSON, Field House.
When I came into the army, I
said to myself: "Well, Larson, old
boy, it's a gun for you now get
out there and shoot those nazis to
hell and gone." However, after
the doctor had examined me, he
shook his head sadly, murmured,
''They must be scraping the bot
tom of the barrel," and put me in
limited service.
As soon as I arrived at UN, I
bought myself two large Nebraska
penants which are now reverently
folded in the bottom of my bar-
racks bag. At last I was a college
boy oh joy!
The minute I arrived here I
started taking tests, and I have
been taking tests ever since. Four
minute tests, one hour tests, all
kinds. I have taken tests in chem,
math, physics and I'll never forget
Take Vitamins
for Better
50 Haliver 7Q$
100 B $493
Complex A
40 Bexel (f
Capa VUS
Stamg 49(?
Vimms J is
B Complex-....
100 A-B-D-G $460
Caps. A
100 Multiple Vitamin
Capsules. High $S25
Potency JP
50 ABDOL Parke $4 4
Davis Caps. ... JL
14th tx S
the test I took about a month
ago that wanted to know how
large a wardrobe did I have at
home. There was one other test
that was a lulu. Among the ques
tions asked were (do you re
'C Out-Hustles
Heslcr's Team
On Court, 34-23
Unveiling a powerful last-half
attack, Co. C's quintet overcame
B company's halftime 13-12 lead
to win a hard fought ball game,
34 to 23, Wednesday night in the
coliseum. The first half was nip
and tuck all the way, with the
Engineers having the edge. Paced
by Jessen, Brady and Schuer,
they had a four point margin at
the 15 minute mark, but the
Smithmen, led by Cliff Lind and
Milt Dobrer, narrowed the gap to
one point at the half. Both teams
on offense were clogging up the
center so that neither team was
getting in for short shots.
A second ' five, composed of
dents, started the second half for
Company C and gave a good ac
count of themselves by playing
steady ball in the opening min
utes of the session. When the
starting quintet returned, bene
fiting from a rest, they opened
up an offensive which soon gave
them the lead over the tiring B
company men. Working a fast
creak several times, and utilizing
Cliff Lind in the pivot spot, the
winners had a slight lead midway
thru the stanza, and went on to
win going away. '
Now don't you think these tests
are getting a little too personal?
I don't mind giving the answer to
the square root of four, or finding
the velocity of a small stick of
wood in a high wind but when
they ask me which would I rather
be, a lighthousekeeper or a bar
tender well, I think that's going
too far, and, anyway, how should
I know? .
Here's another thing: Since
we have to take tests, why don't
they try to brighten things up for
us? What have we to gather in
spiration from? We don't have
coeds to look at during tests; as
a matter of fact, the only thing
we have to inspire us is four blank
walls! It's no wonder we feel
so blank during tests. Something,
anything would help. (I guess it's
too much to ask for some boogie-woogie.)
Your Coking Place
- - -
your favorite polo
roat, styled to span
season after season.
So sound, it ran stand
pat against change,
and is the eoat you
may wear "over-all 1"
In Ian only, it's the
easy-to-eare-f or coat to
keep you at your best.
Sizes 10 to 18.
GOLD'S. . .Third Floor.
til j Ik'
i !
, , . .1. I.I. I II III III 1 II II ! II I .III I I. I. Ml III fj
Field House to Take on Air Corps
Five in Coliseum Tomorrow Night
The Field House and Air Corps
fives will take to the floor of the
Coliseum at 7:15 tomorrow night
in what is certain to be a spirited
struggle. Victory for either side
will be a face-saving event. The
Field Housemen are still licking
the wounds of their 28-27 defeat at
the hands of Hesler's Hustlers a
fortnight ago, while the Air Corps,
handicapped by an ever-changing
personnel,, will be gunning for
their first win over the ASTP.
The Student Union dance is
scheduled to begin shortly after
the game, and it is hoped that this
will enable many to attend who
would otherwise find it inconven
ient. Dates are invited, and Alfred
Laurant's German Band will be on
hand to answer musical requests
Free Juke Box
9 to 11:30 p.m.
Dotes or Stags
Union Ballroom
both before the game and between
the halves.
The Air Corps has not yet de
cided on its starting line-up. For
Lieutenant Shaffer's Field House
men it will be Casson, Meckling;
Miles, McNeilly, and Froeschle.
Louisiana State Normal college
backed the attack in a big way at
a recent war bond rally where the
$50,000 goal was exceeded by
$68,000. A total of $118,000 of war .
bonds were bought at the Saturday
night street rally.
fourth Hi
Hov. 6)
, Basie X
I Givens
f Bombardiers i
" Southern -J
Gentlemen Jr
JT DANCING 8:00-1:90
Simple But Sophisticated
junior fashions
$12.95 tp $25.00
i 'i 1
Smaller figurei find thi
fashions that are illustrated
in leading style publications
. . the fashions they want to
wear and look well in . . in
the junior fashion collec
tions at Magee'i.
On and two-piece styles ar
eloquently simple, subtly so
phisticated . '. vastly flatter- '
ing to sizes 9 to 13 .. in
crepes, gabardine, jersey,
wool, and wool and rabbit
hair mixtures, to knowingl
designed by:
Ellen Kay Minx Modes
Perry Brows Barbara Fields
Johara Jane Franklin Jra. v
luird Fleer