1 cry AllO fq) n n n tvtbd nr A n PeeoiraliQdDiros Wddb B)mm JJaayBiiai ni fin HO Vol. 85, No. 16 Large Qrowj) 0 Candidates File or Tuesday's Election With the largest group of can didates ever to file, polls will open Tuesday for the all student elec tion of junior and senior class presidents, senior member of the board of publications, members of the Student Council, and repre sentatives for the ag executive board. Voting will be held in the base ment of the Union and on ag cam pus from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Stu dents must present their identifi cation cards and pictures before they will be allowed to vote, The following is a list of all eligible candidates for positions excluding those for representa tives for the ag executive board. Those candidates who have no party affiliation following their names are running as independent candidates. STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS 8enior-at -large. Voir for two men, Iwa women. I Pat Catlln j Pat Cote Roberta Davison Bob Henderson, UaJoa Gerrjr Hendersoa, Barb i James Howe, Barb I IJIa Howell ' Dorothy Huffman Virginia Koltermaa Bill Knrff, Inton Mary I .on ons. Barb Berk Silver Bob Veaeh. Barb Snyre Webster Art and geteaeea. Vole for 1 man, 1 Margaret Beede Dorothy Camaaaa loin ( , of 25 students registering for d.-bate tryouts. 19 were picked for ihe varsity squad last Thurs day night. Returning varsity students are Jean Frescoln, senior; Jean Kin nie, junior, and Anne Wellensick, junior. From the women's fresh men team of last year are Mary Mattoon and Jerry McKensie. New members of the varsity squad are: Robert Coomlay, Mo rine Eynun, Phyllis Garrison, Joan Gellatly, Bob-Gillan, Carol Louise Pound Salutes Press In Talk to Club To appear before the Fort nightly club Tuesday afternoon will be Miss Louise Pound, pro fessor of English at the univer sity. Her topic Is "Salute to the Press" in which she will tell how an English teacher looks at the news lingo which, developed by the newspapers, is penetrating into the English language. New Lincoln, Nebraska Amy Ladd Colburn Pat Chaniberlln Marjorie Holmes, Barb (ihita Hill Janet Krause Joan Maris Wayne Mouthwick, Unloa Barbara Stahl Business Administration. Vote for one woman. Haxel Abel Koberta Burgess Mary Lou Holts Marjorie Martin Nelda Oilman, Barb Oraee Stee kley Mary lid Thorns Agrieultorc, Tote for one woman. Mary Bonebrlght Mary Jo Kobes Jean Leslie, Barb ' Genevieve Mullin, Barb Blanebe Held Pharmacy. Vote for one man. J oh a Clayton, Barb Teachers. Vote for one woman. Kay Detweller Jeaa Larsea Peggy Lemon Virginia MeCulla Natalie Nmrnn 8elma Pflngsten June Spellman, Barb Hxxel Steara, Barb Fine Arts. Vote for one woman, norothy Blaek t'hariotte Filter Adelaide Garver, Barb Gloria Mardls Mary Basse! Dentistry. Vote for one man. Gene Dixon, 1'nkm Earl Lampshlre, Barb Graduate. Vote for one man and one woman. LaRoe Courtney, Barb Engtneerlaf. Vote for one man. John Mikota arsity Squad 5 Veterans Return Goltz, Carlin Jones, Betty Lou Horton, Eleanor Knoll, Bernie Koplow, Bill Miller, Lorraine No votny, Eugene Tedd and Mark Wittenburg. Represent Towns. These debaters represent Omaha, Lincoln, Beatrice, Sioux Falls, S. D., Topeka, Kas., Sioux City, la., and Edmonton, Canada. Carol Goltz is a senior transfer with previous college debating ex perience at Morningside college. General meetings for all squad members , will be held Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 4 p. m. and 7 p. m Members of the team are asked to choose one of these times for their convenience. Ag War Council Enrolls Coeds for War Work Coeds on ag campus will sign up for their semester's war work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The registration Is being sponsored by the ag war council and is being held In the Home Eco nomics building. Sunday, October 24, 1943 Louis Kramer, I'nioa SENIOR MEMBKR OF PI BMCATIONS BOARD Vote ftir one. Carolyn Held Julia Rogers Mary Kllen Simm. Barb Norma Vrta, I nlon CLASS PRESIDENTS. Senior. Vote for one. Howard Chapin, I'nlon Laura Lee Mundtl, Barb Junior. Vote for one. Ray Calkins, I'nlon Russell Iger '3 (psifL QumL . . . Peggy Larspn Reigns : (A : lllli.HIMIrWWWl.. It , bfotlltj PEGGY LARSON. Elected 1943 Pep Queen. Cornhusker Reveals New Staff Heads Staff positions on the Cornhusk er have been released. All newly appointed members must be at a staff meeting on Monday at 4 p. m. according to Betty Hohf, edi tor. The new staff members and thbir sections are as follows: Stu dio editor, Virginia MeCulla; open