The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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Sunday, October 10, 1943
J Jul (Daili Vb&AaAkcuv
Subscription Rate! are $1.00 Pr Semester or Sl.M for the
College Year. $2.50 Mailed. Sinple copy, 5 cents. Entered
second-clas matter at the nontofftee tn Lincoln, Nebraska
under Act of Confcreaa March 3, 1879, and at apeclal rate of
postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,
Authorixed September 30, 1922.
rMtnliel three time weekly m 8dy, WedneMaj m4 PrMfey
tfuHag ariMnl w,
Offices Union Building.
Dav 2-7181. Night 2-7103. Journal 2-3.133.
Kditnr Marjorte Marlette
HuitlneHR Manager Charlotte Hill
Maaatcio Kditrs Pat Chamfcertln, June Jamlr
Newa K4Hnr J ran ilotfelty, MaryhmHe Oemdwhi,
;nlta Hill. Mary Helen Thonm
Anointant RimlnrM Manager in Vfartr., Sylvia Bernetii
Coeds Should
Lead Our Cheers
Rod Sliindo did a swell job leading cheers
t the game yesterday.
Hut he didn't have enough help. We mean
other cheerleaders. There weren't enough of
them, and, according to the number who ap
peared at tryouts. there aren't enough inter
ested men in school who can make np the num
ber necessary to lead cheering at games.
Therefore, we need coed cheerleaders.
Nebraska is now a predominantly mom
en's college. Women form the largest part of
the civilian enrolment. So, why shouldn't they
be represented in this as in other activities?
Answers that it would be an undignified
display of femininity seem rather old-fashioned,
considering the fact that the coeds
make up most of the student audience at
llusker contests, that they do a good job of
helping at the rabies, and that they are up
holding the widespread reputation of the CN
band by taking the men's places.
Women have taken over men's places in
everything else, why not in this, a minor ac
tivity, it is true, but one which takes up an
equally small amount of valuable time.. As
long as we have football games, as long as uni
versity authorities consider it fitting to send a
team onto the field, the women should be al
lowed to take the part they want.
Quotable Quotes
When internal combustion lab began to
pall on them recently, a couple of V-12 seniors
at M. I. T. walked outside, pulled out their
sliderules and stop-watches and amused them
selves by calculating the walking cadence of
female passersby. They also clocked a couple
of army officers at 119.5 steps per mimite. This
figure compares favorably with the regulation
V.- Mail
Paf Chamberfm, Censor
Sigma Nu brother STAN MALY is attending
OCS at Tort Benning along with MAX PETTY,
Sig Alph; JOE BYLER, of ex-Husker football fame,
and QUENTIN NELSON. They hope to be out
some time in January. Happy day!
Lt. CHET BOWERS, Phi Psi graduate of '41..
formerly with the ski troops in Washington state,
has been transferred to the Army Air Corps. He
has just received his wings at Santa Anna, Calif.,
and Is back on the campus enjoying a ten-day
graduation Jeave.
The next time little characters go around
cutting off last paragraphs to this column
there's going to be several big pools of blood
over m the rag office. Of course after the last
edition it's been threatened that if another col
umn came out there 'd be little pieces of me
from 14th street to the house. Also there
have been several false accusations as to the
want to know real bad just eome around and
ask me; I'll be glad to answer "yes."
Who's Going to Be It?
As it seems there will probably be an elec
tion sometime before next June," the question
has arisen as to who will be head of the Coun
cil. There's nothing wrong with a girl leader
if she has any conception of how the whole
campus is set-up. Only one girl now on seems
to have the knack for such things.
Also a man might be named as head. This
of course depends upon the Seniors-at-Largo
who are elected. At present there are prboably
ihree men very capable of handling the assign
ment. The idea of no experience on the Coun
cil thrown out.. Obviously none of
the present holdovers know a great deal about
it. That might be wrong, but I .don't think
that they were looking at the pictures while
scanning the Constitution during the first two
Who you elect in alout two weeks may
very easily determine whether the Council will
continue next year.
By Herb Norman
People who don't know have ac
cused feature writers of snoozing
on their typewriters and thereby
gaining a column of copy while
resting and picking up dirty
marks on the forehead. Let us as
sure you that it can be even sim
pler than that One may have an
attack" while playing with his
moustache, telephoning, or rarely,
while thinking. Certain recipient
for the honor of wording while
under the influence of a double
vitamin cocktail laced with cut
ting oil is the unknown writer in
"Esquire's Date Book" who listed
365 excuses for a party from
which we dazedly extract. You
who would be escapists take heed
lest you escape from yourselves.
After January first, which, in
cidentally, is Happy Hangover
Day, you may forget by celebrat
ing the fact that "Today tne sun
reaches its closest point to the
Earth." The fourth was when the
OPM was working on a rubber
rationing program, and on the
sixth we noted Swap Day. A day
for weeping was the fifteenth,
annuating the time in London
when beer became scarce, but this
cannot be eclipsed by the twenty-
fifth when a soiree was in order
for the initiation of girdle-rationing.
Many will be said to know-
that Ann Shirley began suit fori seems
Nebraskana may have few tra
ditions, but one that is in the
making is "Turnpike on Saturday
night" where all the guys take
their best gals and shag about for
a bit. Doing some shagging this
week end were Joy Laune, Gamma
Phi, and Steve Cole, ATO.
Music lovers or just- -well, any
way, Leota Sneed, Gamma Phi,
and Bob Thatcher, Acacia, took in
the concert Friday night.
From both California and Ne
braska comes the information that
Clarice Marshall, Gamma Phi
pledge, and Dale Wolf, Farmhouse
Innocent now with the boys grov
eling tn the Camp Roberts' duet,
are just a litle ' interested in the
welfare of each other. Dale has a,
funny little habit, the boys at Rob
erts say. He blushes whenever
Clarice is mentioned. And Clarice
- well Clarice just smiles. It's a
friendly enemy romance, dating
from a Minnesota-Nebraska foot
ball game acquaintance.
