Friday, October 15, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN M DoDpiry IrOainniperedl KliiflsEseirs Prep C r 'Star-. -sr. 3 Still somewhat shaky after the aerial "blitz" cf last week, Coach Ad Lewandowski spent most of this week working on pass de fense. He particularly drilled the Husker backs on covering the flats in anticipation of the Cy clone's Howard Tippee. Tippee, Iowa State star pass thrower, is notoriously dangerous on short spot passing, and Lewandowski is taking no chances on a repeat of last week's aerial barrage. Lew also has the old injury blues to cope with. Ted Kenfield, Btarting quarter, was injured in last week's fracas, and will not be able to make the trip to Ames. Allen Trant another first string man, was also injured, and will not be able to see action in Sat urday's Initial conference opener. These iniuries should somewhat put the damper on a Husker crew that is not too deep with reserves. Trying to rearrange his lineup, Lewandowski has shifted Clark Beaver to quarter in place of the injured Kenfield and has shifted "Buzz" Hollins to half and moved Hansen in at fullback. Three men were also moved up to the Becond squad from the third Gaiter, who played a bang-up ca mo ncninsr fnHiana and Flllv- son into the second string back- time. Wilkms will leave for the field, with Goldstein being moved army soon, as will Bob Patton, ,m tn onatvi another first stringer. Commcntine on last week's The probable starting lineup for T.ronrfmi.cki st-.tH- "Wp the Huskers in the Cyclone tilt maH on awful lot of mistakes this coming Saturday will be Kiif t V a Ka'o a rc Kno-i nninff t r trot" Gissler at left end. Hill at left intn thp su inp nf thinrs. and von tackle, Means at left guard, Salis can bet we aren't going to make bury at center, Hazzard at right thp samp nnps this SatniHav Wp guard, Jacupke at right tackle, are going to try our very best to Schneider at right end. The backs beat the Cyclones." There was a "UU1U uc tt B,C1 01 definite gleam in his eye as he garter, Hollins at half, Swanson said the latter, and the bookies ttl "ll u,,u who are giving 12 against Ne braska might get a mild surprise, to say the least. The Husker roster was bolstered somewhat this week when Earl "Gus' Eager, former Lincoln high standout and son of a former fa mous Cornhusker football star, reported for practice. Eager had been carrying too many hours From Tb Lincoln Journal. TED KENFIELD. Injured Husker first string Quarterback Ted Kenfield will not be in suit for the Iowa State game Saturday. He is expected to be ready for the following Saturday, however. Oct. 14. War or no war, it has been announced that intramurals will go on. Although badly de pleted in manpower, the fraterni ties have reached an equitable solution, which finds some of the Fraternities banding together and forming one team. AdLewandow skt and Gordon Ehlers will be in charge of the sports programs. The intramural season gets off with the Beta House, replenished with Phi Delts, opening the foot ball tournament against the ATOs. The kickoff will be at 5:00 in Me morial Stadium, and will be imme- ately followed by the Beta Sig- Phi Gam game. Although only eight fraternities will be repre sented will be represented by name in the tournament, smaller houses banding in with the larger houses, it is expected to be a hotly contested fray from start to finish. The first play-off schedule will start on Thursday, Oct. 14 and run until the 28th of October. On the 28th, the championship and consolation matches will be played, and the winners crowned The points will be run just as in previous years, the winners re ceiving awards. It is hoped, weather permitting, that another schedule can be worked out at the completion of the present tourna ment . The intramural schedule is follows: Fern Fun BY JEAN WHEDON. As all of you who went to the previously to take time out for game yesterday discovered, the the gridiron, but after shifting wa A has been hit by rationing schedules managed to find time . . . . . to don a uniform. However, for ' c the present, he is playing fourth were available for that game string quarter, but after learning Every effort is being made to get LewandOWSki'S "T playi Should "rumpr. "H r.Pnnt for th .y! 1 - game. Food in any shape or form seems to be very elusive. Janet Gibson has been elected president of riding club to fill the vacancy created when Pat Shaw did not return to school. The club rides every Saturday morning at the Fair Grounds. Anyone who is interested in joining may do so by contacting the WAA office. Dorothy Jean Brown was see much action. As this is Walt Wilkins last game for the Scarlet, Eager turned up just at the right Passing Tulsa Invade Sooners NORMAN, Okla., Oct 14 Coach Henrv Frnka. the A lain n der deSerevskv of the football elected chairman of the recrea skvwavs whose successful Tulsa tional clubs board on the WAA university teams have won 20 of executive council at the Tegular 23 trames while brilliantly eDous- council meeting last Thursday. ing the theory of "V i c 1 0 r y Dorothy Jean is also president of Through Air Power." will brintr Orchesis for this year, his Golden Hurricane to Oklahoma At last the WAA cabin has been City for the first time Saturday cleaned. Saturday night after the night, game, the Physical Education Club Opponent of the gifted Tulsa combined cabin cleaning