ing section, Ruth Chatterton; in troduction, Joyce Crosbie; Nebras ka, Janet Krause and Marilyn Simpson; military, Gerry McKin sey assisted by Helen Hemphill; social life, Pat Catlin assisted by Mary Alice Lehr; Greeks, Dorothy (See Cornhusker, page 4.) Before one of the smallest crowds ever to witness a Nebraska Homecoming game in Memorial Stadium the Cornhuskers splashed and skidded their way to a 7 to 6 victory over the Jayhawks' of Kansas University. The rain, which started in earn est shortly after noon, continued throughout the game and drove most of the fans who watched the muddy spectacle up into the pro tected part of the stadium under the balcony. The players became so bespattered with mud after a few falls that it was difficult to distinguish the blue shirts of the Jayhawks from the red shifted Cornhuskers. Present Pep Queen. While the Mortar Boards and Tassels formed a "V" on the grid iron before the student cheering section, 1942 Pep Queen, Polly Ann Petty in her scarlet and cream cape, drove into the stadium in an open car accompanied by Yell King Bernie Urich and was presented to the homecoming crowd. She re ceived from Dean T. J. Thompsonh Approximately 500 couples, stu dents and military trainees, greeted Peggy Larson as the 1943 Pep Queen last night at the 31st annual homecoming celebration in the Union ballroom. At 10:30 the green stage cur tains parted revealing the new queen, dressed in black, standing before a gold metallic cloth back drop which reflected scarlet from the colored spotlight. The presen tation platform was on the stage at the east end of the ballroom, and was decorated in scarlet and cream and featured the Tassel emblems. Receives Roses. Polly Ann Petty, 1942 Pep Queen, ascended the dies and pre sented her successor with a dozen roses. Bernie Urich, Yell King, then led Miss Larson from the stage to the dance floor. The new Pep Queen is a junior in ag college, vice president and secretary of the ag war council, member of Tassels, secretary of ag YWCA, and member of Towne Club and the BABW Interhouse council. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman Larson of Lincoln. YWCA Makes Two Changes In Cabinet Two changes in the YWCA executive board, were announced by Jane Dalthorp, president, at the cabinet meeting, Wednesday. Amy Ladd Colburn Is replacing Priscilla Moseley as cabinet mem ber in charge of the Estes Co-op whose duty it is to raise money to send girls to Estes park. The vacancy left by Mary Ellen Beachley who was leader of the beginning social work group has been filled by Betty Gage. the customary bouquet of red roses and left the field to the strains of "The Scarlet and Cream." This was the debut of new Yell King Urich and several cheerr leaders. Despite the weather and the discomfort of sitting in a pouring rain the cheering section, though small, was lusty. The Cornhusk ers had some thing: to cheer about for this is their first win of the seasonand a Homecoming; besides. Alums Few. The alumni back were few, but those who could make it found an old time homecoming with house decorations and open houses as it has been the custom in for mer years. (See Decorations, page 4.) AWS Holds Activity Mart October 30 To acquaint freshmen with every activity on the campus, the an nual AWS women's activities mart will be held Saturday, October 30 in the Union ballroom. Each activity will have a booth at which representatives of the or ganization will be stationed to ex plain the activity and answer questions. Girl will be given an. opportunity to sign up for the ac tivities in which they are most in terested. Freshmen Register. Freshman registration for war work will be held at the mart and all freshmen are urged to be pres ent to register for their three hours of war work wether or not they are interested in other ac tivities. Freshman participation in ac tivities will begin the following week and all transfer students and other interested women are wel come. Girls may attend the mart any time from 1 to 3 p. m. There will be a radio tuned to the Nebraska-Missouri football game to be played at Columbia that day. Movie Thriller, Trio Headlines Variety Show Alfred Hitchcock's thriller, "The Thirty-Nine Steps" starring Rob ert Donat will headline the first of a series of free Union variety shows tonight at 8 p. in. in tho ballroom. The Pi Phi trio, composed of Doris Ann Stauder, Janet Hemp hill and Betty Krause accompanied by Jeanette Mae Smith will sing popular tunes of the season. A short movie cartoon will com plete the program. v r