The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1943, Image 2

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Sunday, OcToKer 2T, TOT
J Jul (Daily TkbhaAkcut
Subscription Rates are $1.00 Per Semester or $1.60 for th College Tear.
$2.50 Mailed. Single copy, 5 Cents. Entered as necond-class matter at the
postoffice in Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress March 3, 1879, and nt
hmtIuI rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
Authorized September 30, 1922.
Published three times werkly on Sunday, Wednrdy and Friday during ichool year.
Offices Union Building.
Day 2-7181. Night 2-7193. Journal 2-3330.
Editor .'. Marlorle Marietta
Business Manager Charlotte Hill
Managing Editors ..Pat Chamberlln, June Jamlrtoa
tditurs Ju (ilolfelty, Haryluuiaa Geodwln, GhlU Hill, Mary Helen Tkms
A Bigger Election;
But Is It Better?
Election today! a cry that hits rung: down in history on
the campus twice each year.
Hut Tuesday's election is bigger than ever in two ways.
First there are more candidates filed than usual, and second,
there are more offices to he voted on in one election than cus
tomary. Student Council members, junior and senior class pres
idents, and senior pub board members are all to be elected at
one time this year instead of at two separate elections, bixty
four students have filed for the various positions.
That, in a way, is the story of the election.
We might add, however, that this election also promises
to be the biggest mess in history . . . i'racticaily all the activ
ity women on the eanmus have filed for something. No point
nystem has kept them from it. Instead of two people up for an
office, there are ten. Instead of the faction deciding who's
best for the job and splitting the positions up among the dif
ferent houses the students must. Instead of counting votes
for 28 people the judiciary committee is going to" have the
headache of counting them for 64.
At least, there isn't any faction anymore, as far as women
are concerned. There won't be any politics. Now everybody
should be happy.
Regardless of all this, a Student Council must be elected.
"We need one on the campus, and it is our prerogative to choose
Hits Council. Every student should vote. And they have plenty
tf candidates to pick from.
So we'll see you at the polls Tuesday.
Council Judiciary Committee-Iiiterprels
Rules for All-University Fall Election
Interracial Club
Discuss Plans
For Activities
Aikane, an interracial group
sponsored by the Y. W. C. A. and
Y. M. C A., will have its first
meeting of the year October 21,
at 7:30, at the Presbyterian Stud
ent House, 333 No. 14th. The
first meeting will be a get to
gether and mixers will be the
vogue of the evening. Plans for
the year will be discussed.
Aikane is an Hawaiian word
that means friendship. It was
started last fall as a racial minor
ity group. The name was sug
gested by an Hawaiian member.
The following is the judiciary
committee's interpretation of Arti
cle IV of .the Student Council con
stitution governing student elections.
Article IV of the constitution
reads as follows:
No vote shall be solicited at the
polls or in the building in which
an election is being held during
election day. No money shall be
spent In behalf of any candidate.
No printed, mimeographed, typed,
or otherwise published material
in behalf of any candidate shall be
permitted except the impartial an
nouncements of the candidates ap
pearing in the press. Any candi
date violating these rules either
in person or thru his supporters
shall thereby become ineligible
The interpretation as handed
down by the judiciary committee
is written thus:
The judiciary committee of the
Student Council agrees on the fol
lowing definitions and interpreta
tions of Article IV of the rules for
student elections. This is done at
the request of the faculty commit
tee on Student Organizations and
Social Functions,
Vote Solicitation Banned.
"No vote shall be solicited" shall
mean: No person eligible to vote
for any candidate shall be in
fluenced in any way by means of
the spoken or written word or any
other means, to cast his or hei
vote for any particular candidate;
nor shall any such person be in
fluenced in any way to vote at all
"At the polls or within the build
ing in which the election is being
held ' shall mean: Any place with
in said building or on the steps
walks or drives leading from the
adjoining public streets or streets
up to the building. It shall also in-,
elude the lawn adjoining the build
ing. The phrase "at the polls"
shall mean: At the place of places,
where Dassme out of ballots to
voters, marking: of ballots bv vot-
trs, and placing of ballots in the
ballot-boxes is taking place.
"During the election day" shall
mean: At any time from 12 o'clock
midnight of the day preceding the
election to the time that the polls
are officially closed.
"No money" shall mean: No
cash, checks, mail order drafts,
stamps, or credit.
"Shall be spent" shall mean:
Shall be exchanged, traded, or
given away in any manner.
