Ann Beard Engaged . A r i) . V i X f .-'-.'.Wl Wltl.lll.m.lll.-.M II W- rtWMI'W'M ..I'IMIl. From Tht Uncoln Journal. The engagement of Ann Beard to Capt. Pat J. Patterson, U. S. army air corps, has been announced by her parents. Miss Beard graduated from the university and was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and Delta Phi Delta. Captain Patterson attended the University of Oklahoma and was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon. He is stationed at the Lincoln Air Base. No date has been set for the wedding. Ravin' Nina Scott Once upon a Monday weary, while I stumbled, week-end weary On the steps of my sorority, en route to the second floor as t ctrnircripri noarlv falling suddenlv there came a calline As of someone' auite appalling:, stalling" someone wanting more. 'Tis some Junior," I stuttered, "with her clever wiles and gore 'Only this and nothing more." Ah, distinctly I remember; it was in the bright September; When last year's pinnings wrought their ghosts upon the floor. Wen? What are they? They are lost and gone forever On this bare Nebraska campus, void of Joe, we all adore. That rare and dashing fellow, whom the jokers call Joe College Nameless here for evermore.. Deep into that phone booth peering, rearing Who this maiden had attracted as so many men before. But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Nor Only this and nothing more. So into my chamber turning, all my soul within me burning Sophomore Slump? I would be learning What it meant and what it felt like With no Jim, or Don or just Mike Thus I wondered. Only this and nothing more. Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed by my roommate's tenser Eottle of ' Follow Me." With its odor came a brain storm. 'Twas not about the girls' dorm Twas the sudden realization of the cadets and the dentists Of the men the army sent us So upon my bed sinking. I betook myself to thinking As to how myself to linking with some male in iniform. Only this and nothing more. But my stupid brain is empty as to how to be that tempty Tell this soul with sorrow laden if within the distant Aidenn I shall be a sought for maden , Quoth the experts, "Nevermore." Juke Box Dance Heads Activities Of Union Tonight A juke box dance will head the list of activities in the Union Fri day night. From 9 to 11:30 p, m. in the ballroom military students may dance free to the tunes in the juke box. Best Students Complete Tests First or Last The best college students finish their examinations either first or last, says Donald M. Johnson of the Fort Hays, Kas., State college psychology department. Mediocre students, he says, usually complete their papers in the middle third of the period. It's Dr. Johnson's theory that the first third of the students are EAT YOUR LUNCHES at THE NEI 1131 R 'Ml long I stood there wondering, speedy because of superior intelli gence; the last third are the plod ders who get good grades by pains and persistence; the middle third are the students who aren't very much interested in the subject. THE SOUTHERNAIRES Radio's Foremost Quartet in a Special Concert at Union College Auditorium 8:15 P. M. Oct 16 Tickets of Cold & Co. (Stamp Booth) Miller & Paine (Service Detk) General Adm. $1.10 (Tax Inc.) Reserved $1.65 DAILY NEBRASKAN Nebraska Girls Look Tasty In Their I Society...! Hanging my left ear over a grill booth yesterday, I heard Marj Holmes, Palladian, say rather resi- tantly, "You know, I think Hank Marvin is sort of nice." Hanging my right ear over another booth, I heard some fellow say, "See that girl over there in the long dark hair? That's Marj Holmes. One of the guys I know at Camp Rob erts. wrote me that a friend of his had told him that Hank Marvin and she are engaged. I'm not sup posed to tell anybody but I'm just telling you 'cause I know you won't tell." Here's a little gossip gleaned from the week end. Pat Williams, DG, met a fellow in the STAR unit this summer, and they decided that this was rather a nice old world to be together in. So this is an other one of those long distance engagements while Pat goes to school here, and Ralph (I didn't catch the last name) is spending his time going to school in the east with the ASTP. Ralph's home is in Boston, Mass. Are all these facts straight, you people who are in on the know? Long distance calls came Sigma Kappa way lately when Gwen Kelly and Betty Parker hung on the every word from Memphis Tenn., and Ft. Riley, respectively Then there is Lucy McLafferty AOPi, who got that call from Fort Sill. Okla. Don Brown, AGR, is the man. 