'Sunday, October 10, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN Army News A & L Classes Following a course of study which will bo entirely different from any given before, and espe cially unlike anything the Uni versity of Nebraska has offered until now 160 Area and Language students begin their work on Mon day. Oct. 11, according to Dr. Robert C. Rosenlof, Registrar and Directer of Admissions. These men will receive instruction which will rank "among the best offered anywhere in the country, the Uni versity having withdrawn its best men in every field for the use of the Army. The method of teaching. Dr. Rosenlof continued, represents a new advance in the field of edu cation. Organized as a unit, based around large central thoughts, the program will break down subject matter lines, and synchronize the whole. Thus the language work and the area work will not be considered separately, but will be interrelated. Dr. Rosenlof pointed out that the area study included work in history, geography, gov ernment, and other fields which would be taken up together, rather than as individual fields. Dr. Rosenlof felt that "men in the Foreign Area and Language program will in most instances be an important part of occupa tional forces engaged in the re habilitation of conquered areas and in setting up regimes of good government. They will not be a part of the combatant forces, but win reouiia wnai was acstroyea. "The University," he concluded, "is privileged in having such men work here. We are happy to have them, and I am sure their work will be a success." Quintets To Play . ASTP-Air Corps rivalry will be revived this afternoon when the AA.L (Area -and Language) basketball team will meet a team made up from members of Flight 12 of the aviators. The game is scheduled for 2:30 in the Coliseum, with Lieutenant Monan in charge. CLASSIFIED Unt per day. Parabl. U advaaea oaly. LOST Brown Schacffcr ' fountain pen. In or between Soc. and Avery Lab. Phone 5-8932. Reward. Betty Hall. LOST Pair of sheU-riramed pixie glasses in brown caw. Call Betty Uahan, 2-1926. Lincoln Symphony Concert Series Presents Helen Traubcl Prima Donna Soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Association Wednesday. October 13th 8:15 P. M. ST. PAUL CHURCH (12th and M St.) Admission by Season Ticket or Single Admission $.75 (includes Federal Tax) I IBA' r J. Xlle CUV1 TTO Everv outfit has nni The fellow who at the crack of "First call for reveille' pops out of bed and cheerilv starts sinp-inc "Oh j - - - -0 . - vvnui a tseautuul Morning as he hur ries downstairs to brush his teeth. The same G. I. has his bed all made, his shoes shined, and is casually read ing a magazine while the rest of us are still trying to get one eye open -twenty minutes later. inis "ining- is plural. The sewing circle that takes "liehts out" ns its sip-- nal to commence firing. They're very persistent though. Despite ti steady barrage of "At Eases" and "Shut Ups" an similar but more strongly-worded chastisements, tney continue to talk and argue, and laugh. Rumor has it that there is imminent danger of the circle be ing broken up. They say the showers are quite cold at night. Then there's alwavs the rhnuhniinH r .... . Its a vicious circle-they eat first in the morning, so they naturally tit; itui(ijr a i luuiiiLiiii; auu su 11 goes. The mail orderly's delight- the bird who asks three times a day, every day, when mail call is coins' to be. then. when he doesn't get any, says, "Are you sure mere isn t some more man down there? I know I have a letter." The mnil nrftarlv hnqn't vpn flnQU'prprl hi. questions for the last three days, but it doesn't seem to bother the mail hound in the least. Some people iust can't take a hint. All Present ... In addition to those already here 231 Army Specialized Train ing soldiers arrived on the cam pus this week. They will begin classes tomorrow. Among the group are area and language students, basic and ad vanced engineers and dental stu dents. They were shipped here from Fort uuey, Kas., uamp Hood, Tex., and Fort Leaven worth, Kas. Michigan's famed Willie Heston scored more than 110 touchdowns from 1901 to 1905. Military ACCESSORIES Socks Soap Belts Insignia Stationery Shoulder Patches Collar Stays Always Welcome The Co-Op - -o YOUR COLORS OF TUB UOUIl IN DOUBLE FEATURE" NAIL ENAMEL AN ADUBOfl rJrEJ compUtm rtaa Ta Hie fashion colors in nail enamel that all smart America has taken to its heart ' and hands! Touched by the Revlon genius for a "stay-on" quality that some call magic. Packed with a wee bottle of the famous base coat, Adheron, in this enchanting. Double Feature Set. Fabulous Revlon Lipsticks to match 60; $L plas lax Street Floar f !: Vx-frx? :::: :.-.: V: fl. 1 1 7 we '41 QL 4 airs Utaulijul, kanl-flalUriny yfovti in lianl' tailortl, lianJ-Uivn tlijfti for Jaffof'43. S.. our com. )el cofltclt ton now, R. Long, washable Capesldn, 5.00. 6.95 B. Pigskin slipon, 3.95. 5.00 C Beige, washable doeskin shortee, 6.95 JJuihsL ahsL not suwuqh. (EaDmMnnnjsnsiEiis Jb fi(L AubAtfupdioiiA If you ordered one it must be picked up by Oct. 20. After that no guarantee of delivery Jo CboicL JJta. VhxL y&WL Qhdzh. QJjoWl 1m SddL Vlow