and an outfit at 8 p. m. at Taft stadium over-night outing in a trek to the will be Coach Dewev "Snorter" WAA cabin. A good time was had Luster's Oklahoma Sooners who by a11 'tls 8aid- Now' Plan vour nrobablv lack the resprvps th parlies and make your resorva pass defense, the weight and the tions by caIlinK the WAA office experience to cope with Frnka's .splendidly-balanced club but who will give the problem a real coun try try as they strive to break Tulsa's record of never having lost to an Oklahoma aggregation. Oklahoma, a light, speedy, ag gressive club that played very evenly with Texas last Saturday at Dallas while losing 7-13, will finish up its non-conference sched ule with this game and will then face its Big Six conference slat which calls for battles with Kan sas State at Manhattan October 23, Iowa State at Norman Octo ber 30, Kansas at Norman Novem ber 6. Missouri at Columbia No vember 13 and Nebraska at Lin coln November 27. Tulsa is touted as even more of an offensive headache than last vear when they were ranked No. 1 in the nation in aerial play by the American Football Statistical bur eau, hittinir 138 of 245 forward tiiissps for an average gain of 233.9 yards per game. gatnr'.av Nit DANCE t Basic ) ( Givens j S 13 Southern Gentlemen Jr I j Mil II H I I II IIIIIIH flMI S3e ADMISSION T Inst DANCING-4:-l :M ntermurals et Underway as Alcove Book Notes Cyclones Prep N. U. With Regular Crew Hufor, satire, fancy and philoso phy are all found in James Thur ber's My World and Welcome to Most of the stories, essays and sketches included in this book have appeared in the New Yorker previous to the publication of this collection. Thurber includes a variety of characters in these works, some whom his readers have met in earlier books. There is the woman who found a new mystery angle in Shakespeare's "Macbeth;" the man who in his dreams protected Alexander Hamilton from Aaron Burr, and the big magician league pitcher who was faced with the problem of "How to throw a fair ball to a midget?" For something in lieht humorous reading this book is recommended. ti Science is rushing forward at so rapid a pace that it is difficult for even a scientist to keep up with its achievements. Since so many readers desire information on current scientific and technological advances, they will be glad to learn of a new book by Professor A. M. Low. In this book, Science Looks Ahead, Professor Low brings to gether scientific material from the past, reviews of the present, ana views into the future. Subjects such as "War planes and their weapons," "Plastic materials,1 "New developments in medicine. "meteoroloev." and "flying" are discussed in the book. Those inter ested in developments of modern day science will be interested in this book. AMES, Iowa, Oct. 14. Coach , Mike Michalske indicated today that he expects the same Iowa State lineup that was used against Kansas to take the field against Nebraska here Saturday. That means that Stanley Peter son at guard, Carter Kokjer at center, and Harold Ireland at quarterback, newcomers to the starting lineup at Kansas, have retained those berths through tnis week's practice sessions. Yesterday Coach Michalske gave the Cyclones three new plays that will be used against the Cornhusk ers. He also sent them through a passing drill, with Howard Tippee, Norman Madson and Joe Noble doing most of the throwing. Nebraska plays an open game, using a man in motion, wnicn makes passes likely at any time. With Tippee and Ted Kenfield in the game Saturday, Coach Michal ske predicted considerable use of aerial offense by both teams. Ken field, in addition, calls the Husker signals and does most of the punt ing. Earlier in the week the Cyclone coaching staff put the freshman into T and double wing back for mations to give the regulars a look at possible Nebraska plays. The 16 or 18 men who have car ried the brunt of the Iowa State play in the first two games spent the major portion of their time this week alternating in first string spots. BULLETIN RIDING CI.I B. Thm wW be a meetiH of bM tar Interested In the KidiiiK club at p. m. .Monday in Room 101. (irant Memorial. KHIMMIMi 1MB, Tli Swimming: elnb will inert at 1 l. na. Saturday at the pool ht thr mltunm. Any intrrrolrd nmri ilmnM plan to bC at t him nirrtmg. rnKNiiTr.Kus.. A party for all Prpubytrrlun atndVnt will b nrM tonight from II to 10 p. n. at the Mtortrirt Hnuw. THE 1943 SCHEDULE FOR INTER MURAL FOOTBALL. Ttiursdsy, Oct. 14: Thr A.T.O.i v. Beta and BrU Sin vs. Phi Gams. Th winner to ply each other on Thursday. Oct. 21. The losjers playing in the consulation play off on the same date. Tuesday. Oct. 19: The Sig Eps vs. Theta Xis. and tha Sis Chis vs. Z. B. T.a. The winners to play on Thursday. Oct. 21. The loasers playing in the consulation playoff on the same date. The championshio playoff for winners being held on Oct. 28, and the consulation match being held the same date. The rules will be the same aa last years, with playing times at 5 p. m. Free Juke Box Dance 9 to 11:30 p.m. TONITE Union Ballroom ml 1 Bank on a Reversible Fingertip Coat Bank on a reversible Fingertip fellowi, and you'll double your investment, for they'rt the coita you can wear in sunshine or rain. Tailored of long rr7 r r wearing1 corduroy, the reverse tide is gabardine. All sizes. In fall's most popular colors, j and 9.75 OOLD'I...Ma'a . Hp