'Twas rather nice of the army to send Jack Peck back to Ne braska to school, to the library and to week end dates with Ruth Sherburn, Towne Club. Candy passing in the offing? Query of the week: What junior woman casting her eyes upon the black mask and robe is courting the favor of what "mightiest of the mighty?" Does the YW office and a pair of thin lips give yoi the answer? AOPi pledge Betty Jo Packard is wearing the Palladian pin of Glenn Johnston, now in Camp Rob erts, Calif. There's a blonde Kappa "mighty' who can count the days on her "mighty" gets back to the campus And over at the Pi Phi house there used to be a girl by the name of Joan Beckwith. Well, here's the tale kiddies. This summer she met a paratrooper at Alliance Now it's Mr. and Mrs. Paratrooper The twinkling of the stars in a clear October night is nothing to the brilliance of the light that shines in the eyes of Mary Kay Elce, Towne Club, whenever De cember is mentioned, for December 19 is the date she and Trueman Streeter of Omaha med school are trodding the aisle. Is there a romance blossoming between Michael and the "only woman in the school who knows how to run the student council All these tete-a-tetes make this lowly one knit his brows more strongly. I was looking through my files today. Incident to leport. The Dielz Mumc Jlouee Clothes, BY NINA SCOTT. Dates do not erow' on trees. Some women can pick them, tho, as has been noticed in the vicinity lately. Peculiar to these few and all others of the same sex is me desire to look slinky and tasty in the clothes they wear. Theta, Barb Schlater aancea in Roberts Plays First Faculty Recital Sunday Fine arts school and the First Plymouth Congregational Church will present Myron J. Roberts, or ganist, in a recital, the first of the faculty series, Sunday at 3 p. m. in the church. The program will include "Trumpet Tune and Air" by Pur cell; "Scene from the Elysian Fields Orpheus" by Gluck; "Fugue in E flat St. Anne" by Bach; "Toccata" by Le Froid de Mereaux; "Legend" by Karg- Elert; "Sketch in D flat" by Schu mann; "Twilight at Fiesole- Harmonies of Florence" by Seth Bingham; and "Variations de Con cert" by Joseph Bonnet. Union Classes In Social Dancing Start Wednesday Social dancing classes for civil ian students, sponsored by the Un ion, will begin next Wednesday in the ballroom from 7:30 to 9 p. m This free Beries of lessons, to be held every Wednesday evening at the same time for six weeks, is the fourth fall series of social dancing classes offered by the Union. Airs. Flavia Waters Champe will again serve as instructor of these classes designed to . teach those students who do not know how to dance the fundamental steps and rhythms. Pat Lahr, Union director, urges students who do not know how to dance not to feel timid but to come as there will be plenty others there. good-bye between Harriet Hayes Gamma Phi, and Elmer Sprague last year's campus wit now study ing with the AST way down Texas way. I wonder if Harriott still doesn't know that Elmer likes the color of her hair. Ji Spectator Javorite by PARADISE They're here! ft new shipment of this smart, easy fitting new pump you've been asking for so much. In Army Rus set Calf ... a medium tan that does wonders for black, brown, blue, grey or green fashions. The "Saratoga" . . $7.95 ParaJitf SWf . . , mm exrlmtire tmlmre mt OGEE'S Friday, October 15, . 1943 Ah Men a gray flannel dress with touches of demure white ilet here and there. The time last Saturday; the place: The Turnpike; the man: Bill Gist At the same place and at the same time, but with a dif ferent man was Kappa. Ruth Korb, contrasting fringed black crepe with her blonde hair. Van Norman, Delt, was aware of the whole ef fect Head-Bending. Another picture was Suzanne Pope with a soldier. They were headbent over a table writing let ters while Joe Venuti played the strains of Hit Parading melodies, which no one could understand because, Suzanne should have been dancing in that smart black benga line and velvet flress. Maybe they were soothing some savage beast with the charms of the music. The Rally dance Friday night intrigued Barbie Johnson, Theta pledge, while she, in turn, in trigued the men in her shell-pink sweater and skirt ensemble. There, too, wearing the DG ribbons was Sal Emerson in a suit featuring a wlid plaid skirt with green jacket trimmed in the same stripes and checks. Lois Christie's Alpha Phi feet wore brown sandals and fter, well, she had on an unusual white corduroy BUit. Sequin Bow. At the massacre Saturday aft ernoon Nancy Beaton, Theta, wore a lettuce green skirt with sweater to match. Around dinner time Jim Bell, Beta, took Betty Krause of the Pi Phi house out in a really striking balck crepe. She put se quin bows of black in her haid. Almost forgot to mention Janet Krause, DG, in her champagne frock at the Pike. Escorting her was Nat Kline, SAE and Phi Rho, who was private in his attire. Gee, I wish more men could have his appeal. "Cooking" still has its heyday. In there pitching last week was Pat King in one of those new jumpers. The gentleman with her was cute, too. Jean Larson, Al pha Chj, was the evy of every fe male in the Crib the other day, for she was in her slate-blue Rein deer sweeter. Speaking of the Union, Roberta Burgess (Gamma Phi) was all in blue Sunday night while she chatted with one of the interesting French ' air cadets. Completing her outfit was a hand book of his language. Gone but not forgotten are nylon stockings. Sooooo, for.the surprise ending, the only thing fitting, seems to be the mention that Si Bernstein, SDT, owi.s eight of the precious things!!! C'est la guerre, but Nebraska coeds will always look their best