"In behalf of any candidate"
shall mean: In any manner which
would in any way influence the
results of the election. This shall
lit c) m i1 T) v t:-cV
Coats For Yhe
V, 'jT y
X -.A V;
Good-looking sport coats to pick from in the
new winter colors. Their shoulder-light com
fort and warmth make them a necessity for
college. All sizes ... in plain colors.
include any manner which would
in any way influence a voter to
cast his vote for any particular
candidate, or candidates, whose
name, or names, appear on tne
ballots. The term candidate shall
include both persons whose names
appear on the ballots, and also
the political parties with wmcn
they may b affiliated.
This definition of "candidate
shall be followed wherever the
term appears in this article. A
person whose name is to appear
on the ballot shall be considered
a "candidate" anytime within the
two weeks' period directly prior to
the election and including the
election day, irrespective of
whether or not the person has
been officially or unofficially an
nounced as a nominee.
No Handbills.
"No printed, mimeographed
typed, or otherwise published ma
terial" shall mean: No handbills.
posters, papers, newspapers, or
anv other tvt)e of materials or ad
vertising on which appears any
other type of pictorial representa
tion of thought which material is
transmitted to any voter by any
means whatever or is posted in
any place except the inside of the
private home, boarding house, or
sorority house. Any such material
posted in the university residence
halls for women shall be consid
ered "published material."
"Shall be permitted" shall mean
Shall be legal and in accord with
this article.
"Impartial announcements" shall
mean: A list of all candidates for
all offices to be filed by the elec
tion, in which list the candidates
names must all appear correctly
soelled. in the same kind of tVDe.
in the same' color and shade of
ink and with', ho extra marking
bf any. sort Beneath, over, arbuhrl.
or beside any particular names
which marking does not appear m
GOLD'S... Men's Store.
Rain, fog, drizzle (this is not
the U. S. weather report) did noU
dampen the social week-end on
the campus. Although all that
Lincoln had to offer in a nautical
manner was occasional street pud
dles, the navy invaded in the per
sons of Norm Milton, Sig Alph,
Ed Faytinger, Sig Chi, who will
spend a week before midshipman's
school with pinmate Pi Phi Shirley
Johnson, former ATO Don Papez
on leave from Colorado College
Turnpikirtg it, Phi Psi Johnny
Williams painting the town red
Norm Gets Around.
Drifting over to open house at
the Theta Hut after the game we
saw footballer ATO Norm Locke
with Peg Lemon (say, that boy
gets around in all the houses) and
Doug Nelson with Dorothy Gallup
While over in the Crib was Wis
consin's Bob Vandenburg with cute
Lois Nelson of the dorm. Another
interesting almost (or is it
really?) steady deal at the dorm
is that of Selma Pfingsten and
Day Cloat, smooth Sig Ep.
So Does Chisolm and ASTS
The ASTP boys do all right
too. For instance that brown-
eyed Princeton fellow Bill Chisolm,
whom everybody knows, was seen
with Kappa Marcia Woodruff at
the Homecoming dance.
Last Hames
M and N
have pictures taken
'44 Cornhuslter
Oct. 25-30
the same way by all names in the
list. Such lists may contain the
political affiliations of all candi
dates but no other information
about them unless such informa
tion is officially authorized by th
Student Council.
Editors Responsible.
The "press" shall mean: Any
publication which has the appro
val of the university publications
board. In all cases the editors of
such publications shall be held di
rectly responsible for what ap
pears in the publication.
"Violating these rules" fholl
mean: In any way causing the
rules of this article to be broken
or infracted.
"Either in person or thru his
supporters" shall mean: Either by
a personal action or by the action
of any one of his supporters or by
any member of the political fac
tion with which he is affiliated,
no matter whether or hot he
knows Buch action will be taken,
is being taken, or has been taken.
In considering the definition of
the term J'candidate" the penalty
of violation of a rule shall apply
to the individual with whom the
violation is concerned. If the vio
lation is concerned with a politi
cal party, then the penalty shall
apply to all nominees affiliated
with that party.
Ignorance No Excuse.
Ignorance of this article qnd its
interpretation shall not be consid
ered a valid excuse for the viola
tion of the ; rules of this article
either by an Individual, a group
of individuals or a political fac
tion. Regular news items appearing
i in . (sis aoove oenneai
and concerning any candidate
shall not be considered as viola
tions of this article unless they
contain editorial comment about
the candidate or unless they are
I not impartial.
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New Arrlvnla
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