Gamma Phi Margaret Neumann
is happy now. Bill Bryan, AGR. is
home on furlough from Fort Sill
where he is a mechanics instruc
tor. But speaking of Margaret
makes me think of Bob Knoll, PBK
of last year who now is enjoying
his first rest tn weeks. Stationed
in Camp Roberta, Calif., with a
slug of other Nebraska ROTC men.
Bob is now in the hospital with
the mumps.
And speaking (what, again!) of
Bob reminds me of his younger
sister Eleanor. DG Dledse. who
to be dome her oart to
divorce on the thirty-first, and keep up the soldier morale. Rfd
certainly FDR would be shocked hair and a green sweater looked
to know that this was but a day
past his birthday.
Going out with the fellows could
become constant with such happy
times for partying as February a superior quality. Studio at" 246
iwenuivn, ine uuuiuiiy vi vjiui it s jj (Unplug) (Adv.)
v anuciuiii in vicco, or me iwrnij -f
if th, twenty-sixth, and thirty
first, being times of joy for La
dies' Day, the anniversary of th
Milwaukee Public Schools Music
Festival, and Transfer Day in the
Virgin Islands. What they trans
fered remains a question.
... . v " : : " . ifstmis conienuon mat he pos-
...... ..vv. ,..w . i sosses an inferiority complex. Per-
we invite you to hep it up fori nana Ki
rather uh nice at the mixer in
the ballroom Friday night. Oh for
a uniform and a pair of feet!
(Plug) Townsend's Studio spe
cializes in portrait photography of
Over in the Pi Phi hut we have
Jarling Janet "Butch" Hemphill
who is currently casting her web
of smiles over the air force cap
tain. Then across the street to the
Gamma Phi house there is Doiis
Dolezal who is impressed by Don
Kigom s contention
Schikelgruber April twentieth, and
Princess Elizabeth one day later.
Wonder if Adolph ever thought of
will bolster his morale.
Back for the first home game
or inc season were the men of war:
Romberg . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
Ing in London's Picadilly theater.
Ready with a witty remark,
Romberg was very much at ease
thruout the interview. He talks
fast but direct with a slight accent
that is hidden by his earnestness
and facial expressions.
Middle Man.
Since Susa and Victor Herbert
died, exponents of light music,
Romberg explained that today
there is excellent jazz and sym
phony music, but no one to handle
the middle part. He is trying to
handle the middle part, the light
music, and to spread it over the
country giving it its due recog
nition. yVhile most people wonder what
the artist is thinking about while
performing, this artist, Romberg,
is wondering what the audience is
thinking. "I conduct from the side
so that the orchestra is in front of
me and I can see the audience. I
like to watch their expressions
and sometimes I pick out a face
and think, 'What does that person
do for a living?' "
Loves Fishing.
"Want to know my favorite
sport?" he asked before the ques
tion was introduced. "Deep sea
fishing, ladies, deep sea fishing."
"Tell me, how's the school be
having these days," he went on to
conduct the interview. "And how
Essential War Plant
Needs Your Services
Apply at
Student Union Corn Crib
(Office, Room 1)
Waiters Wanted at Work
-i 11 ,i. ii
l lie wore rne merrier
TFeVe Serious, of Course!
is Nebraska's football team?"
"I love good company. I also like
food. The average American hasn't
the slightest idea what he's eating.
He just gobbles up his meal."
Romberg likes to talk to the chef
and tell him how to season his
He has absolute pitch and reads
music like others read a book. He
says, however, that he doesn't wait
for a mood, but writes, like jour
nalists, to meet a deadline.
lO Oinjier . Palmer ot r lv tr j
- j i - i
chances of marking Oil Company
Directors' Meetings and Flowei
Festivals, but would like to keep
Uhe cup-lii'ting limb in tone for
ruiese few selected times-for-tri-
fling: The Anniversary of the
Cherokee Strip Contest,
ber sixteenth, (comic, we are
sure), Sally Rand's engagement
day come October first, Buy-a-Donut-Day
on the thirtieth, and
December twenty-fourth with its
Tom and Jerry Night. We will to
our efficient Type-Gremlin Fa
mous November eighteenth, the
pus a bit different isnt it fellows?
Today is Sunday, folks, and to
day we have, well we don't but
Madge Haecker, DG does, the
voice of Bill, the mystery man,
who calls her every Sundav nitht
Sentem-i iuiiKion, u. tj. seems Uie
....... a ouuuay nigni, ana
so, just for fun, they keep re
mecting via the telephone wires.
pertinent facts, we offer to any
socially needy person a guaran
teed accurate excuse but for a
party onlv. What Dr. Thompson
date when in '42 Winston Churchill would sav to an absence caused
sold a box of his stogies for; by the Anniversary of the Big
J2.010.00. I Sisters Off The Street Yule Party,
Not wishing to be monopolistic 1942, is something we leave to
with this community treasure of ; you.
Have a "Coke" Come, be blessed and be happy
ill Mmlimmurtr v'iB m'1 'mSS'' Cokew Coca-Cola ,
J i 1 1 1 I i i I f popuLc Bints ..
'1 A
. .from Idaho to Iceland
l lave m "Cole", sirs the American soldier in Ireland- mnA in rhr fji-4?.
words be has made a friend. It works in Reykiavic as it does in tl-
Rochester. 'Round the elobe Coca-Cola uamU far tk fc-u- lit
frtshtshu become the ice-breaker between kindly-minded strangers.
212 G 2-5357
-the global
.O 194) Th. C-C